Assignment 6 Design Zebra class

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Problem/Question: – Problem: – Design Zebra class that contains of the following: – private attributes members Zebra “name” and Zebra “count” static variable – default constructor that takes no argument and return nothing – non-default constructor that takes Zebra “name” as string, increase Zebra “count” by one, and display a message to the user ”…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




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– Problem:

– Design Zebra class that contains of the following:

– private attributes members Zebra “name” and Zebra “count” static variable

– default constructor that takes no argument and return nothing

– non-default constructor that takes Zebra “name” as string, increase Zebra “count” by one, and display a message to the user ” Hello I am just born, my name is [name of the zebra]”

– create destructor that decrease the number of Zebra by one and display a message to the user

“Ugh! I am dying, the count now is [count]

– Creat void function f() that when called it create two Zebra objects and cout the current count

– Design ZebraKib class that inherit all Zebra function. You should be able to run Zerbar functions on ZebraKid object

– follow the main.cpp for more detailed instructions

Hint for problem one:

– use static attribute member of the class for the “count”

– use static method member of the class to return the “count”


– clone your repo to your local computer

– ”’ <b>git clone repo_https_url</b> ”’

– repo https url is found under code tab in your github

– Edit your name on top on file.

– Edit the main function (file name: main.cpp):

– Write your f function, class Zebra, and class ZebraKid in main.cpp

– Push your answers

– use git in your terminal to add files, and add comments on your commits, and finally submit files

– ”’ <b>git add specific_file1.x specific_file2.x</b> ”’

– ”’ <b>git commit -m “add message here for commits”</b> ”’

– ”’ <b>git push</b> ”’

Assignment 6 Design Zebra class
$24.99 $18.99