PCA and Dimensionality Reduction Solution

$30.00 $24.00

(27 points) Variation of JWHT 10.11. The data set gene.csv consists for 40 tissue samples with measurements of 1000 genes. The rst 20 samples are from healthy patients, while the second 20 are from a diseased group. Read the data into R. Note that the rst thousand variables are gene measurements, and the 1001th variable…

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  1. (27 points) Variation of JWHT 10.11. The data set gene.csv consists for 40 tissue samples with measurements of 1000 genes. The rst 20 samples are from healthy patients, while the second 20 are from a diseased group. Read the data into R. Note that the rst thousand variables are gene measurements, and the 1001th variable (sick) equals 1 if the subject is diseased and 0 if healthy.

    1. (2 points) Run PCA on the data. What fraction of variation is accounted for by the rst two components?

    1. (3 points) Generate a scatterplot of the second component against the rst. En-code sick using di erent colors and/or plotting symbols. Submit your scatterplot and brie y discuss what the plot reveals. (For you to think about but not turn in: if you were to build a supervised learning model such as a tree or logistic re-gression predicting sick, what are the virtues of using the principal components as predictors as opposed to the original 1000 X variables?)

  1. (Variation on LRU 11.2.1) Let X=matrix(c(1:4, 1,4,9,16), nrow=4).

    1. Find XTX and XXT. Hint: t(X) gives the transpose of X and the %*% operator does matrix multiplication.

    1. Find the eigenvalues and vectors of XTX.

    1. Find the eigenvalues and vectors of XXT.

    1. Comment on the eigenvalues in parts (b) and (c).

  1. (variation of LRU exercise 11.3.1) Consider the following matrix:

X = matrix(c(1,3,5,0,1, 2,4,4,2,3, 3,5,3,4,5), nrow=5)

    1. Compute XTX and XXT.

    1. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrices of part (a). You may use the eigen function.

(c) Con rm that XTX = T by multiplying the matrices found in part (b). Submit

R code/output

  1. Find the SVD of X and relate it to the results from part (b). The result from the svd function should match the results from (b). Follow the de nition of SVD given in class, where there are exactly r (the rank of X) singular values.

  1. Con rm that X = U LV T by multiplying the matrices found in part (d).


(f) Set the smaller singular value to 0 and compute the one-dimensional approxima-


tion to X, called X or Xhat.


(g) Compute sum of squared values in X. How does the sum relate to the singular values?


(h) Compute X X, square the values and add them up. How does the sum (of squared \errors”) relate to the singular values?

(i) How much of the \energy” of the original singular values is retained by the ap-proximation? Note, by \energy” they mean the squared singular values.

4. Fisherman on 28 lakes in Wisconsin were asked to report the time they spent shing and how many of each type of sh they caught. Their responses were converted to a catch rate per hour for x1 = Bluegill, x2 = Black crappie, x3 = Smallmouth bass, x4 = Largemouth bass, x5 = Walleye, x6 = Northern pike. The correlation matrix is below based on a sample of about 120 sherman. Fish caught by the same sherman live alongside of each other, so the data should provide some evidence on how the sh group. The rst four sh belong to the centrarchids, the most plentiful family. Walleye are the most popular sh to eat.

R = matrix(c(

1, .4919, .2636, .4653, -.2277, .0652,

.4919, 1, .3127, .3506, -.1917, .2045,

.2635, .3127, 1, .4108, .0647, .2493,

.4653, .3506, .4108, 1, -.2249, .2293,

-.2277, -.1917, .0647, -.2249, 1, -.2144,

.0652, .2045, .2493, .2293, -.2144, 1),

byrow=T, ncol=6)

(a) Comment on the pattern of correlation within the centrarchid family. Does the walleye appear to group with other sh?

(b) Perform a PCA using only x1{x4. Interpret the rst two loading vectors.

(c) Perform a PCA on all six variables. Generate a scree plot by plotting the eigen-values against 1{6.

(d) What fraction of variation is accounted for by the rst two PCs in part (c)?

(e) Interpret the rst loading vector from part (c).


PCA and Dimensionality Reduction Solution
$30.00 $24.00