SPelling at Millisoft (SPAM)
OK, so the spam acronym is a stretch! Here is the gratuitous “true story”: You work at Millisoft, a leading software company. One day the CEO, Gill Bates, comes into your office sipping on a Jolt Cola. “I’ve decided that Millisoft is going to have a new spell checking product called “spam” and it’s yours to develop and implement! As an incentive, you’ll get a lifetime supply (two six-packs) of Jolt when it’s done.”
Spell checking of this type is both useful to those of us hoo hav trubbel speling (or tpying) and also useful in biological databases where the user types in a sequence (e.g. a DNA or amino acid sequence) and the system reports back the near matches.
How do we measure the similarity of two strings? The “edit distance” between two strings S1 and S2 is the minimum number of “edits” that need to be made to the strings to get the two strings to match. An “edit” is either a replacement of a symbol with another symbol or the deletion of a symbol. For example, the edit distance between “spam” and “xsam” is 2. We can first delete the “x” in “xsam” leading to “sam” and then delete the “p” in “spam” to also make “sam”. That’s two edits for an edit distance of 2. That’s the best possible in this case. Of course, another possible sequence of edits would have been to delete the “s” and “p” from “spam” to make “am” and delete the “x” and “s” from “xsam” to to make also “am”. That’s 4 edits which is not as good as 2.
Here’s an ED function (edit distance function):
def ED(first, second):
Returns the edit distance between the strings first and second.”’ if first == ”:
return len(second) elif second == ”:
return len(first) elif first[0] == second[0]:
return ED(first[1:], second[1:]) else
substitution = 1 + ED(first[1:], second[1:]) deletion = 1 + ED(first[1:], second) insertion = 1 + ED(first, second[1:]) return min(substitution, deletion, insertion)
Now, here’s ED in action:
ED(“spam”, “xsam”)
ED(“foo”, “”)
ED(“foo”, “bar”)
ED(“hello”, “below”)
ED(“yes”, “yelp”)
It’s cute, but it’s slow!
Try your ED function on a few pairs of long words. For example, here’s my attempt to observe
the extraordinary slowness of this program! Exercise your originality in finding other pairs of very long words to try out!
>>> ED(“extraordinary”, “originality”)
Wait for a bit – you will get an answer (it’s 10).
Since the recursive program is very slow, Gill has asked you to implement it using memoization. Write a new function called fastED(S1, S2) that computes the edit distance using a global Python dictionary to memoize previously computed results.
After writing fastED(S1, S2), test it to make sure that its giving the write answer. Here are a few more test cases:
fastED(“antidisestablishment”, “antiquities”)
fastED(“xylophone”, “yellow”)
fastED(“follow”, “yellow”)
fastEd(“lower”, “hover”)
Finally, your last task is to write a function called spam() that loads in a large master list of words and then repeatedly does the following:
The user is shown the prompt spell check> and prompted to type in a word.
If the word is in the master list, the program reports Correct. You can test if a string is in a list by using the in keyword as in if “spam” in [“everyone”, “loves”,
“spam”] returns True.
If the word is not in the master list, the program should compute the edit distance between the word and every word in the master list. Then the 10 most similar words in order of smallest edit distance to larger edit distance should be reported.
Here is an example of what your program will look like when running. The actual times may vary from computer to computer, so don’t worry if you see different running times on your computer. Moreover, if there are ties in the edit distance scores, you may break those ties arbitrarily when sorting.
>>> spam()
spell check> hello
spell check> spam
Suggested alternatives:
Computation time: 2.06932687759 seconds
Here are the ingredients that you will need:
Download 3esl.txt into the same directory (folder) where your program resides. This is our master list of words: It is simply a file with 21877 words in alphabetical order. Save this file on your machine. (On the Macs, push control and mouse click on this link and then choose to save this link in a file). Make sure that this file is in the same directory as your program.
The following three lines will open the file 3esl.txt read it, and split it into a list called words. f = open(“3esl.txt”)
contents =
words = contents.split(“\n”)
You’ll need to prompt the user for input. The Python function input(S) displays the string S and then waits for the user to enter a string and hit the return key. The string that was typed in by the user is now the value returned by the input function. For example
userInput = input(“spell check> “)
displays the string spell check>, waits for the user to type in a string, and then returns that string so that userInput now stores that string.
In order to compute the amount of time that transpires between two points in your program, we recommend using the following.
o First, have the line import time at the top of your program to import the time package;
o Next, anytime you like, call time.time() to capture the number of seconds (a floating point number) that have transpired since your program started. By
capturing time.time() at two different places and subtracting the first value from the second, you can determine the elapsed time in that part of the program. Here is an example:
import time
def spam():
yudda, yudda, yudda
startTime = time.time()
blah, blah, blah
endTime = time.time()
print “Elapsed time:”, endTime – startTime
You will need to find the score (edit distance) for each word in the master list of words. One way to do this is to construct another list that is just like your master list of words, except that each entry in that new list will be a tuple of the form (score, word). For example, the tuple (42, “spam”) would mean that the word “spam” has edit distance 42 from the word that the user entered. You can use map to build this list of tuples!
You’ll need to sort the words by score. While mergesort is very fast, the amount of recursion that it requires will likely exceed the recursion limit permitted by your computer. Therefore, use the very fast sorting algorithm built into Python named sort. This function is used as follows: If L is the name of your list (it can have any name you like) then the syntax L.sort() will modify L by sorting it in increasing order. This will sort L but will not return anything. So, use the
line L.sort() rather than sortedList = L.sort(). Strange syntax, but it works (and we’ll talk about the reason for this syntax in a few weeks.) You may wish to sort a list of items, each of
which is a list or a tuple. For example, if you have a list L that looks like this: [[42, “hello”], [15, “spam”], [7, “chocolate”]] and you do L.sort(), it will sort L using the first element in each list as the sorting key. So, L.sort() in this case will change L to the list [[7, “chocolate”], [15, “spam”], [42, “hello”]].
You’ll need to report the top 10 words. However, you might later wish to change 10 to 12 or even 42. So, rather than having the number 10 inside your code (that is called a “magic number” and it’s a bad thing to have in your code), define a global variable called HITS outside
your spam() function and then refer to that inside your spam() function. That way, if you later decide that you want to show a different number of similar words, you can simply change the value of that global variable!