$30.00 $24.00

• Read NR §5.7, §6.5, §6.7, §6.13, §7.0, and §7.1 (by the Thursday class before the due date). • Select some particular non-trivial special function (as defined in class, not a polynomial) that arises in physics and briefly mention/describe the scientific application in a README file. Develop a C or C++ algorithm that efficiently numerically…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

• Read NR §5.7, §6.5, §6.7, §6.13, §7.0, and §7.1 (by the Thursday class before the due date).

• Select some particular non-trivial special function (as defined in class, not a polynomial) that arises in physics and briefly mention/describe the scientific application in a README file. Develop a C or C++ algorithm that efficiently numerically computes (not just calls) that special function (noting techniques mentioned in the reading). Run it on ISAAC and save the output.

• Use gnuplot or equivalent to plot your output numerical computation of the special function over some range of its argument and save a PDF copy of the plot.
• Save your homework on ISAAC in the subdirectory $HOME/p643/outbox/home3 .

• For an extra challenge, repeat the above for a different special function.

• For a bigger challenge, plot a function that arises in physics and superimpose its derivative, obtained using your own (possibly simple, possibly not so simple) routine.
• In order for homework to be visible for grading:

o Do this once: chgrp tug2404 $HOME o Do this once: chmod 750 $HOME

o Check that your files at …/homeN are group readable and executable (g+rx). You
might need to do: chmod -R 750 $HOME/p643/outbox
• For this and all future homeworks, for full credit you must:
o Develop C or C++ code which is compiled and run on ISAAC, producing saved file
o Save your C or C++ source code, compiled program, program output files and plots,
and explanatory README at $HOME/p643/outbox/homeN .
o Be sure all of your homework is visible for grading as explained above.
o Use the README to briefly describe the scientific purpose of the computation, necessary user inputs to run the program, and relevant comments about the accuracy
and efficiency of the computation.
o Use a non-trivial method of comparable sophistication and efficiency as the examples and techniques discussed in class and the reading, with comparable attention to accuracy and efficiency. It should differ non-trivially from those of other students and the instructor’s kick-off example (which might not have a science connection explained). (Of course, do not use ready-to-go examples from the internet or past students.)
Assignments are posted at our Instructure Canvas course site

Other information concerning this class is available at


$30.00 $24.00