MDS5210 Homework 3 solution

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Problem 1 (20pts). Fundamental Knowledge Explain the main insights of logistic regression including: What and why is the model? How to formulate the learning problem? Explain why convex problem is easier than nonconvex problems (consider the unconstrained optimization problem). Is it true that logistic regression is used for linear regression? Give the intuition why the…

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Problem 1 (20pts). Fundamental Knowledge

  1. Explain the main insights of logistic regression including: What and why is the model? How to formulate the learning problem?

  1. Explain why convex problem is easier than nonconvex problems (consider the unconstrained optimization problem).

  1. Is it true that logistic regression is used for linear regression?

  1. Give the intuition why the Nestrov’s accelerated gradient descent achieves faster convergence speed. (Hint: You may nd the gure on the page 12 of slides 8 useful.)

  1. Derive the update for proximal gradient descent for Lasso in page 28 of lecture slides 8.

  1. Explain the main insights of SVM (linearly separable case) and how to learn the classi er.

  1. Explain the main insights of kernel methods.

Problem 2 (50pts). Regularization and Optimization Methods

In this exercise we will experiment the regularization techniques and optimization algorithms we learned in lecture. We consider a problem of predicting fetal health given Cardiotocograms result. You may refer to for more information about the dataset we are using.1 We will use logistic regression with ‘1 regu-larization to do the classi cation.

  • Ayres-de-Campos, D., Bernardes, J., Garrido, A., Marques-de-Sa, J., & Pereira-Leite, L. (2000). SisPorto 2.0: a program for automated analysis of cardiotocograms. Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 9(5), 311-318.

  1. [10 points] Design the proximal stochastic gradient descent, proximal stochastic gradient descent with momentum, and proximal accelerated gradient descent algorithm, i.e. write down their update. (Hint: Refer to the designs of proximal gradient descent and accelerated gradient descent in lecture slides)

  1. [40 points] Implement the 1-regularized logistic regression for this classi cation task. You should implement the proximal gradient descent, proximal accelerated gradient descent, prox-imal stochastic gradient descent, and proximal stochastic gradient descent with momentum for solving the learning problem, and

    • Plot the training loss, test loss, and test accuracy of four optimization algorithms on three gures, respectively.

    • For the proximal gradient descent algorithm, examine di erent lambda for l2 regulariza-tion, compare the performance by plotting the training loss, test loss, and test accuracy.

    • For the proximal gradient descent algorithm, examine di erent lambda for l1 regulariza-tion, compare the performance by plotting the training loss, test loss, and test accuracy.

    • Brie y summarize the phenomenon you observed.

Note: You cannot use any pre-built packages for implementing these algorithms

You may start with the provided code for data loading and pre-processing. The block marked by #TODO should be completed by yourself. If you choose to use this code, run it rst to ensure all the packages are installed.

Problem 3 (30pts). Support Vector Machine

Scikit-learn Package. We will use a famous machine learning toolbox for this problem called scikit-learn. The o cial document can be founded at For the installation, please check

Data. The dataset we use is MNIST. To download it, run the following command

from sklearn.datasets import fetch openml

X, y = fetch openml(‘mnist 784’, version=1, return X y=True)

Here, X is of dimension (num samples, 784), where each sample is represented by a 784 dimension vector, corresponding to a 28 image. y is of dimension (num samples,), representing the label. To plot jth image, we can use the following code

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.title(‘The jth image is a flabelg’.format(label=int(y[j])))

plt.imshow(X[j].reshape((28,28)), cmap=‘gray’)

There are approximatly 7000 samples for each class in total. You should split the dataset, with 4000 samples in training set and remainer for test set.

Task. Our task is to use SVM to do the multi-class classi cation. We will use scikit-learn to do this.

You may refer for the formulation of scikit-learn’s implementation. In their formulation, they have a parameter

C, which performs exactly the similar role to our . You can simply regard C as 1 . You should use cross-validation to select C. Speci cally, you should split the training set into 3000 for training and 1000 for validation. You may use the following code for generating candidate C

C grid = np.logspace(-3, 3, 10)

which returns 10 numbers spaced evenly with respect to interval [ 3; 3] on a log-scale. An example code for training linear SVM with C = 1 is

from sklearn import svm

clf = svm.SVC(C=1.0, kernel=‘linear’) train, y train)

The error for the resulting classi er can be calculated as

Pe = 1 – clf.score(X test, y test)

  1. [15 points] Train an SVM using the kernels k(u; v) = (u>v + 1)p; p = 1; 2, that is, the inhomogeneous linear and quadratic kernel. To do this, you will want to set the parameters kernel=’poly’ and degree=1 or degree=2 in svm.SVC function.

For each kernel, report the best value of C (draw a gure where y-axis is the validation error, while x-axis is the value of C), the test error corresponding to this best C (do not forget to retrain on the whole training dataset after selecting the best value of C). Hand in your code.

  1. [15 points] Repeat the above using the radial basis function (RBF) kernel k(u; v) = exp(ku vk22) (by setting the parameters kernel=’rbf ’, gamma=gamma in svm.SVC function. You will now need to determine the best value for both C and . Report the best value of C and (draw a gure where y-axis is the validation error, while x-axis is the value of C), the test error correspond to the best value of C and (do not forget to retrain on the whole training dataset after selecting the best value of C and ). Hand in your code.


MDS5210 Homework 3 solution
$30.00 $24.00