By now you know that machine language is the pattern of bits a CPU uses to encode its instructions. Instructions are usually encoded as bitfields in order to pack a lot of information into a small number of bits.
MIPS uses a few different instruction formats in order to encode its instructions. No matter what format, all MIPS instructions are 32 bits.
The one you’ll be looking at today is the I-type format, where “I” stands for “immediate.” This is used to encode instructions with two registers and an immediate such as li , addi , lw , and beq .
Here’s how it looks:
The bit numbers show the numbers of the first and last bits, inclusive, of each field.
The opcode field says which instruction this is.
The rs and rt fields encode the two registers used.
The immediate field is the immediate value (the number in the instruction).
So for example, addi t0, s1, 123 will be encoded as:
opcode = 8 (the designers decided that 8 means addi )
rs = 17 ( s1 is register 17)
rt = 8 ( t0 is register 8)
immediate = 123
First: think about it
Using the diagram above, write yourself some notes to answer these questions.
How many bits are in each field ( opcode , rs , rt , and immediate )?
Be careful, it’s easy to mis-count. 1/5
What is the position of each field?
This is the amount you’ll be shifting by to encode/decode the bitfield.
What is the mask for each field in hexadecimal?
Remember, the mask is the special value that you AND with after shifting right.
It’s based on the number of bits in the field.
You can think about it in binary and then turn that to hex.
Now: write a program about it
Right click this link and save it. It’s the skeleton/driver code for this lab.
The goal is to have your program output the following:
opcode = 8
rs = 17
rt = 8
immediate = 123
opcode = 4
rs = 8
rt = 0
immediate = -8
Encoding instructions
The encode_instruction function takes four arguments in this order:
opcode, rs, rt, and immediate. (Look at main to see how it’s called.)
It should:
encode the instruction using left-shifts ( sll ) and ORs ( or )
print the resulting instruction using syscall 34 (prints a hex number)
print a newline
This function isn’t too long. Once you write it, you might see this:
0xfffffff8 2/5
The second instruction doesn’t quite look right. Step through and have a look at what value is in a3 . It’s -8… negative numbers have a bunch of 1 bits at the beginning. That’s not good.
The immediate should only be 16 bits. So how can you “filter out” the low 16 bits of a3 and “turn off” the upper 16 bits? Do that in encode_instruction before ORing everything together, and you should now get the correct output:
Decoding instructions
Decoding isn’t much more complicated, but you’ll be printing it out with strings, so that will make this function a bit longer.
decode_instruction takes 1 argument: the encoded instruction to be decoded.
It should do the following:
print the opcode string
extract the value of the opcode and print it with syscall 1 print the rs string
extract the value of rs and print it with syscall 1 print the rt string
extract the value of rt and print it with syscall 1 print the immediate string
extract the value of the immediate and print it with syscall 1 Pretty straightforward, but there are a few things to note.
You have to reuse a0 , so, uh, hm.
The syscalls expect their arguments in a0 , but this function takes an argument in a0 .
Which register should you move the argument into to keep it safe? What do you have to do with that register to follow the calling convention?
Once you copy the argument into that register, don’t change that register’s value. You’ll need it multiple times. 3/5
Printing strings
I’ve given you 4 strings in the .data segment. To print a string, you use syscall 4, and you use la (not li or lw ) to put the address of the string in
a0 :
The second instruction doesn’t decode properly…
You might get this:
opcode = 4
rs = 8
rt = 0
immediate = 65528
The immediate should be -8. What’s going on here?
It’s because it’s a negative number, but it needs to be sign-extended from 16 bits to 32 bits. Right now, it’s 0x0000FFF8 ; it needs to be 0xFFFFFFF8 .
We can do this with a funky trick (assuming that the value to be sign-extended is in t0 to begin with):
sll t0, t0, 16
sra t0, t0, 16 # shift right *arithmetic*
sra is a new kind of shift, an arithmetic right shift. It’s kinda like sign-extension: instead of shifting 0s into the left side, it smears the top bit into the new places. Just like sign extension!
If you do this after AND ing the immediate value, you should now get -8 in the output!
Make sure your file is named username_lab4.asm , like jfb42_lab4.asm . 4/5
Drag your asm file into your browser to upload. If you can see your file, you uploaded it correctly!
You can also re-upload if you made a mistake and need to fix it.
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