Lab Assignment 1 Solution

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Problem 1 You will analyze data from a website with 8 pages (plus a 9th state, indicating that the user has left the website). Formulate a Markov chain for this website where each state {Si | i = 1, · · · , 9} corresponds to a page. Each visitor starts at the home page…

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Problem 1

You will analyze data from a website with 8 pages (plus a 9th state, indicating that the user has left the website). Formulate a Markov chain for this website where each state {Si | i = 1, · · · , 9} corresponds to a page. Each visitor starts at the home page (Page 1), then browses from page-to-page until he/she leaves the website. So, a sample path may be S1S3S5S9, corresponding to a visitor starting on the home page, moving to Page 3, then Page 5, then leaving the website.

Attached is the dataset webtraffic.txt, which records the paths of 1000 visitors (rows). The data has 81 columns labeled t11, t12, · · · , t19, t21, t22, · · · , t99, where tij represents a transition from State i to State j, for i, j {1, · · · , 9}. Each visitor has a 1 in column tij if the visitor clicked from Page i to Page j, and 0 elsewhere. For example, the aforementioned sample path would have 1’s in columns t13, t35, and t59 and 0’s elsewhere.

Problem 1a

Construct a 9 by 9 matrix Traffic that counts total traffic from State i to State j, for i, j {1, · · · , 9}. Note that Traffic has 0’s in row 9 and column 1. Set Traffic[9,1]=1000. (This is equivalent to making each user return to the home page after they leave the website.) Display Traffic. Hint: colSums() adds all rows for each column.

Problem 1b

Draw a directed graph where each node represents a state, and each arrow from State i to State j has positive (non-zero) traffic (i.e., Traffic[i,j]>0). This may be submitted as a TikZ graph (or using your graphing program of choice) or a picture of a hand-drawn graph (provided it is legible). Is the Markov chain irreducible? Is the Markov chain ergodic? Explain.

Problem 1c

Construct and display the one-step transition probability matrix P (using the Maximum Likelihood estimate, i.e., pij = 9Traffic[i,j] ).




Problem 1d

What is the probability of a visitor being on Page 5 after 5 clicks?

Problem 1e

Compute and display the steady-state probability vector Pi.


Problem 1f

The following table represents the average time (in minutes) that a visitor spends on each page:



















What is the average time a visitor spends on the website (until he/she first leaves)? Hint: Modify the mean first passage time equations, with time spent at each state.

Problem 2

Use Monte Carlo integration to estimate the integral R eλx sin xdx for λ > 0. Use the exponential distribution


p(x) = λeλx for x 0, which has variance var [p(x)] = λ12 . Note, here g(x) = sinλ x . To generate random variables from the exponential distribution, you may first draw X unif(0, 1), then let Y = −lnλX .

Problem 2a

Determine the number of samples required to achieve an error tolerance of 10−3 with 99% confidence.

Problem 2b

Compute the approximation (using the number of samples obtained in Problem 2a) and verify that it is

within tolerance by comparing to the exact solution: R eλx sin xdx = 1+1λ2 . Numerically evaluate for each


of λ = 1, 2, 4.

Problem 3




Obtain draws from the gamma distribution p(x) =


using MCMC. Use the exponential



distribution p(x) = λeλx as q(·|·), with your previous iterate as

Problem 3a

Which MCMC algorithm (Metropolis, Metropolis-Hastings, or Gibbs) is better suited for this problem?

Problem 3b

Using a burn-in period of 5000 samples and keeping every 100 samples, generate 100 samples from the gamma distribution with shape k = 2 and scale θ = 2. Use the algorithm you chose in Problem 3a and write your own sampler (as opposed to using a function from a package).

Problem 3c

Are the samples generated in Problem 3b sufficiently random? How can you tell?


Lab Assignment 1 Solution
$35.00 $29.00