Lab1 Complete QwikLabs tour of Google Cloud Platform Solution

$30.00 $24.00

You should access the QwikLabs tour and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) overview at []( This lab should be very easy — you’re basically following an online tutorial to learn how to use a software platform. Some additional challenges will be that you’re going to be accepting this lab through Github Classroom and submitting your solution…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

You should access the QwikLabs tour and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

overview at [](

This lab should be very easy — you’re basically following an online

tutorial to learn how to use a software platform. Some additional

challenges will be that you’re going to be accepting this lab through

Github Classroom and submitting your solution using git.

While the QwikLabs system will provide Google Compute credits for the

labs, you should go ahead and accept the Google Credits first so that

the QwikLabs are free as well.

You should complete that lab and then upload the image of your

test.txt file, similar to the one below:

![Screen capture of test output](./lab1-finish-Elijah-Berumen.png)

You should name your image something like

“lab1-finish-YOURNAME.png”. You should then modify this to

display your image rather than the image I provided. This will

evaluate your ability to:

* Complete the Qwiklab on using Google cloud

* Accepting a Github Classroom assignment

* Checkout out a Git repo

* Adding a file to the staging (`git add your-file-name.png`)

* Updating a Markdown file

* Commiting your changes (`git commit -a -m’your message here’`)

* Pushing the changes to Github (`git push`)

Lab1 Complete QwikLabs tour of Google Cloud Platform Solution
$30.00 $24.00