Lab 3: Noise and PSD Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Write a Python3 function myawgnthat takes in the desiredmygaussPSD (in W/Hz), total band-width, the sampling frequency, and the length of a sequence, and produces an AWGN sequence of the desired length over the given bandwidth. The function should also estimate and plot the PSD of the stochastic process. Note that the function randn.mgenerates samples from…

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  1. Write a Python3 function myawgnthat takes in the desiredmygaussPSD (in W/Hz), total band-width, the sampling frequency, and the length of a sequence, and produces an AWGN sequence of the desired length over the given bandwidth. The function should also estimate and plot the PSD of the stochastic process.

  1. Note that the function randn.mgenerates samples from Gaussian distribution with

mean 0 and variance 1. Write a Python3 functionthat takes an input of (a)

mean vector m 2 R n, (b) Covariance matrix C 2 Rn n, and (c) Number of samples to be generated s, and outputs samples yi, i = 1, . . . , s with yi 2 Rn such that yi’s come from a Gaussian distribution with given mean and covariance.


Lab 3: Noise and PSD Solution
$35.00 $29.00