Assignment 2 Solution

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Use Company database, use MySQL to finish following queries. (Please: A. Demonstrate your SQL script to the instructor in the class meeting on September 26th. B. submit a report of both the SQL script and the execution result.) 1. List the department managers who are controlling more than 2 projects. 2. Retrieve the names of…

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Use Company database, use MySQL to finish following queries.

(Please: A. Demonstrate your SQL script to the instructor in the class meeting on September 26th.

B. submit a report of both the SQL script and the execution result.)

1. List the department managers who are controlling more than 2 projects.

2. Retrieve the names of the departments that only located in ‘Houston’.

3. List the names of employees all of whose dependents were born before 1960.

4. List the names of departments managed by the direct subordinate of the manager of ‘Headquarters’ department.

5. Retrieve the average salary of male employees who work totally no less than 50 hours on projects.

6. Find the names of projects that all direct subordinates of James Borg work for.

7. Show the name of employee who and whose supervisor are in different departments.

8. Find the name of employee who only has spouse as the dependent.

Assignment 2 Solution
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