Lab 2: Sequence Detector Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Introduction In RTL design, we mainly design 2 things: controllers and datapaths. In this lab, we will be designing an overlapped sequence detector for the “101110” pattern using state machine to get familiar with simple controller design. There are two kinds of sequence detectors: overlapped and non-overlapped. To take a se-quence “0101001” as an example,…

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  • Introduction

In RTL design, we mainly design 2 things: controllers and datapaths. In this lab, we will be designing an overlapped sequence detector for the “101110” pattern using state machine to get familiar with simple controller design.

There are two kinds of sequence detectors: overlapped and non-overlapped. To take a se-quence “0101001” as an example, for a sequence detector detecting the pattern “010”:

  • The overlapped one will detect two “010”s since the first one and the second one have a common “0” overlapped. The corresponding state machine is shown in Figure 1.

  • The non-overlapped one will only detect 1 “010”.



1/0 IDLE S1 S2

0/0 1/0


Figure 1 Finite state machine of an overlapped sequence detector for “010”

To design a state machine like Figure 1 in RTL, we need two blocks: one is a sequential logic describing the transition from next state to current state; the other is a combinational logic describing the output and the next state transition depending on the current state and input (See Figure 2).

For more information about state machine, please refer to wiki/Finite-state_machine.




Comb. Logic


Next State

Comb. Logic









Figure 2 Block diagram of state machine

  • Instructions

    1. The template sequence_detector.vhd for the design file is provided in the ./src/ folder. You are not allowed to modify the ports (including names and types) in the tem-plate. There is also a sample input file input_seq.txt, from which the data is read into the testbench, as well as a reference output file output_ref.txt, both in the ./run/ folder.

    2. Complete the state machine diagram for “101110” similar to the Figure 1 above and put this diagram into your report.

    3. Complete the design file sequence_detector.vhd. Assume every input bit at every cycle is valid. Your design should generate the output at the same cycle as the new input is fed into the design.

    1. Run the simulation (testbench tb_seqdec.vhd already provided in ./tb/) and compare your output file output.txt with the reference output file until they match exactly the same.

To visually compare two files, type in the terminal:

diff -y –suppress-common-lines output.txt output_ref.txt | less

You can use Space and b to scroll down and up, and use q to quit. The left side of the vertical line | is your output file and the right side is the reference file.

    1. Run synthesis and implementation of your design in Vivado using the provided constraint file constraints.xdc.

  • Deliverables

    1. Create a PDF report containing:

      • (20% of grade) State machine diagram of your design for detecting “101110”.

      • Tables of


    1. Resources (Only “Slice Logic”, “IO and GT Specific”, “Primitives”) from sequence_detector_utilization_placed.rpt

    2. Power (Dynamic and Static) from sequence_detector_power_routed.rpt

    1. Worst Negative Slack (“Design Timing Summary”) from sequence_detector_timing_summary_routed.rpt

  • Answer the questions:

    1. (10% of grade) What kind of state machine is your design? What’s the name of the other type of state machine?

    1. (10% of grade) What are the pros and cons of these two types of state machines cosidering the timing and flexibility? (Answer should not exceed 6 sentences)

    1. (10% of grade) Draw the other type of state machine for overlapped “101110” sequence detector.

    2. (Extra points, 10% of grade) Is there any other simpler way to detect the overlapped “101110” sequence? If yes, draw the corresponding block diagram. Briefly explain the disadvantage of this method (Answer should not exceed 2 sentences).

The name of the PDF should be of the form lab2_firstname_lastname.pdf, e.g.


  1. (40% of grade) The completed design file sequence_detector.vhd.

  1. The simulated output file output.txt in the “run” folder.

  1. (10% of grade) The implemented area (utilization), power and timing reports, namely, sequence_detector_utilization_placed.rpt sequence_detector_power_routed.rpt sequence_detector_timing_summary_routed.rpt

Move all of these files into a folder called lab2_firstname_lastname_gtID. Zip the folder and upload the archive on T-Square (eg. The first name and last name should be all in lower

case. Please strictly follow this naming convention. Otherwise my script will not work and you might get points deduction.

Note: Late submissions are not accepted. In case of extraordinary circumstances, writ-ten permission must be obtained from Dr. Madisetti.


Lab 2: Sequence Detector Solution
$30.00 $24.00