Lab #6: Inheritance and Virtual Functions Solution

$30.00 $24.00

1. Objectives In this lab you will gain experience with inheritance and virtual functions, which are powerful aspects of C++ that allow new types of code re-use. You will do this by enhancing a program that can store, manipulate, and draw a database of shapes. 2. Problem Statement The bulk of the processing necessary to…

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1. Objectives

In this lab you will gain experience with inheritance and virtual functions, which are powerful aspects of C++ that allow new types of code re-use. You will do this by enhancing a program that can store, manipulate, and draw a database of shapes.

2. Problem Statement

The bulk of the processing necessary to manage the database of shapes already exists, and without changing this code you will add new functionality simply by adding three new classes (Circle, Rectangle and Polygon). This is an example of adding new features to an existing framework. The framework provides the “higher-level” decision making of the program, and you add new features by creating new classes that the framework will call when appropriate, via virtual functions. This is a powerful form of code re-use; the framework is making use of objects that did not exist when it was originally written.

3. Command Reference

Your program should accept and execute the commands listed below. The parsing code and the general “framework” processing code has already been written for you. The framework code checks the input for basic errors and outputs appropriate messages, which are not listed below. Then the framework code executes the commands by calling appropriate functions on Shape objects.

In the commands below, console font indicates a keyword that must be typed exactly as shown, while italics indicate arguments that should be replaced by the appropriate strings or numbers.

  • tri name colour x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3: Creates a new Triangle object, with the specified name and colour, and with 3 vertices given by (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3). name and colour are strings, while x1 through y3 are floats. name can be any string, and is used to identify the object. colour must be one of “white”, “black”, “grey55”, “grey75”, “blue”, “green”, “yellow”, “cyan”, “red”, “darkgreen”, or “magenta”.

  • circ name colour xcen ycen radius: Creates a new Circle object, with the specified name and colour, and with a center at (xcen, ycen) and the specified radius. name and colour are strings, while xcen, ycen and radius are floats.

  • rect name colour xcen ycen width height: Creates a new Rectangle object, with the specified name and colour, a center at (xcen, ycen) and the specified width and height. name and colour are strings, while xcen, ycen, width and height are floats.

  • polygon name colour x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 … xn yn

  • printall: Prints out all the shapes in the database. See Section 5 for example output. For each shape, the following should be printed, all on one line. Text in console font should be output exactly

as shown, while values in italics should be replaced by the appropriate data in the output. All floating point numbers should be printed with 1 digit after the decimal place and all spaces shown in the text below are single spaces. All shapes should print their name, colour and center, and then each shape prints its type and remaining data as specified.

    1. name colour center: (xcen,ycen) o circle radius: radius

o rectangle width: width height: height o polygon (x1,y1) (x2,y2) … (xn,yn)

  • remove name: Removes the shape with the specified name from the database, or prints an error message if no shape with that name exists.

  • scale name scaleFactor: Scales the size of the shape with the specified name by the specified scaleFactor. name is a string, while scaleFactor is a float. A scaleFactor of 2 would make a rectangle twice as wide and twice as tall, or would double the radius of a Circle, for example. The center of the object does not move. For a polygon, the center of the object is the average of all its vertices.

  • translate findX findY Xshift Yshift: All parameters are floats. This command executes in two parts. First it determines if location (findX, findY) falls within any shape. If the location falls within a shape, that shape is moved by shifting its center by (Xshift, Yshift). If the location does not fall within a shape, an error message is printed. If multiple shapes overlap at (findX, findY) the shape which was inserted in the database last is considered to be “on top” and is the one moved.

  • area: Computes the total area of all the shapes in the database and outputs this sum. The computation is done in floating point, and is printed out with one digit after the decimal point.

  • perimeter: Computes the total perimeter of all the shapes in the database and outputs this sum. The computation is done in floating point, and is printed out with one digit after the decimal point.

  • draw: Creates (if it doesn’t exist yet) a graphics window, and draws all the shapes to that window. The graphics window is then “in control” of the program until the Proceed button is pressed – no more commands can be entered until the Proceed button is pressed in the graphics window.

4. Graphics Reference

When the draw command is entered for the first time, the graphics window below will be created, as shown in Figure 1. The shapes that have been entered will be drawn and control will pass to the graphics window. You can click on a shape, then click on where you would like to move its center, and the shape will move – basically this is invoking the same functionality as the translate command. You can also click on the various buttons on the right hand side of the window to pan and zoom the display of shapes; Figure 2 gives a description of what each button does.

While the graphics window is active, you cannot enter more commands in the regular command window. Your program is not waiting for “events”, or data, from cin – instead it is waiting for events (mouse clicks, etc.) from the graphics window. When you click the Proceed button, the shape program will resume processing keyboard input from cin, and the graphics window will no longer respond to mouse clicks.

Figure 1: Graphics window; click on a shape, then click where you would like to move its center.

Arrow Buttons: pan (shift) image.

Zoom In: focuses on center of image.

Zoom Out: shows more image.

Zoom Fit: shows entire image (as defined by the maximum and minimum world coordinates in the last set_world_coordinates).

Window: Click on the diagonally-opposite corners of a box in which to zoom.

Postscript: writes image to (first click), (2nd click) etc.

Proceed: returns from gl_event_loop ().

Exit: Ends program.

Moving the mouse scrollwheel will also zoom in and out, and moving the mouse while you hold down the scrollwheel will pan (shift) the image.


Figure 2: Graphics buttons and their functions.

5. Sample Session Output

  • tri t1 red -2 0 -1 0 -1.5 1 Success

  • circ c1 blue 2 3 0.8 Success

  • rect r1 green -2 2 1.5 1.2 Success

  • poly p1 cyan 2 -3 3 -3 4 -4 2 -5 1 -4 Success

  • printall

t1 red center: (-1.5,0.3) triangle (-2.0,0.0) (-1.0,0.0) (-1.5,1.0)

c1 blue center: (2.0,3.0) circle radius: 0.8

r1 green center: (-2.0,2.0) rectangle width: 1.5 height: 1.2

p1 cyan center: (2.4,-3.8) Polygon (2.0,-3.0) (3.0,-3.0) (4.0,-4.0) (2.0,-5.0) (1.0,-


> area

Total area: 7.8

> perimeter

Total perimeter: 21.1

  • translate 2 2.8 3 4 Success

  • scale r1 0.5 Success

  • printall

t1 red center: (-1.5,0.3) triangle (-2.0,0.0) (-1.0,0.0) (-1.5,1.0)

c1 blue center: (5.0,7.0) circle radius: 0.8

r1 green center: (-2.0,2.0) rectangle width: 0.8 height: 0.6

p1 cyan center: (2.4,-3.8) polygon (2.0,-3.0) (3.0,-3.0) (4.0,-4.0) (2.0,-5.0) (1.0,-


> draw

Passing control to graphics window. Click Proceed to return control to this command window

Control returned to command window

> <Ctrl+D>

Here is a more interesting sample session:

  • circ face yellow 10 10 1.002 Success

  • scale face 9

  • circ leye blue 6.5 14 2.2 Success

  • circ reye blue 6.5 14 2.2 Success

  • translate 6.5 14.7 7 0 Success

  • poly mouth red 7 2 4.7 4.5 7 3.4 13 3.4 15.3 4.5 13 2.7 Success

  • translate 7.5 3.2 0 2 Success

  • rect hat1 black 10 16 14 2 Success

  • translate 4 15.5 0 2 Success

  • tri hat2 black 5 19 10 23 15 19 Success

> poly H green 0 -1

0 1 0.2 1 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.7 1 0.9 1 0.9 -1 0.7 -1 0.7 –

0.1 0.2 -0.1 0.2 -1

0 -1


  • translate 0.1 0 18.5 5 Success

> poly I green 0 -1


-0.8 0.3 -0.8 0.3 0.8 0 0.8 0 1 0.8 1 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.8

0.5 -0.8 0.8 -0.8




  • translate 0.1 0.9 19.6 5 Success

  • area

Total area: 344.2

> perimeter

Total perimeter: 178.8

> draw

Passing control to graphics window. Click Proceed to return control to this command window

Control returned to command window

> <Ctrl+D>

5. Coding Specification

Download the files listed below from blackboard. You are to implement three classes, Rectangle, Circle, and Polygon in the files specified. You will also have to add a small amount of code to Main.cpp to create new Rectangle, Circle, and Polygon objects when the rect, circ and poly commands are parsed, respectively. The code to parse those commands is already in Main.cpp – you need only create the appropriate objects.

Files that you do not need to change:

  • Shape.h and Shape.cpp: Base class for shapes. It contains the data common to all shapes: name, colour, and the shape center (xcen, ycen). It also contains definitions of functions that will work for all Shape objects, such as getName(). Finally, it contains virtual functions defining the interface that derived classes must provide; for example draw and computeArea functions.

  • ShapeArray.h and ShapeArray.cpp: Stores the array of shapes, as an array of Shape* pointers. This class stores the shapes, parses most commands, and manipulates the array of shapes and outputs text and graphics by calling the appropriate Shape functions (some regular and some virtual).

  • Triangle.h and Triangle.cpp: A derived class that inherits from Shape, and extends it to implement Triangles. Triangle adds data members for 3 vertices (all stored relative to the Shape center). All virtual functions defined by Shape are implemented in Triangle, in a way appropriate for Triangles.

  • easygl.h, easygl_constants.h, graphics.h, easygl.cpp and graphics.cpp: Define the graphics library used to display graphics, handle panning and zooming and so on.

Files you must modify or create:

  • Main.cpp: Basic parsing and setup code. You must add a small amount of code to construct a Circle, Rectangle and a Polygon in the place indicated in the file, when a circ, rect or poly command has been parsed, respectively.

  • Rectangle.h and Rectangle.cpp: Create these files and implement the Rectangle class. This class must inherit from the Shape class. You will have to add appropriate data members (which must be of private type), and implement Rectangle versions of all the virtual functions defined in Shape.

  • Circle.h and Circle.cpp: Create these files and implement the Circle class. It must also inherit from Shape, and will require some additional private data members and must implement Circle versions of all the virtual functions defined in Shape.

  • Polygon.h and Polygon.cpp: Also inherits from Shape, just like Circle. You have to handle only

polygons without “holes” them (formally: simple, non-self-intersecting polygons). This simplifies computing the polygon area and determining if a point is inside a polygon or not.






Figure 3: Inheritance Hierarchy.

Shape.h listing:

#define PI 3.141593

// This constant may be useful to you

#include <string>

// To get at graphics.

#include “easygl.h”

using namespace std;

class Shape {


// Name of this shape, can be used as its identifier

string name;

  • A string giving the colour of the shape. Valid values are:

  • “white”, “black”, “grey55”, “grey75” “blue”, “green”, “yellow”,

  • “cyan”, “red”, “darkgreen”, “magenta”

string colour;

float xcen, ycen; // x and y coordinates of the center of the shape.


  • Accessor and mutator functions implemented by Shape string getName () const;

void setName (string _name); string getColour () const; void setColour (string _colour); float getXcen () const;

void setXcen (float _xcen); float getYcen () const; void setYcen (float _ycen);

  • Virtual functions that *may* be overriden by the derived classes if

  • they wish below. The functions below have a reasonable implementation

  • in Shape, and derived classes may wish to use that implementation

  • rather than overriding it. //*******************************************************************

  • Shift the object’s center by the specified amount. Derived classes

  • should be defined so that shifting the object center shifts where the

  • whole object is drawn.

  • Implemented by Shape.

virtual void translate (float xShift, float yShift);

  • Print out the object. Shape::print() will print the basic info contained

  • in the Shape base class. Made virtual so you get the right print method

  • (print extra info) for derived classes.

virtual void print () const;

  • Below are pure virtual interface functions; these *must* be implemented in each

  • class derived from Shape. //*********************************************************************

  • Scale the object size by the specified factor.

  • E.g. a scaleFac of 1 would change nothing, 0.5 would shrink the object

  • to half its original size, and 2 would grow the object to twice its

  • original size. The object stays centered at the same xcen, ycen point.

virtual void scale (float scaleFac) = 0;

  • Returns the area of the Shape. virtual float computeArea () const = 0;

  • Returns the perimeter of the Shape. virtual float computePerimeter () const = 0;

  • Draws the object, using the easygl drawing commands. virtual void draw (easygl* window) const = 0;

  • Returns true if the given (x,y) point is inside the Shape.

  • Otherwise returns false. Used to determine when we click on a shape. virtual bool pointInside (float x, float y) const = 0;

  • virtual destructor, in case we have different data to clean up in

  • different derived classes.

virtual ~Shape ();


  • Constructors protected, so they can only be invoked from Derived

  • classes as part of building a Derived object. No other classes can

  • create a Shape anyway, since it is an abstract base class (cannot be

  • instantiated).

Shape ();

Shape (string _name, string _colour, float _xcen, float _ycen);


6. Compiling with Graphics

Since this program includes graphics, it requires the compiler (specifically the link step of compilation) to include the low-level graphics library, which is called the X11 library, in the list of libraries it searches on Linux. This requires one extra option to be passed to the compiler.

  • NetBeans on Linux (e.g. ECF): As shown in Figure 4, type –lX11 in the File | Project Properties | Build | Linker | Additional Options field.

  • Command line on Linux (e.g. ECF):

g++ -std=c++11 -g –Wall –lX11 *.cpp –o shape

  • Apple MacIntosh: add –lX11 to your linker options, in the same way as for Linux computers.

  • Microsoft Windows with Visual Studio: X11 is not needed; instead you should enter WIN32 in the

Project | Properties | Preprocessor | Configuration Properties | C/C++ | Preprocessor | Preprocessor Definitions box in your MS Visual Studio project.

  • Microsoft Windows with NetBeans:

    1. Tell the easygl graphics package you are compiling for MS Windows by adding WIN32 to File | Project Properties | C++ Compiler | Proceprocessor Definitions.

    2. Tell NetBeans where to find the low-level MS Windows graphics library to which easygl interfaces. Click on File | Project Properties | Linker | Libraries | Add Library and select the path to your gdi32 library. With the default cygwin installation this would be in c:\cygwin\lib\w32api\libgdi32.a.

Figure 4: Compiling with graphics in NetBeans on a Linux system: make the circled setting.

7. Deliverables and Suggested Approach

  • Create a lab6 directory, download all the files from blackboard, and create a NetBeans project called shape. Enter the –lX11 setting in your Project Properties as described in Section 6. Compile and run the shape program; you should be able to enter, scale, translate, draw etc. Triangles (but not Circles, Rectangles or Polygons yet).

  • Read the Shape.h and Triangle.h files carefully. Shape.h defines the class and interface you must extend, and Triangle gives a good example of how to extend that class.

  • Implement the Rectangle class, and the small amount of code in Main.cpp needed to create

Rectangles. To draw a Rectangle, the following graphics functions will be helpful:

easygl* window; // A pointer to the window object (passed into draw) window->gl_setcolor(colorStr); // Sets color for subsequent drawing commands window->gl_fillrect (xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop);

  • Implement the Circle class, and the small amount of code in Main.cpp needed to create Circles. To

draw a Circle, the following graphics function will be helpful:

window->gl_fillarc (xcen, ycen, radius, 0, 360);

  • Implement the Polygon class, and the small amount of code in Main.cpp needed to create Polygons. To draw a Polygon, the following graphics function will be helpful:

window->gl_fillpoly(arrayOfVertices, numPoints);

Computing the area of an arbitrary polygon is non-trivial. See for a good method and tutorial.

  • Determining whether a point is inside an arbitrary polygon or not is also non-trivial. The generalization of the pointInside routine in Triangle.cpp to N points will work. The test in Triangle.cpp uses the “crossing count” algorithm described at

  • Your program should pass exercise and other text-based tests, and also should draw shapes and respond to mouse clicks properly. Note that you will always have to click “Proceed” to return from the graphics when running exercise (and hence pass exercise).

  • Your program must not leak memory; use exercise and valgrind to test. Note that when the graphics are invoked with the draw command during a run, some memory deep in the graphics library is still on the heap at the end of the program, so valgrind will report that some heap memory is still in use at exit. However, no memory leaks occur, and valgrind should report definitely lost: 0 bytes for your program in all cases.

  • Submit your program using the command

~ece244i/public/submit 6

Lab #6: Inheritance and Virtual Functions Solution
$30.00 $24.00