Programming Assignment 2 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Objectives In this assignment you are expected to implement a data structure that will be called Two-Phase Binary Search Tree (TPBST), in which each node of the main BST keeps a pointer to its own uniquely associated secondary BST. The data is contained in the nodes of that secondary BST. The details of the structure…

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  • Objectives

In this assignment you are expected to implement a data structure that will be called Two-Phase Binary Search Tree (TPBST), in which each node of the main BST keeps a pointer to its own uniquely associated secondary BST. The data is contained in the nodes of that secondary BST. The details of the structure is explained further in the following sections.

You will use this specialized two-phase binary search tree structure as the in-memory database of a stock photo webstore, where copyrighted photographs are sold.

Keywords: Binary Search Tree, Stock Photo

Figure 1: Two-Phase Binary Search Tree structure


  • Two-Phase Binary Search Tree (80 pts)

In Figure 1, the tree consisting of the blue nodes (called primary nodes) is the main tree of the TPBST structure. Each of those primary nodes includes a key, two pointers to its left and right primary node children, and also a pointer to its auxiliary secondary tree which consists of secondary nodes. A secondary node includes a key, two pointers to its left and right secondary node children, and also the data.

To illustrate the structure, one can think of the primary nodes in the main tree as “categoriza-tion” nodes where any data that belong to this category are added into that node’s secondary BST structure as secondary nodes, where they are ordered using a unique key – called the secondary key. Primary nodes of the main tree are also ordered among themselves based on another unique key – called the primary key. A secondary tree will not include nodes – say Node A and Node B – with the same secondary keys; however, another secondary tree that belongs to another primary node (category) can include an element that has the same secondary key with Node A and Node B.

In our Stock Photo Webstore scenario, primary nodes in the main tree will have the categories of the inserted photos as keys to apply lexicographical BST ordering among category names; and secondary nodes will use photo names, that are unique in that category, as keys to apply lexi-cographical BST ordering among photos in that secondary tree. Photo objects will be kept by secondary nodes in their data eld. This overall approach will constitute the database structure of our webstore. By using this approach, we will be able to access and print the details of each photo individually; as well as printing all information currently contained in our TPBST. Moreover, the structure will enable us to access and print the details of all photos that belong to the category that we are interested in.

The TPBST structure used in this assignment is implemented as the class template TwoPhaseBST with the template argument T, which is used as the type of the data stored in the secondary nodes.

Outline of TwoPhaseBST class template implemented in tpbst.hpp le is summarized in the fol-lowing code block:

t e m p l a t e <c l a s s T>

c l a s s TwoPhaseBST f

p r i v a t e :

s t r u c t SecondaryNode


/ … /

T data ;

  • ;

s t r u c t PrimaryNode


/ … /

SecondaryNode rootSecondaryNode ;

  • ;

p u b l i c :

/ p u b l i c TwoPhaseBST f u n c t i o n s /

p r i v a t e :

/ p r i v a t e u t i l i t y f u n c t i o n s /

p r i v a t e : // data

PrimaryNode root ;

  • ;


The basic building blocks of the TwoPhaseBST class are struct PrimaryNode and struct SecondaryNode node structures that are de ned in the private section, resulting in making all of their data and functions being publicly available to TwoPhaseBST, yet totally hiding its existence from the outside world. TwoPhaseBST class has a PrimaryNode pointer, which points to the root primary node of the main tree, in its private data eld.

2.1 PrimaryNode

PrimaryNode struct represents nodes that constitute the main tree. A PrimaryNode keeps a key variable which is an instance of std::string to uniquely identify the node in the main tree, two pointers to its left and right PrimaryNode children, and a pointer to the root of its own secondary BST, which consists of SecondaryNodes. The struct also has a constructor that is already implemented in the tpbst.hpp le. Do not change the implementation of this constructor in the le.

2.2 SecondaryNode

SecondaryNode struct represents nodes that constitute secondary trees. A SecondaryNode keeps a key variable which is an instance of std::string to uniquely identify the node in its tree, two pointers to its left and right SecondaryNode children, and the data variable of type T to hold the data. The struct also has a constructor that is already implemented in the tpbst.hpp le. Do not change the implementation of this constructor in the le.

2.3 TwoPhaseBST

Previously, data members of TwoPhaseBST class template have been brie y described. Their use will be elaborated in the context of utility functions discussed in the following subsections.

Constructor and destructor functions that reside within the public section of the class have al-ready been implemented. You must not modify these implementations. You may want to pay speci c attention to the implementation of the destructor function that utilize recursive private utility functions that usually begin their computation at the designated root position. This pro-gramming style may be helpful in your coding of the uncompleted functions. Alternatively, you may devise iterative solutions. You can add other variables and functions to the private part of the class.

Copy constructor and assignment operator signatures are also included in the private section. We will not allow their use in this assignment and in order to block compiler defaults, prototypes are provided and you should perform no implementation. This is a trick utilized in C++ world so as to make objects of the class type uncopiable or unassignable.

You must provide implementations for the following public interface methods that have been declared under indicated portions of tpbst.hpp le. Those methods are illustrated in the following sample gures using the Stock Photo Webstore scenario.

2.3.1 TwoPhaseBST & insert(const std::string & primaryKey, const std::string & secondaryKey, const T & data);

If TwoPhaseBST is empty, insert a PrimaryNode created by using the given primaryKey to the empty tree, then create a SecondaryNode by using the given secondaryKey, and make the


rootSecondaryNode pointer of the newly created PrimaryNode point to that SecondaryNode.

Store the data in the SecondaryNode.

If TwoPhaseBST is not empty, search for the node – say Node A – with the key value primaryKey among the PrimaryNodes in the main tree.

{ If found, create a SecondaryNode with the key value secondaryKey, store the data in it, and insert it to the appropriate location of lexicographical order in the secondary tree of Node A. Secondary keys are guaranteed to be unique in the secondary tree of a primary node; so, no need to check for duplications.

{ If not found, then create a new PrimaryNode (Node A) with the given primaryKey and insert it to the main tree using lexicographical ordering. Then, create a SecondaryNode with the key value secondaryKey, store the data in it, and make rootSecondaryNode pointer of Node A point to that SecondaryNode.

Figure 2: Before the insertion of the photo, named “harp”

Figure 3: After the insertion of the photo, named “harp”

In Figure 2, we have two primary nodes as categories in the main tree, together with their sec-ondary trees, whose nodes use photo names as keys. We add a new photo with its category being music, and name being harp. We rst search the main tree for the key music, then we create the SecondaryNode that keeps the photo data, and add that SecondaryNode to its proper place: as the left child of the piano SecondaryNode. Figure 3 shows the resulting TPBST after the insertion operation is completed.


Figure 4: After the insertion of the photo, named “golf”

In Figure 4, we add a new photo with its category being sports, and name being golf. We rst search the main tree for the key sports, but it does not exist. So, we rst create the sports PrimaryNode, then we create the SecondaryNode that keeps the photo data, and make the rootSecondaryNode of the sports node to point to that SecondaryNode. Figure 4 shows the resulting TPBST after the insertion operation is completed.

2.3.2 TwoPhaseBST & remove(const std::string & primaryKey, const std::string & secondaryKey);

Find the SecondaryNode by using the primaryKey to search the main tree, and the secondaryKey to search the corresponding secondary tree if the PrimaryNode exists. If the SecondaryNode is not found, do nothing. If it exists, remove that SecondaryNode by applying BST deletion procedures to preserve the lexicographical ordering among the nodes of the secondary tree (see Figure 5, then Figure 6). Note that only the SecondaryNodes can be removed; PrimaryNodes cannot be removed once created. In other words, the secondary tree of a PrimaryNode can become NULL if all of its SecondaryNodes are removed; but the PrimaryNode will still exist (see Figure 4, then Figure 5).

Figure 5: After the removal of the photo, named “golf”.

2.3.3 TwoPhaseBST & print(const std::string & primaryKey = “”, const std::string & secondaryKey = “”);

Print function must print the details of TPBST by following the rules given below. For printing, ascending alphabetical order must be followed among the primary nodes of the main tree, and also among the secondary nodes of each secondary tree. Other alphabetical orderings will not be accepted. See the example outputs provided below. In all printing tasks, information will be written to the standard output in one line, which should end with a newline character.


Figure 6: After the removal of the photo, named “guitar”

If both of the primary and secondary keys are not given (i.e. both parameters are empty strings), then information about all the items in the tree is printed. The strict printing for-mat is as follows (this is a one-line output, it is shown in two lines to make it t into the page):

f” p k e y 1 “ : f” s k e y 1 1 “ : ” d a t a 1 1 1 “ , ” s k e y 1 2 “ : ” d a t a 1 1 2 “ , . . . g ,

” p k e y 2 ” : f” s k e y 2 1 ” : ” d a t a 2 2 1 ” , ” s k e y 2 2 ” : ” d a t a 2 2 2 ” , . . . g , . . . g

In this format, p key’s are primary keys, s key’s are secondary keys, data’s are string repre-sentations (returned by the overloaded operator<<) of objects stored in tree, and symbols represent single spaces. If the tree is empty (i.e. no primary and secondary nodes), then print as follows:


As an example, for the sample tree in Figure 6, the output of the print() function call must be as follows (data representations may change):

f” f o o d “ : f” c h i p s “ : ” f o o d ; c h i p s ; r e s l o w ; 1 0 “ , ” f i s h “ :

” f o o d ; f i s h ; r e s h i g h ; 2 0 ” ,

” nachos “


” f o o d ; nachos ; r e s h i g h ; 2 0 ” ,

” t a c o s “


” f o o d ; t a c o s ; res medium ; 1 5

g ,



f” b a s s “


“music ; b a s s ; r e s h i g h ; 2 5 ” ,



“music ; drum ; r e s l o w ; 1 5 ” ,



“music ; harp ; res medium ; 2 0


” p i a n o “


“music ; p i a n o ; res medium ; 2 0 ” g ,

” s p o r t s ” : fgg

If primary key is not given but secondary key is given, then you should not do anything (do not even print a newline). This case is not included in this assignment.

If primary key is given but secondary key is not given, then print information about all items indexed with the given primary key. The strict printing format is as follows:

f” p key “ : f” s k e y 1 “ : ” d a t a 1 “ , ” s k e y 2 “ : ” d a t a 2 “ , . . . g g

If no primary node with such primary key exists in the tree, then print as follows:


If primary key exists in the tree, but it has no secondary nodes, then print as follows:

f” p key “ : fgg


For the sample tree in Figure 6, the output of the print(“music”) function call must be as follows (data representations may change):

f“music” : f” b a s s “ : “music ; b a s s ; r e s h i g h ; 2 5 “ , “drum” :

“music ; drum ; r e s l o w ; 1 5 ” , “harp” : “music ; harp ; res medium ; 2 0 ” , ” p i a n o ” :

“music ; p i a n o ; res medium ; 2 0 ” gg

If both of the primary and secondary keys are given, then print information about a speci c item indexed with those keys. The strict printing format is as follows:

f” p key “ : f” s k e y “ : ” data “ gg

If no such item exist in the tree, then print as follows:


For the sample tree in Figure 6, the output of the print(“music”, “harp”) function call must be as follows (data representations may change):

f“music” : f“harp” : “music ; harp ; res medium ; 2 0 “ gg

2.3.4 T * find(const std::string & primaryKey, const std::string & secondaryKey);

Search the main tree with the given primaryKey to nd the PrimaryNode that we are interested in, and then search its secondary tree with the given secondaryKey. If the SecondaryNode is found, return a pointer to the data, which is of type T, stored in that SecondaryNode. If the PrimaryNode or the SecondaryNode do not exist, then return NULL.

  • Stock Photo Webstore Implementation (20 pts)

3.1 Photo

Photo class represents the information needed to be stored for each photo item of the webstore. A Photo object has four attributes: category, name, resolution, and price. Particular accessors and mutators together with the overloaded operator<< function for printing have already been implemented.

There is no single attribute that uniquely identi es photo items. However, no two photos with the same category and name may exist. All attributes of an item are set during the object construction and all of them other than price can not be changed later.

In the TPBST that will be utilized in the webstore application, category attributes will be used as primary keys and name attributes will be used as secondary keys. Inspect the complete imple-mentations in photo.hpp and photo.cpp les. These les should not be edited.

3.2 StockPhotoWebstore Interface

In StockPhotoWebstore class, there is a single member variable named as tpbst, which is a TwoPhaseBST object. Information of all photos will be stored in this tree and no other information will be stored in webstore. All member functions should utilize this tree to operate as described in


the following subsections.

Default constructor and insert functions have already been implemented. As stated before, category and name attributes of photos are given as keys to insert Photo objects to the tree. Do not change these functions. All member functions in StockPhotoWebstore class returns refer-ence to the StockPhotoWebstore instance to allow method chaining. For all functions that you are required to implement, return statements have already been coded as the last line. Do not edit or delete them.

In stock photo webstore.cpp le, you need to provide implementations for following functions de-clared under stock photo webstore.hpp header to complete the assignment.

3.2.1 StockPhotoWebstore & addPhoto(const Photo & photo);

Inserts the given Photo object into the tree using its category and name attributes as keys. Note that actual data will be stored in the tree as a copy of the parameter of this function. This function has already been implemented. No photos that have the same category and name with the ones already in the tree will be given as parameter.

3.2.2 StockPhotoWebstore & removePhoto(const std::string & category, const std::string & name);

Remove the photo with the given category and name parameters. Do nothing (e.g. indicating it in output etc.) if no such photo exists.

3.2.3 StockPhotoWebstore & updatePrice(const std::string & category, const std::string & name, int newPrice);

Update the price variable of the Photo object that is speci ed by the given category and name parameters. Set it to the new price value given as parameter. Do nothing if no such photo exists.

3.2.4 StockPhotoWebstore & printAllPhotos();

Print information of all Photo objects in the tree. You should directly use the format described in TwoPhaseBST section. You can make use of the print function of TPBST. No extra formatting is required.

3.2.5 StockPhotoWebstore & printAllPhotosInCategory(const std::string & category);

Print information that belongs to all Photo objects in the tree with the given category parameter.

You should directly use the format described in TwoPhaseBST section.

3.2.6 StockPhotoWebstore & printPhoto(const std::string & category, const std::string & name);

Print information of a single Photo object that is speci ed by the given category and name parameters. You should directly use the format described in TwoPhaseBST section.


  • Driver programs

To enable you to test your TPBST implementation and Stock Photo Webstore application, two driver programs, main tpbst.cpp and main webstore.cpp are provided. Their expected outputs are also provided in output tpbst.txt and output webstore.txt les, respectively.

  • Regulations

    1. Programming Language: You will use C++.

    1. Standard Template Library is allowed only for list and stack.

    1. External libraries other than those already included are not allowed.

    1. Those who do the operations (insert, remove, search, print) without utilizing the tree will receive 0 grade.

    1. Those who modify already implemented functions and those who insert other data variables or public functions and those who change the prototype of given functions will receive 0 grade.

    1. Those who use STL vector or compile-time arrays or variable-size arrays (not existing in ANSI C++) will receive 0 grade. Options used for g++ are -ansi -Wall -pedantic-errors -O0. They are already included in the provided Make le.

    1. You can add private member functions whenever it is explicitly allowed.

    1. Late Submission: A penalty of 5 (daysLate)2 will apply for late submissions. Your assignment will not be accepted if you submit more than 3 days (72 hours) late.

    1. Cheating: We have zero tolerance policy for cheating. In case of cheating, all parts involved (source(s) and receiver(s)) get zero. People involved in cheating will be punished according to the university regulations. Remember that students of this course are bounded to code of honor and its violation is subject to severe punishment.

    1. Newsgroup: You must follow the newsgroup ( for discussions and possible updates on a daily basis.

  • Submission

Submission will be done via Moodle ( Do not write a main function in any of your source les.

A test environment will be ready in Moodle.

{ You can submit your source les to Moodle and test your work with a subset of evaluation inputs and outputs.

{ Additional test cases will be used for evaluation of your nal grade. So, your actual grades may be di erent than the ones you get in Moodle.

{ Only the last submission before the deadline will be graded.


Programming Assignment 2 Solution
$35.00 $29.00