Lab #8 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Objective: To design and implement a mini compiler consisting lexer, parser, and semantic analyzer, to deal with variable declarations in a block structured language. As learned in class, semantic analysis/translation can be peformed while parsing itself by implementing the rules/actions with the parser. The task for this lab is the following. Consider type declarations in…

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Objective: To design and implement a mini compiler consisting lexer, parser, and semantic analyzer, to deal with variable declarations in a block structured language.

As learned in class, semantic analysis/translation can be peformed while parsing itself by implementing the rules/actions with the parser. The task for this lab is the following. Consider type declarations in a block structured language like C, in which a program may be written in terms blocks where each block may have declaration section followed by the statements section. Consider variable declarations consisting of premitive data types int, float , char, composite data type, array (including multidimensional arrays), and pointers. Assume sizes of char, float, and int data types are 1, 4, and 4 bytes respectively. Also consider the size of a pointer variable as 4 bytes.

Design a grammar to generate the all possible type declarations consisting of data types mentioned above, and implement the necessary functionality

  • to add the type information for each identifier defined in the program,

  • to find the size requirements for each declaration section,

  • to maintain the relative memory address (i.e., offset) for each variable declared. Assume 16-bit memory addresses.

Note that in next lab session, you require use these type declarations for typechecking and intermediate code generation.

Input : Blocks of C variable declarations

Output: Display symbol table entries

Execusion: $./minicc prog.c

1. Testcase:



i n t a , b , c ;


e ;

f l o a t p i = 3 . 2 4 ;



0 x0 0 0 0


i n t

0 x0 0 0 4


i n t

0 x0 0 0 8


i n t

0 x0 0 0 9



0 x000A

p i

f l o a t 3 . 2 4

2. Testcase:



i n t a ;

i n t x ,

y ;

f l o a t

c ;


i n t a ;

i n t b ;



char m;

i n t n [ 1 0 ] ;




0 x0 0 0 0


i n t

0 x0 0 0 4


i n t

0 x0 0 0 8


i n t

0 x000C

c f l o a t

0 x0 0 0 0


i n t

0 x0 0 0 4


i n t

0 x0 0 0 0

m char

0 x0 0 0 1

n i n t a r r a y 40

3. Testcase



i n t a ;

i n t b ;

i n t a ;



e r r o r : r e d e c l a r a t i o n o f ’ a ’

4. Testcase



i n t a ;

char a ;


i n t c ;

i n t c ;




e r r o r : c o n f l i c t i n g t y p e s f o r ’ a ’

e r r o r : r e d e c l a r a t i o n o f ’ c ’

Lab #8 Solution
$35.00 $29.00