Lab 5: Stacks and Queues Solution

$35.00 $29.00

In this lab, you will prac ce using the Stack and Queue ADTs to accomplish solve two problems: reversing the order of a queue, and keeping track of the minimum value in a stack. You will also get prac ce with inheritance and the process of extending a class. The primary goal of this lab…

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In this lab, you will prac ce using the Stack and Queue ADTs to accomplish solve two problems: reversing the order of a queue, and keeping track of the minimum value in a stack. You will also get prac ce with inheritance and the process of extending a class.

The primary goal of this lab is to prac ce and gain confidence with the Stack and Queue ADTs, learning their respec ve opera ons and how they interact. Another goal is to gain prac ce using the data structures we learn in class to solve problems.

In lecture, we learned about the Stack ADT, a LIFO data structure, and the Queue ADT, a FIFO data structure.

Your TA will give a lesson reviewing these ADTs and covering the problems your code will be solving in this lab.


A er the TA’s lesson, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the provided code from the course website. The following Java files are provided in package cs445.lab5 . is a Java interface represen ng the ADT Stack is a Java interface represen ng the ADT Queue is a linked-chain implementa on of ADT Queue is an excep on that LinkedQueue will throw when you

  • empt to dequeue from a queue that is empty. LinkedStack just uses Java’s built-in EmptyStackExcep on for this purpose is a linked-chain implementa on of ADT Stack is a class that has the stub method you will implement for reversing a queue. is a class extending LinkedStack that has stub methods you will need to implement to create the MinStack data structure is an example test client for tes ng the QueueReverser and MinStack classes. You do not need to write code in here, but may add addi onal tests if you like.

  1. Implement the algorithm discussed on the slides for reversing a Queue by using a Stack in QueueReverser . Be sure to read the comments and complete all TODOs

  1. Implement the MinStack class as discussed on the slides. Be sure to complete all TODOs carefully and think about poten al errors that might occur.

  1. Test your work by using the Lab5Tester class. Run it using command-line arguments reverse or minstack to test the queue-reversal and MinStack class, respec vely.


In this lab, you wrote implementa on code for a queue reversal algorithm, and the MinStack data structure. You also prac ced using the methods of queues and stacks. As the course con nues, it will be helpful to have these skills when implemen ng other algorithms.

Lab 5: Stacks and Queues Solution
$35.00 $29.00