1) (From an earlier lab) A car has a fuel-level sensor that sets PA3..PA0 to a value between 0 (empty) and 15 (full). A series of LEDs connected to PC5..PC0 should light to graphically indicate the fuel level. If the fuel level is 1 or 2, PC5 lights. If the level is 3 or 4, PC5 and PC4 light. 5-6 lights PC5..PC3. 7-9 lights PC5..PC2. 10-12 lights PC5..C1. 13-15 lights PC5..PC0. Also, PC6 connects to a “Low fuel” icon, which should light if the level is 4 or less. Use buttons on PA3..PA0 and mimic the fuel-level sensor with presses.
2) (From an earlier lab) Buttons are connected to PA0 and PA1. Output for PORTC is initially 0. Pressing PA0 increments PORTC (stopping at 9). Pressing PA1 decrements PORTC (stopping at 0). If both buttons are depressed (even if not initially simultaneously), PORTC resets to 0. If a reset occurs, both buttons should be fully released before additional increments or decrements are allowed to happen. Use LEDs (and resistors) on PORTC. Use a state machine (not synchronous) captured in C.
3) **(Challenge)** Create your own festive lights display with 6 LEDs connected to port PB5..PB0, lighting in some attractive sequence. Pressing the button on PA0 changes the lights to the next configuration in the sequence. Use a state machine (not synchronous) captured in C.