Programming Assignment 02 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

1. Introduction The n-queens puzzle is a well known problem created by Max Bezzel, a German chess player, in 1848. To solve the puzzle one has to place ​n chess queens on an ​n×n chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other. In this assignment you are asked to write a Haskell program to…

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1. Introduction

The n-queens puzzle is a well known problem created by Max Bezzel, a German chess player, in 1848. To solve the puzzle one has to place n chess queens on an n×n chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other. In this assignment you are asked to write a Haskell program to find (at least) one solution to the puzzle.

In our particular Haskell implementation, the chess board is represented by n-lists of n elements of type Char. The following type synonyms1 will be used in the solution:



= [Char]


Board = [Seq]

At any time only 2 values can be assigned to a position on the board: ‘-‘ (to denote an empty location) or ‘Q’ (to denote a location occupied by a queen). Below is a (solved) configuration of an 8×8board and its correspondent representation.


  • Type synonymsin Haskell allow assigning names to pre-existent types.

2Seq​​(short forsequence) can be a row, a column, or a diagonal.

2. Diagonals

Part of the difficulty in writing a solution for the n-queens puzzle is to come up with a way to check if a queen is threatening another queen diagonally. This section explains the 2 functions that will help you solve this specific part of the problem. It uses a 4×4 board to illustrate how the functions work.

2.1. Main Diagonals

The figure below shows the main diagonals (left-right, top-bottom) of a 4×4board.

mainDiagIndices :: Board -> Int -> [ (Int, Int) ]

mainDiagIndicestakes a boardand a diagonal indexand returns a sequence of tuples with the coordinates of the locations that are in the primary diagonal.

Example 1: mainDiagIndices (setup 4) 0results in [(3,0)]

Example 2: mainDiagIndices (setup 4) 1results in [(2,0),(3,1)]

Example 3: mainDiagIndices (setup 4) 2results in [(1,0),(2,1),(3,2)]

Example 4: mainDiagIndices (setup 4) 3results in [(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)]

Example 5: mainDiagIndices (setup 4) 4results in [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3)]

Example 6: mainDiagIndices (setup 4) 5results in [(0,2),(1,3)]

Example 7: mainDiagIndices (setup 4) 6results in [(0,3)]

2.2. Secondary Diagonals

The figure below shows the secondary diagonals (left-right, bottom-top) of a 4×4board.

secDiagIndices :: Board -> Int -> [ (Int, Int) ]

secDiagIndicestakes a boardand a diagonal indexand returns a sequence of tuples with the coordinates of the locations that are in the secondary diagonal.

Example 1: secDiagIndices (setup 4)

0results in [(0,0)]

Example 2: secDiagIndices (setup 4)

1results in [(1,0),(0,1)]

Example 3: secDiagIndices (setup


2results in [(2,0),(1,1),(0,2)]

Example 4: secDiagIndices (setup


3results in


4results in [(3,1),(2,2),(1,3)]

Example 5: secDiagIndices (setup 4)

Example 6: secDiagIndices (setup 4)

5results in [(3,2),(2,3)]

Example 7: secDiagIndices (setup 4)

6results in [(3,3)]

3. TO DO

Your goal in this assignment is to correctly implement the functions described in this section. We strongly recommend testing each of the functions using the provided inputs/outputs. Get the code template from

setup :: Int -> Board

setup​takes an integer ​n >= 4 ​and creates an ​nxn​board with all locations empty. If ​n < 4​​setup​should return a ​4×4​board.

Test 1: setup

3result in [“—-






Test 2: setup

5results in [“—–





rows :: Board -> Int

rows​takes a ​board​and returns its number of rows.

Test 1: rows [“—-




“] results in 4

“] results in 5

Test 2: rows [“—–





cols :: Board -> Int

colstakes a boardand returns its number of columns if all rows have the same number of columns; it returns zero, otherwise.

Test 1: cols [“—-“,”—-“,”—-“,”—-“] results in 4

Test 2: cols [“—–“,”—–“,”—–“,”—–“,”—–“]

Test 3: cols [“—-“,”—–“,”—–“,”—–“,”—–“]

results in5results in0

size :: Board -> Int

sizetakes a boardand returns its size, which is the same as its number of rows (if it matches its number of columns), or zero, otherwise.

Test 1: size [“—-“,”—-“,”—-“,”—-“] results in 4

Test 2: size [“—–“,”—–“,”—–“,”—–“,”—–“]

Test 3: size [“—-“,”—–“,”—–“,”—–“,”—–“]

results in5results in0

queensSeq :: Seq -> Int

queensSeq takes a sequenceand returns the number of queens found in it.

Test 1: queensSeq “—-“ results in 0

Test 2: queensSeq “-Q–“ results in 1

Test 3: queensSeq “-Q-Q” results in 2

queensBoard :: Board -> Int

queensBoard takes a boardand returns the number of queens found in it.

Test 1: queensBoard [“—-“, “—-“, “—-“, “—-“]

Test 2: queensBoard [“Q—“, “–Q-“, “–Q-“, “—-“]

results in0results in3

seqValid :: Seq -> Bool

seqValidtakes a sequenceand returns true/false depending whether the sequence no more than 1queen.

Test 1: seqValid “—-“ results in True

Test 2: seqValid “-Q–“ results in True

Test 3: seqValid “-Q-Q” results in False

rowsValid :: Board -> Bool

rowsValidtakes a boardand returns true/false depending whether ALL of its rows correspond to valid sequences.

Test 1: rowsValid​​[“—-




“] results in True

Test 2: rowsValid​​[“-Q–




“] results in True

Test 3: rowsValid​​[“-Q–




“] results in True

Test 4: rowsValid​​[“-Q–





results inTrue

Test 5: rowsValid​​[“-Q–





results inFalse

colsValid :: Board -> Bool

colsValidtakes a boardand returns true/false depending whether ALL of its columns correspond to valid sequences.

Test 1: colsValid​​[“—-





results inTrue

Test 2: colsValid​​[“-Q–





results inTrue

Test 3: colsValid​​[“-Q–





results inTrue

Test 4: colsValid​​[“-Q–





results inTrue

Test 5: colsValid​​[“-Q–





results inTrue

Test 6: colsValid​​[“-Q–





results inFalse

diagonals :: Board -> Int

diagonalstakes a boardand returns its number of primary (or secondary) diagonals. If a boardhas size n,its number of diagonals is given by the formula: 2 x n – 1.

Test 1: diagonals (setup 4)results in 7.

Test 2: diagonals (setup 5)results in 9.

allMainDiagIndices :: Board -> [[ (Int, Int) ]]

allMainDiagIndicestakes a boardand returns a list of all primary diagonal indices.

Test 1: allMainDiagIndices (setup 4)results in:










Test 2: allMainDiagIndices (setup 5)results in:












mainDiag :: Board -> [Seq]

mainDiag​takes a ​board​and returns a list of all primary diagonal elements.

Test 1: mainDiag


4)results in:







Test 2: mainDiag


5)results in:








allSecDiagIndices :: Board -> [[ (Int, Int) ]]

allSecDiagIndicestakes a boardand returns a list of all secondary diagonal indices.

Test 1: allSecDiagIndices (setup 4)results in:










Test 2: allSecDiagIndices (setup 5)results in:












secDiag :: Board -> [Seq]

secDiagtakes a boardand returns a list of all secondary diagonal elements.

Test 1: secDiag (setup 4)results in:


Test 2: secDiag (setup 5)results in:


diagsValid :: Board -> Bool

diagsValidtakes a boardand returns true/false depending whether all of its primary and secondary diagonals are valid.

Test 1: diagsValid [“Q




Q”] results in False

(primary and secondary diagonal fail).



“] results in False

Test 2: diagsValid [“-Q–


(primary and secondary diagonal fail).



“, “

—Q-“] results

Test 3: diagsValid [“Q



in False(primary diagonal fail).—–



“, “

—-Q”] results

Test 4: diagsValid [“—



in False(secondary diagonal fail).

Test 5: diagsValid












—“] results in True.

valid :: Board -> Bool

valid​takes a ​board​and returns true/false depending whether the board configuration is valid (i.e., no queen is threatening another queen).




“,”—-“] results in False(rowsValid


“,”–Q-“,” Q-“,”—-“] results in False(colsValid

Test 2: valid [“Q—




Q”]results in False(diagsValid

Test 3: valid [“Q—


Test 4: valid











“] results in True.

solved :: Board -> Bool

solvedtakes a boardand returns true/false depending whether the board configuration is solved (i.e., the configuration is valid and also has the right amount of queens based on the board’s size).

Test 1: solved [“Q





results inFalse(not enough






results inTrue

Test 2: solved [“–

4. Solving the N-Queens Puzzle

This section describes the last three functions of this implementation aimed to find a solution to the problem.

setQueenAt :: Board -> Int -> [Board]

setQueenAt ​takes a ​board​and returns a list of new board configurations, each with a queen added at all of the possible columns of a given ​row ​index.

Test 1: setQueenAt [“Q




—-“] 2 results in






















“] 3 results in

Test 2: setQueenAt [“Q


“,” Q-“,”-Q “,”Q—



















nextRow :: Board -> Int

nextRowtakes a board and returns the first row index (from top to bottom) that does not have any queen.

Test 1: nextRow [“Q—“,”–Q-“,”—-“,”—-“]

Test 2: nextRow [“Q—“,”–Q-“,”-Q–“,”—-“]

results inresults in



solve :: Board -> [Board]

solvetakes a boardand returns ALL of the board configurations that solve the n-queens puzzle.

Test 1: solve (setup 4) results in












Test 2: solve (setup 5) results in

[ —-




Q”,”-Q “,” Q-“],


































































5. Rubric

+5 setup

+5 rows

+5 cols

+5 size

+5 queensSeq

+5 queensBoard

+5 seqValid

+5 rowsValid

+5 colsValid

+5 diagonals

+7 allMainDiagIndices

+7 mainDiag

+7 allSecDiagIndices

+7 secDiag

+7 diagsValid

+5 valid

+5 solved

+5 nqueens.hs submitted through BB as an attachment (instead of a copy-and-paste)

Extra Credit

If you are done with the implementation, I am willing to give you UP TO 10 extra points on this assignment if you alsosubmit a second implementation OF YOUR OWN that is more haskellian than the suggested implementation. By haskellianI mean an implementation that uses specific features found in Haskell such as function composition, laziness of evaluation, immutability of variables and purity of functions. The second source code that you will have to submit in order to get the extra points must be named my_sudoku.hsand it should have a header comment explaining your approach to the problem and why you think your solution is more haskellian than the one provided. The instructor will use his own discretion to decide how much extra points your solution deserves, based on the quality of the code, approach and reasoning.

Programming Assignment 02 Solution
$35.00 $29.00