Lab 11 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Submit an HTML document by the beginning of class. Exercise Now that we’re officially equipped with IF-statements, let’s create a more robust and powerful hypothesis test function! Your task is to write a function hyp_test which performs a one-sample hypothesis test about either a mean or a proportion. Your function should take the following arguments:…

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Now that we’re officially equipped with IF-statements, let’s create a more robust and powerful hypothesis test function!

Your task is to write a function hyp_test which performs a one-sample hypothesis test about either a mean or a proportion. Your function should take the following arguments:

  • data – a vector of numeric or factor values (this is the sample of data). This sample can have missing (NA) values in it. If numeric, the function will perform a one-sample t-test for a mean. If factor, the function will perform a one-sample z-test for a proportion. For a z-test, the sample proportion will be the proportion of data in the first factor level.

  • null – a single numeric value (this is the hypothesized value).

  • alpha – a single numeric value (this is the significance level). This should default to 0.05.

  • alternative – a character string specifying the form of the alternative hypothsis (“less”, “greater”, “two-sided”). This should default to “two-sided”.


Your function should ignore any missing values in the data and return a list with the following components:

  • statistic : the value of the z- or t-statistic

  • df : degrees of freedom if appropriate

  • p.value : the p-value for the test

  • : a confidence interval for the proportion (or mean) appropriate to the specified alpha

  • estimate : the estimated proportion (or mean) based on the data

  • null.value : the specified hypothesized value of the proportion (or mean)

  • alpha : the specified significance level


Besides returning the items listed above, your function should print the following:

  • The null hypothesis

  • The value of the test statistic and the p-value

  • The confidence interval for the proportion (or mean)


NOTE 1: Your function should perform a check to make sure the null hypothesis value is between 0 and 1 for the one proportion test; otherwise, your function should return an error.

NOTE 2: You may NOT use R’s t.test() except to check your work.


Test your code in AT LEAST the following 5 ways.


data <- c(NA, 5:25)

hyp_test(data, null = 16, alpha = .05, alternative = “two-sided”)

  • Ho: mu = 16

  • Test Statistic: -0.74 , p-value: 0.4688

  • Confidence Interval: (12.18,17.82)

  • $statistic

  • [1] -0.7385489


  • $df

  • [1] 20

  • $p.value

  • [1] 0.4687599

  • $

  • [1] 12.17559 17.82441

  • $estimate

  • [1] 15


  • $null.value

  • [1] 16


  • $alpha

  • [1] 0.05


data <- factor(c(NA, rep(“a”, 60), rep(“b”, 40)))

hyp_test(data, null = .5, alpha = .01, alternative = “greater”)

  • Ho: p = 0.5

  • Test Statistic: 2 , p-value: 0.0228

  • Confidence Interval: (0.4738,0.7262)

  • $statistic

  • [1] 2


  • $p.value

  • [1] 0.02275013


  • $

  • [1] 0.4738107 0.7261893

  • $estimate

  • [1] 0.6


  • $null.value

  • [1] 0.5


  • $alpha

  • [1] 0.01

  • TEST 3

data <- factor(c(NA, rep(“a”, 60), rep(“b”, 40)))

hyp_test(data, null = 1.4, alpha = .01, alternative = “greater”)

  • Error: invalid hypothesized value. Must be between 0 and 1

  • [1] NA

  • TEST 4

data <- 1:10

hyp_test(data, null = 6, alpha = .101, alternative = “greater”)

  • Ho: mu = 6

  • Test Statistic: -0.52 , p-value: 0.6929

  • Confidence Interval: (3.75,7.25)

  • $statistic

  • [1] -0.522233


  • $df

  • [1] 9

  • $p.value

  • [1] 0.6929414

  • $

  • [1] 3.750928 7.249072

  • $estimate

  • [1] 5.5


  • $null.value

  • [1] 6


  • $alpha

  • [1] 0.101

  • TEST 5

data <- factor(c(NA, rep(“a”, 60), rep(“b”, 40)))

hyp_test(data, null = 0.70, alpha = .02, alternative = “less”)

  • Ho: p = 0.7

  • Test Statistic: -2.18 , p-value: 0.0145


  • Confidence Interval: (0.486,0.714)

  • $statistic

  • [1] -2.182179


  • $p.value

  • [1] 0.01454817

  • $

  • [1] 0.4860327 0.7139673

  • $estimate

  • [1] 0.6


  • $null.value

  • [1] 0.7


  • $alpha

  • [1] 0.02


Lab 11 Solution
$30.00 $24.00