Problem Set IV: RLS, QRD-RLS and Order Recursive Algorithms Solution

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Orthogonality Principle: Referencing the Kalman …lter notation we used in the course: x (n + 1) = Ax (n) + v (n) y (n) = Cx (n) + w (n) where v; w are 0-mean white, uncorrelated with each other and the initial state x (0), with covariance matrices Qv; Qw, respectively. Although not indicated,…

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  1. Orthogonality Principle: Referencing the Kalman …lter notation we used in the course:

x (n + 1) = Ax (n) + v (n)

y (n) = Cx (n) + w (n)

where v; w are 0-mean white, uncorrelated with each other and the initial state x (0), with covariance matrices Qv; Qw, respectively. Although not indicated, in general A; C; Qv; Qw may depend on time. With Yn = span fy (k) ; 1 k ng, the notation u^ (mjn) means the projection of u (m) onto Yn. The predicted state-error vector is:

  • (n; n 1) = x (n) x^ (njn 1)

Prove that ” (n; n 1) ? v (n) and ” (n; n 1) ? w (n) using a BRIEF argument in each case. Your argument must be compact!

  1. RLS: In the LMS problem set for this course, you implemented LMS for adaptive

equalization and adaptive MVDR. Now repeat each using RLS. Use = 0:95 in each case; to select you may need some trial and error, but as an initial attempt try = 0:005. Basically you need to run the adaptation long enough so the impact of is minimal. [This is similar to Haykin 10.10, 10.11 in 5th ed., 9.11,9.12 in 4th ed., except the adaptive equalization and MVDR problems you did for LMS were somewhat di¤erent that as they appear in the textbook]

  1. QRD-RLS: First, write MATLAB code to implement the QRD-RLS and inverse QRD-RLS algorithms (as provided in appropriate tables in Haykin). In this core code, do not assume the data vector u (n) has any particular structural form (i.e., may not be a time series). Also write “wrapper code” that calls these inner, general algorithms, for the special case where these data vectors are obtained from a time-series, i.e., has the form uM (n) = [u (n) ; u (n 1) ; ; u (n M + 1)]T ; normally a prewindowing approach is used (i.e., the assumption is u (i) = 0 for i 0), however your code should take an OPTIONAL input vector that prescribes initial conditions u (0), u ( 1),

(you …gure out how far back it needs to go). Also, one algorithm does not directly yield the tap-weight vector w~, the other doesn’t directly yield the output error signal e (n). Write code to compute each (don’t run this at each time step; what I mean is if you stop the algorithm at some …xed time N, then write code so you can …nd w^ (N) at that time, or e (N) at that time, respectively).

Apply this to the same equalization problem you have worked on before. Recall that adaptation happens during a training sequence period, when the ideal transmitted 1 sequence is know. Therefore, we don’t want to initialize the data matrix with zeros. Instead, consider an initial “pre…x” in your training sequence: we transmit the …rst


few symbols, and connect the …rst few received values, enough for us to …ll the data matrix A, and what we call time “n = 1” is really the …rst time we have enough data to …ll out the …rst column of AH . With this in mind, run the adaptive algorithms.

Speci…cally, when you run both the QRD-RLS and inverse QRD-RLS, use the SAME set of (random) data, noise. Compute the …nal tap weight vectors w^ [N], and compare. Do they match exactly?

After the training sequence ends, adaptation ends, and the …xed tap weight vector w~ can be used. Take your w~ vector and test for BER (that means, generate a continued random sequence of += 1 of some reasonable length, say 10; 000, and compute the fraction of errors with a simple decoder). Note that the initial conditions for your vector should not be all 0! The training sequence continues immediately with data used to test the BER on.

Remarks: Do not code up a systolic implementation. Instead use the MATLAB qrd function to compute the QR decomposition at each step, as necessary. Note that pre-array to post-array relationship in the algorithm doesn’t exactly …t what qrd will do for you- there has to be some transposing done!

  1. QRD-RLS Beamformer: Go back to the adaptive MVDR you had previously done with LMS and RLS. Now do it using both QRD-RLS and inverse QRD-RLS. As above, run each using IDENTICAL random data. Repeat 100 times, and graph the learning curve J (n) (for the method that yields e (n) directly), and the mean-square deviation D (n) (for the method that yields w^ (n) directly). Also, take ONE instantiation, and compare the FINAL beamformer vector w~ computed in each case, and see if they match.

  1. QRD-LSL: Table 16.4 (in 5th ed) or 12.5 (in 4th ed) gives the QRD-LSL algorithm

with angle-normalized error. Note that you don’t need to call qrd: the tables give the speci…c computations you need to …nd the (2 2) rotation matrices. Be careful with the indexing: that is the most challenging part!

Normally, it only computes the angle-normalized errors “m (n); we can compute the posterior error output of the adaptive …lter e (n) by computing 1M=2 (n) “M (n) (i.e., at the last stage only). If you look at the algorithm, however, there is a bit of a time o¤set. So be careful! In any case, I want you to write code as part of your QRD-LSL algorithm to output e (n) (from the LAST stage only).

Similarly, we could try to extract an overall equivalent tap-weight vector, but let’s not do that!

Take u (n) to be a 3rd order AR process with unit variance innovations, and innovations …lter H (z) with poles at 0:95 exp (j2 k=3) for k = 0; 1; 2. Take w0 = [1 1 1]T and construct:

d (n) = w0H uM (n) + v (n)

where v (n) is 0-mean unit variance white noise, and M = 3.

  1. Using time averages, …nd the correlation matrix R for uM (n). Use this to select a reasonable for the LMS algorithm.


    1. Run the LMS algorithm to estimate w0. Graph the learning curve.

    1. Run the QRD-LSL algorithm. Use = 1 and = 0:01. Graph the learning curve. You may need to adjust to get reasonable results.

  1. Nonstationarity: Go back to the above situation. Let N be the number of iterations you ran to get a reasonable convergence with QRD-LSL, based on your learning curve. Now try a modi…ed experiment. Start running your algorithm as before, except after N=2 steps switch (instantly) to w00 = [ 1; 1; 1]T , after N=2 steps switch back, and repeat. That is, every N=2 steps it instantly switches between the two cases. Run the experiment and see what happens. Now do this again, switching every N steps instead. Finally, switch it every 2N steps.


Problem Set IV: RLS, QRD-RLS and Order Recursive Algorithms Solution
$35.00 $29.00