Lab # 11 Recursion

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Starting Lab 11 Open a browser and log into Brightspace On the left hand side under Labs tab, find lab11 material contained in file Download that file to the Desktop and unzip it. Before starting, always make sure you are running Python 3 This slide is applicable to all labs, exercises, assignments … etc…

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Starting Lab 11

  • Open a browser and log into Brightspace

  • On the left hand side under Labs tab, find lab11 material contained in file

  • Download that file to the Desktop and unzip it.

Before starting, always make sure you are running Python 3

This slide is applicable to all labs, exercises, assignments … etc

ALWAYS MAKE SURE FIRST that you are running Python 3.4 (3.5 or 3.5 is fine too)

That is, when you click on IDLE (or start python any other way) look at the first line that the Python shell displays. It should say Python 3.4 or 3.5 or 3.6(and then some extra digits)

If you do not know how to do this, read the material provided with Lab 1. It explains it step by step

Do all the exercises labeled as Task in your head i.e. on a paper

Later on if you wish, you can type them into a computer (or copy/paste from the solutions once I poste them)

Task 1:

(a) What do the following two programs print?

(b) What do functions orange and guave do when called with positive integer as input argument? (answer in plain language)


Open file and copy both programs into Python Vizualizer. Make sure you understand all the functions that are running (at the same time) as you step through the execution of the program.

Task 2:

  1. What does the following program print?

  1. Write one sentence that describes abstractly (in plain English) what the function mulberry does when called with positive integer as input argument.

  1. What would happen if we made mulberry(-3) call in the main, instead of mulberry (5)?


Open file and copy code below into Python Vizualizer. Make sure you understand how the program is running and what it is doing as you step through its execution of the program.

  1. What is the maximum number of mulberry functions running at any one time, i.e. what is the maximum number mulberry functions on the stack at any one time?

– What is the answer for general n?

  • Make the call mulberry(1000) in Python shell instead mulberry(4) of and observe what happened? Why did that happen?

Task 3:

  1. What does the following program print?

  1. Write one sentence that describes abstractly (in plain English) what the function cantaloupe does when called with positive integer as input argument.


Open file and copy code below into Python Vizualizer. Make sure you understand how the program is running and what it is doing as you step through the execution of the program.

  1. What is the maximum number of cantaloupe functions running at any one time, i.e. what is the maximum number cantaloupe functions on the stack at any one time? What is the answer for general n?

Task 4:

  1. What does the following program print?

  1. Write one sentence that describes abstractly (in plain English) what the function almond does given a list of numbers lst as input argument?


Open file and copy code below into Python Vizualizer. Make sure you understand how the program is running and what it is doing as you step through the execution of the program.

Task 5:

  1. What does the following program print?

  1. Write one sentence that describes abstractly (in plain English) what the function fig does given a list of numbers lst as input argument and high=len(lst)-1.


Open file and copy code below into Python Vizualizer. Make sure you understand how the program is running and what it is doing as you step through the execution of the program.

Task 6:

  1. What does the following program print?

  1. Write one sentence that describes abstractly (in plain English) what the function almond does (given strings s and ch as input and assuming ch contains only one character)


Open file and copy code below into Python Vizualizer. Make sure you understand how the program is running and what it is doing as you step through the execution of the program.

Recursion: Paper Study

  • Open file

It contains contains 2 functions that both compute the sum: 1+2+3 …+n. One computes it in the ‘usual’ way using python’s loops (this is called, iterative solution), and the other in a recursive way (i.e. using function calls that solve a problem on the smaller problem instance)

Similarly contains 2 function that both compute the product 1*2*3…*n (thus they compute n!, i.e. n factorial) in iterative and recursive way (as we have seen in class)

Study with TAs and understand well all these 4 solutions.

Recursion: Programming Exercise 1

  • Write a recursive function (do not use python’s loops), called m, that computes the following series, given positive integer i:

  • In the “main” write a loop that tests your function m by displaying values m(i) for i = 1, 2, . . . , 10, as


m(1)= 0.3333333333333333

m(2)= 0.7333333333333334

m(3)= 1.161904761904762

m(4)= 1.6063492063492064

m(5)= 2.060894660894661

m(6)= 2.5224331224331227

m(7)= 2.9890997890997895

m(8)= 3.459688024393907

m(9)= 3.933372234920223

m(10)= 4.409562711110699


Recursion: Programming Exercise 2

Recursion: Programming Exercise 3

  • A string is a palindrome if it reads the same from the left and from the right. For example, word “kayak is a palindrome, so is a name “Anna”, so is a word “a”. Word “uncle” is not a palindrome.

  • Write a recursive function, called is_palindrome, that returns True if the input string is a palindrome and otherwise returns False. Test your function.


Checking if a string is a palindrome can be divided into two subproblems:

  1. Check if the 1st and the last character in the string are the same

  1. Ignore the two end characters and check if the rest of the substring is a palindrome.

Notice that the 2nd subproblem is the same as the original problem but smaller in size.

Useful string methods: lower(), and string slicing

Recursion: Programming Exercise 4

  • Refine your function is_palindrome, and call the modified version,

is_palindrome_v2, such that it ignores all characters but the characters that correspond to the letters of English alphabet. You may find Python’s string method .isalpha() useful.

  • Test your function with the following at least:

Recursion: Programming Exercise 5: GCD

The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers (at least one of which is not zero), is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder. For example, the GCD of 12 and 8 is 4.

The following technique is known as Euclid’s Algorithm because it appears in Euclid’s Elements (Book 7, ca. 300 BC). It may be the oldest nontrivial algorithm.

The process is based on the observation that, if r is the remainder when a is divided by b, then the common divisors of a and b are the same as the common divisors of b and r. Thus we can use the equation

gcd(a,b) = gcd(b,r)

to successively reduce the problem of computing a GCD to the problem of computing the GCD of smaller and smaller pairs of integers. For example,

gcd(36, 20) = gcd(20, 16) = gcd(16, 4) = gcd(4, 0) = 4

implies that the GCD of 36 and 20 is 4. It can be shown that for any two starting numbers, this repeated reduction eventually produces a pair where the second number is 0. Then the GCD is the other number in the pair.

Write a recursive function called gcd that takes two integer parameters a and b (you can assume a>=b) and that uses Euclid’s algorithm to compute and return the17greatest common divisor of the two numbers. Test your function.

Difficult question: GCD

What is the depth of the recursion (i.e. the maximum number of gcd methods on the stack/memory) of your gcd function if you called it with gcd(36, 20)? You can find this out by drawing the diagrams as we did in class and or running your function and the gcd(36, 20) in Python Visualizer.

Here is a difficult question and food for thought: What is the maximum depth of the recursion of your gcd method for general a and b (where a>=b)?


Lab # 11 Recursion
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