Assignment #3

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Objective: Learn memory organization/layout, data transfer concepts and instructions, direct memory access, memory allocation. Requirements: (5 points) Write an assembly program to compute the following expressions Create a DWORD array named ‘z’ of size 3 using DUP operator. Leave the array ‘z’ uninitialized. You can denote the items in the array as [ !, “,…

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Objective: Learn memory organization/layout, data transfer concepts and instructions, direct memory access, memory allocation.


  1. (5 points) Write an assembly program to compute the following expressions

    • Create a DWORD array named ‘z’ of size 3 using DUP operator. Leave the array ‘z’ uninitialized. You can denote the items in the array as [ !, , #], where ! is the first item, is the second item, # is the third item

    • Update each array item using the following expressions.

! = +130


#= + −13

    • Where x, y, r are 16-bit integer memory variables.

    • x = 10, y = 15, r = 4

    • Use mov, movzx, movsx, add, sub instructions only.

    • (hint: Do not alter the value of x, y and r during the computation. Transfer them to appropriate registers to do computation)

    • At the end, open memory window to see the variable z stored in memory (little endian format).

    • If you code correctly, ! = 140 in decimal, = −115 in decimal, # = 1 in decimal

    • Use the debugger to verify your answer. o Submit the following:

        • Rename the asm file using your last name as Lastname1.asm

        • Screenshot of the code and memory window showing the content of the variable z (little endian format).

  1. (5 points) Use a loop instruction with indirect addressing to solve the problem.

    • Do not copy the elements to any other array.

    • Use the LOOP and XCHG instruction.

    • The input array, inputStr contains elements: “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, “H”.

    • The array’s elements after running the program should look like: “H”, “G”, “F”, “E”, “D”, “C”, “B”, “A”. o Submit the following:

      • Rename the asm file using your last name as Lastname2.asm

      • Screenshot of the code and memory window showing the content of the variable inputStr.

  1. (5 points) Write an assembly program that does the following:

    • Define the following value 0506030704080102h in the .data segment using the 64-bit unsigned identifier named qVal.

    • You can subdivide the qVal value into 4 words – 0506, 0307, 4080, 0102

    • Extract these words from qVal using PTR operator.

    • Find the sum of the words. The sum should be D17h.

    • Store the result in any 16-bit register.

    • The direction of adding two words goes from left to right. o Submit the following:

        • Rename the asm file using your last name as Lastname3.asm

        • Screenshot of the code and memory window showing the result in a 16-bit register.


  • Comment header for .ASM files: Student: Full name Class: CSC3210 Assignment#: 3

Description: This program ………….

  • Follow the program standards as presented in your book. Pay more attention to code comments and consistent indentation.

  • Create a new project for every question. Do not use one project with multiple .asm files.

Assignment #3
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