Lab 4: Area-optimized Multiplier and Handshake Protocol Design on Datapath Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Introduction In this lab, we will be optimizing the area of the multiplier_updated.vhd in Lab 3. As you can see in the utilization report of this updated multiplier, the number of used LUTs and Registers as Flip-Flops doesn’t reduce much compared to the very first design multiplier.vhd. Based on Figure 3 in Lab 3, think…

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  • Introduction

In this lab, we will be optimizing the area of the multiplier_updated.vhd in Lab 3. As you

can see in the utilization report of this updated multiplier, the number of used LUTs and Registers as Flip-Flops doesn’t reduce much compared to the very first design multiplier.vhd. Based

on Figure 3 in Lab 3, think of an area-optimized way by shrinking the bitwidth of 3 operands A, B and D, as well as M. Your design should do similar operations as Figure 4 in Lab 3 (Keep same number of pipeline stages).

Also, we will implement a simple handshake protocol on datapath. Think of a producer-consumer handshake protocol in Figure 1. If ready is high, Consumer tells Producer that Con-sumer is ready to accept new data. On the other side, the Producer generates the next valid data independent of the ready signal. If valid and ready is high at the same cycle, it means the con-sumer will accept the data at next clock cycle; and the producer is able to generate next new data. However, if the ready signal is low at the cycle where valid is high, the producer must hold the current valid data until the consumer accepts it.


out_valid in_valid

Producer Consumer

next_out next_in


Figure 1 Producer-Consumer Handshake Protocol


The reason why valid is important is that different architectures will lead to different laten-cies. Thus, the outside world should know when the output data is to be captured. So, let’s say Engineer A has designed his system so that latency is 8 cycles. Engineer B’s design has a latency of 10 cycles. To the outside world (in this case the testbench), this does not matter as the testbench is agnostic to the internal details of the design. It must check only the valid signal.

The reason why ready is important is that different implementations will lead to different capacity of data accepted from the input. Thus, the previous block (producer) should know when it can send the next valid data to the next block (consumer) . In the previous design without the ready signal, if the consumer is not able to accept data while the producer keeps generating a series of valid data, the consumer will lose these data packets. If the consumer is not ready, the consumer will put a back-pressure to the producer asking the producer to hold the current data. In a more robust design, each data channel should be accompanied with a valid and ready signal. In this lab, the testbench will receive back pressure from the input side of the design, and the design will also receive back pressure from the output side.

For any stage in the pipeline, the ready (or stall) signal is generated as follows (See Figure


  • The stall signal is the inverse of ready signal.

  • If next stage is stalled and the current stage has valid data, then the current stage is also stalled.

valid from

previous stage


stall from

current stage Comb.


valid from

current stage

stall from

next stage

Figure 2 Generation of stall signal

In this lab, we will add valid and ready signals on both the input and output ports of the multiplier. The next_in is the ready signal generated by our design. When this next_in is asserted (set to logic high), it tells the previous component that the multiplier is ready to accept new data. The next_out is the ready signal generated by the next component to our design. When next_out is logic low, our multiplier has to hold the valid output until next component accepts it.

  • Instructions

    1. Draw the diagram of your updated “two products in a packed word” similar to Figure 3 in Lab 3.


  1. Update your design multiplier_updated.vhd in Lab 3 based on the diagram above.

  1. Use the testbench in Lab 3 to verify the correctness of your design.

  1. Move your design into the file multiplier_lab4.vhd (Template is given) and add hand-shake protocol.

  1. Run the simulation for multiplier_lab4.vhd using the provided testbench tb_multiplier_lab4.vhd to match your output file output.txt with the reference output_ref.txt.

  2. Run the synthesis and implementation of your design multiplier_lab4.vhd in Vivado using the provided constraint file constraints.xdc.

  • Deliverables

    1. Create a PDF report containing:

      • (20% of grade) Diagram of updated “two products in a packed word”.

      • Tables of

        1. Resources (Only “Slice Logic”, “DSP”, “IO and GT Specific”, “Primitives”) from multiplier_lab4_utilization_placed.rpt

        2. Power (Only “Dynamic” and “Static”) from multiplier_lab4_power_routed.rpt

        1. Worst Negative Slack (Only “Design Timing Summary”) from multiplier_lab4_timing_summary_routed.rpt

      • (10% of grade) Answer the question: Why don’t we immediately stall the current stage if the next stage is stalled but instead take into consideration of the valid signal? Use scenarios to explain your thought. (Answer should not exceed 6 sentences)

The name of the PDF should be of the form lab4_firstname_lastname.pdf , e.g.

lab4_george_burdell.pdf .

  1. (60% of grade) The completed design file multiplier_lab4.vhd . (No latch generated; synchronous reset, sensitivity signal list)

  1. The simulated output file output.txt in the “run” folder.

  1. (10% of grade) The implemented area (utilization), power and timing reports, namely, multiplier_lab4_utilization_placed.rpt multiplier_lab4_power_routed.rpt

Move all of these files into a folder called lab4_firstname_lastname_gtID . Zip the folder and upload the archive on T-Square (eg. ). The first name and last name should be all in lower

case. Please strictly follow this naming convention. Otherwise my script will not work and

you might get points deduction.


Note: Late submissions are not accepted. In case of extraordinary circumstances, writ-

ten permission must be obtained from Dr. Madisetti.


Lab 4: Area-optimized Multiplier and Handshake Protocol Design on Datapath Solution
$30.00 $24.00