Since it is important to understand the basic HTML5 Skeleton Structure and how to apply basic HTML tag markup, we are going to do another basic example in this lab. The tags and structure used here should be something that you can type up from memory. Take the supplied text and image showing how the formatting should look in the HTML and make the HTML page. Unlike lab 2, I am not going to tell you which tags to use.
Using your text editor, create a new plain text file and save it as “index.html”. If your editor asks for encoding you want “UTF-8”.
Start by adding the proper HTML5 Skeleton Structure to the document as we discussed in class.
Use the lab3source.txt file as the source text for your html page. Use the lab3.png image as a guide on how the page should look. Make intelligent decisions on what HTML tags to use where.
Hints: notice the table of title and author at the top and the bulleted list at the bottom of the page. Put your name in the spot labeled “Student’s Name”.
Your page, when viewed in your browser, should look similar to the lab3.png file. HTML text should flow with different sized browsers, so text breaks might not be exactly the same.
Upload your finished HTML page to a fresh Github repository. Then create a
Basecamp post under the “Labs” page. Title with “Your Name: Lab 3” and link to your lab 3 repository and live link.
This lab will be graded based on how well you follow the directions, how your HTML syntax looks, and if you used the appropriate tags. Syntax errors, missing tags, and deviations from the directions will result in deducted points. Due date is posted in the syllabus.