Parallel Computing Assignment 1 Solution

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Questions (24 marks) Matrix multiplication is a common operation in linear algebra. Suppose you have multiple processors, so you can speed up a given matrix multiplication. 1.1. Modify the following method in the sample code to Implement a matrix multiplication sequentially: public static double[][] sequentialMultiplyMatrix(double[][] a, double[][] b) 1.2. Modify the following method in the…

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  1. (24 marks) Matrix multiplication is a common operation in linear algebra. Suppose you have multiple processors, so you can speed up a given matrix multiplication.

1.1. Modify the following method in the sample code to Implement a matrix multiplication sequentially:

public static double[][] sequentialMultiplyMatrix(double[][] a, double[][] b)

1.2. Modify the following method in the sample code to Implement a matrix multiplication in parallel:

public static double[][] parallelMultiplyMatrix(double[][] a, double[][] b) Explain the parallel tasks defined in your code.

1.3. Add a method to the source code that measures the execution time for both sequential and parallel matrix multiplication.

1.4. Vary the number of threads being used by the parallel method for matrix sizes of 2000 by 2000 and plot the execution time as a function of the number of threads.

1.5. Vary the size of the matrices being multiplied as (100 by 100, 200 by 200, 500 by 500, 1000 by 1000, 2000 by 2000, 3000 by 3000, 4000 by 4000) and plot the execution time as a function of matrix size for both parallel and sequential methods in one figure. Use the number of threads for which the parallel execution time in 1.4 is minimum.

1.6. For the generated graphs in 1.4 and 1.5 comment on their shape and possible reasons for the observed behavior.

  1. (8 marks) Write a program that demonstrates deadlock.

2.1. Explain under what conditions deadlock could occur and comment on its possible consequences.

2.2. Discuss possible design solutions to avoid deadlock.

  1. (16 marks) The original dining philosophers problem was invented by E. W. Dijkstra, a concurrency pioneer, to clarify the notions of deadlock- and starvation-freedom. Imagine five philosophers who spend their days just thinking and feasting on sushi. They sit around a circular table with five chairs. The table has a big plate of sushi in the center; however, due to

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current dining restrictions, there are only five chopsticks available, as shown in Fig. 1. Each philosopher thinks. When she/he gets hungry, they pick up the two chopsticks closest to them. If a philosopher can pick up both chopsticks, they can eat for a while. After a philosopher finishes eating, they put down the chopsticks and start to think again.

Figure 1


Modify the class public class DiningPhilosophers in the sample code to simulate the

behavior of the philosophers for any number n of them, where each philosopher is a

thread, and the chopsticks are shared objects. Notice that you must prevent a situation

where two philosophers hold the same chopstick at the same time. Notice that in this

program philosophers should be eventually deadlocked.


Amend your program so that it never reaches a state where philosophers are deadlocked,

that is, it is never the case that each philosopher holds one chop- stick and is stuck waiting

for another to get the second chopstick. Explain your solution to avoid deadlock.


Amend your program so that no philosopher ever starves. Explain your solution to avoid


  1. (12 marks) Use Amdahl’s law to answer the following questions:

4.1. Suppose the sequential part of a program accounts for 40% of the program’s execution time on a single processor. Find a limit for the overall speedup that can be achieved by running the program on an n-processor machine.

4.2. Now suppose the sequential part accounts for 30% of the program’s computation time. Let sn be the program’s speedup on n processors, assuming the rest of the program is perfectly parallelizable. Your boss tells you to double this speedup: the revised program should have speedup s′n > sn*2. You advertise for a programmer to replace the sequential part with an improved version that decreases the sequential time percentage by a factor of k. What value of k should you require?

4.3. Suppose the sequential time percentage could be decreased 3-fold, and when we do so, the modified program takes half the time of the original on n processors. What fraction of the overall execution time did the sequential part account for? Express your answer as a function of n.

You may assume that the program, when executed sequentially, takes unit time.

Total: 60 marks

© Instructor and Teaching Assistant generated course materials (e.g., handouts, notes, summaries, assignments, exam questions, etc.) are protected by law and may not be copied or distributed in any form or in any medium without explicit permission of the instructor. Note that infringements of copyright can be subject to follow up by the University under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures.


Parallel Computing Assignment 1 Solution
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