Lab week 3-1: Heaps and HeapSort Solution

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Implement a Heap class to contain Integer Eventually you may need to implement a Class MyHeap (a min heap) that contains arbitrary objects. But for this lab implement a min heap that contains integers. A MyHeap object will have a capacity. The capacity is the maximum number of items the heap can hold. It will…

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Implement a Heap class to contain Integer

Eventually you may need to implement a Class MyHeap (a min heap) that contains arbitrary objects. But for this lab implement a min heap that contains integers. A MyHeap object will have a capacity. The capacity is the maximum number of items the heap can hold. It will also have a size. The size is the current number of objects in the heap

  • Implement class MyHeap of integers that has:

    • Constructor creating an empty heap with default capacity = 50 public MyHeap()

    • Constructor creating an empty heap with the capacity given as a parameter public MyHeap(int capacity)

    • Public method buildHeap that has a single explicit argument “array of int” and builds a heap using the MyHeap object that is the implicit parameter. It should return true if the build was successful and false if the capacity of the MyHeap object is not large enough to hold the “array of int” argument. buildHeap must use bottom up heap construction.

    • boolean insert(int) inserts the int argument into the heap.. Returns true if successful and false if not

    • int findMin(), returns the minimum value in the heap

    • int deleteMin(), deletes and returns the minimum value in the heap

    • boolean isEmpty(), returns true if the heap is empty, false otherwise

    • boolean isFull(), returns true if the number of items in the heap is equal to the capacity of the heap

    • Your build, insert, and delete methods should use one of public methods “void driftDown(int index)” or “void driftUp(int index)” . Normally these would be private but make them public for testing purposes.

    • Finally for testing purposes your MyHeap class should also contain the following:

      • getHeapCap() returns an integer that is maximum number of a entries the heap can hold.

      • getHeapSize() — returns an integer that is the number of elements in the heap

Implement HeapSort

Implement Heap Sort as a method in the MyHeap class. At this point it will contain a single method with signature:

public static int[] heapSortDecreasing(int[])

This method should perform the sorting as discussed in class. It should build a heap from data passed. Thus the storage for the heap on which it is called will no longer be a heap. It is not necessary to restore the heap to its original state.

This takes an array of integers and returns an array with the integers in decreasing order. Note both the input array and output array begin their indexing at 0.

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Lab week 3-1: Heaps and HeapSort Solution
$30.00 $24.00