Programming Assignment 3 Interval Tree Solution

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The beginning of the interval is its left endpoint and the end of the interval is its right endpoint. Two intervals intersect if they both occupy some common part of the line, i.e., they overlap. The intervals (2, 5) and (4, 9) intersect, as do the intervals (2,5) and (5,9) [a common end point is…

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The beginning of the interval is its left endpoint and the end of the interval is its right endpoint. Two intervals intersect if they both occupy some common part of the line, i.e., they overlap. The intervals (2, 5) and (4, 9) intersect, as do the intervals (2,5) and (5,9) [a common end point is treated as an intersection], but (2, 5) and (6, 9) do not intersect.

Intersection Queries

Applications in which intervals are used need to do a lot of intersection queries. Suppose we are given a set, S, consisting of n intervals. This set might contain duplicates, and the intervals in it might intersect each other. With such a set S, we will often be given another query interval and asked, “which members of S does the query interval intersect?” How quickly can we answer this query? How much memory will we need to do it?

What if we stored S in a linear data structure such as an array or a linked list. If lq is a query interval, we can use the following algorithm to report the intervals in S that intersect with lq:

for each interval I in the set 5

if I intersects Iq

report I



Since we don’t need to store any information other than S itself, this approach uses the minimum amount of memory possible. However, it requires O(n) computation time – linearly proportional to the number of intervals in S. This is usually too slow for practical purposes since the number of intervals in S would be typically much greater than the number of intersecting intervals reported for a query. We need to store the intervals in a more efficient data structure so that intersection queries can be answered quickly. The interval tree is such a structure, tailored to answer intersection queries quickly. You can think of an interval tree as a highly specialized binary search tree.

Interval Tree

An interval tree uses relatively little memory (O(n) space) while allowing us to answer queries in O(k + log N) time, where k is the number of intervals in S that intersect the query interval, and N is the number of distinct endpoints in S. Since the time it takes to answer a query depends (at least partially) on how many intervals are actually reported, we say that we are using an output-sensitive query algorithm. In practice, O(k + log N) will almost always be much less than O(n) (number of intervals), so this approach is usually very fast.

The data structure you will implement for this assignment has been simplified somewhat. Under certain circumstances it will perform somewhat worse than the optimal time of O(k + log N).

Here is the complete interval tree built to store the intervals [1,2], [1,3], [1,8], [2,3], [2,5], [3,7], [6,8]

The interval tree is a special type of binary search tree, where each node contains a number, called the split value. Also, each node, except for the leaf nodes (square nodes), stores two lists of intervals, each interval containing the split value. Both lists contain the same intervals, but one list is sorted by the left endpoints, and the other by the right endpoints.

The leaf nodes are built out of the left and right endpoints of the intervals, arranged in sorted order, without duplicates. That is, if an endpoint occurs in more than one interval, only one copy of the endpoint is used. In the example, the unique endpoints are 1, 2,3,5, 6, 7, 8 – each of these will result in a leaf node. For each leaf node, the split value is the endpoint itself. Remember, the leaf nodes do not have any intervals.

For every internal (i.e. non-leaf) node, its split value is the midpoint of the largest endpoint value in its left subtree and the smallest endpoint value in its right subtree. These values will be found at the appropriate leaf nodes in the respective subtrees. (Note: The split value of a node is NOT the midpoint of the split values of its children.)

For instance, in the sample tree above, the split value of the right child of the root is 7.5, because the largest endpoint value in its left subtree is 7, and the smallest endpoint value in its right subtree is 8, and their midpoint is 7.5. Similarly, the split value of the left child of the root is 2.5, because the largest endpoint value in its left subtree is 2, and the smallest endpoint value in its right subtree is 3, and their midpoint is 2.5.

Every interval from S appears in only one node of the tree, and this node is the “highest” node (closest to the root) in the tree whose split value falls within the interval. In other words, each interval from S is placed in the tree as high as it can legally go, given the rule that it must be placed in a node whose split value is contained in the interval.


4/12/2017 CS112 Spring 2017: Programming Assignment 3 – Interval Tree

Algorithm to build an Interval Tree

The following algorithm may be used to build an interval tree, illustrated for the sample set of intervals above:

[1,2], [1,3], [1,8], [2,3], [2,5], [3,7], [6,8]

algorithm build_tree

Input: A set of intervals, 5

Output: Interval tree

1. Sort the list of intervals according to left endpoints, let this list be Lsort e.g. Lsort = [ [1,8] , [1,2] , [1,3] , [2,5] , [2,3] , [3,7] , [6,8]

(Intervals with the same left endpoint can appear in any sequence.)

2. Sort the list of intervals according to right endpoints, let this list be Rsort

e.g. Rsort = [ [1,2] , [1,3] , [2,3] , [2,5] , [3,7] , [1,8] , [6,8]

(Intervals with the same right endpoint can appear in any sequence.)

3. Get all distinct (no duplicates) left endpoints from Lsort – let this be Points Note that the endpoints in Points are in sorted order

e.g. Points = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 ]

  1. Add to Points all distinct (no duplicates) right endpoints from Rsort, which are not already in Points

e.g. Points = 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ]

Note: the order has to be maintained while adding, so when 5 is added from Rsort, it has to be inserted before the existing 6

5. for each point pin Points do

create a tree T with a single node containing p

set split value of this node top

enqueue Tin queue Q


  1. Lets be the size of Q ifs == 1 then

T = dequeue Q

Tis the root of the interval tree go to step 7

endif temps <- s

while temps > 1 do T1 = dequeue Q T2 = dequeue Q

Let vl be the MAXIMUM split value of leaf nodes in Tl Let v2 be the MINIMUM split value of leaf nodes in T2

Create a new node N containing split value x, where x = (vl+v2)/2

Create a new tree T with N as root, Tl as left child of N, and T2 as right child of N enqueue N into Q

temps = temps 2 endwhile

if temps == 1 do

dequeue from Q and enqueue back into Q endif

Repeat Step 6

[Note thats is the number of small trees that still need to be combined into larger trees during the next pass, and subsequent passes.]

Following is the trace of Step 6 on our example:


4/12/2017 CS112 Spring 2017: Programming Assignment 3 – Interval Tree

At the start of the first iteration of Step 6, s = 7 (all leaf nodes), and the following is the entire first iteration, which includes all the iterations of the while loop (each figure shows the result an iteration):

First iteration of while loop, temps = 7:


Second iteration of while loop, temps = 5:

c6QhJ 00

Third iteration of while loop, temps = 3:

Ahl m0hJ rn5Qm

Fourth and final iteration of while loop, temps


mQm 00m mDm

So, at the end of the first iteration of Step 6, the queue will contain the trees with root split values 1.5, 4, 6.5, 8

The second iteration of Step 6 will start withs = 4 since there are now 4 items in the queue.

At the end of the second iteration, the queue will contain the trees with root split values 2.5, 7.5

At the end of the third iteration, the queue will contain a single tree with root split value 5.5

At this point, step 6 is started again, but the if condition at the top of the iteration is true, and we go to step 7.

  1. In this step we map the intervals to the tree. Let the interval tree constructed in Step 6 be T for each interval [x,y] in Lsort do

starting at the root,

search in the interval tree for the first (highest) node, N, whose split value is contained in [x,y] add [x,y] to the LEFT LIST of node N


for each interval [x,y] in Rsort do starting at the root,

search in the interval tree for the first (highest) node, N, whose split value is contained in [x,y] add [x,y] to the RIGHT LIST of node N


  1. Return T

end algorithm build_tree

Algorithm to query an Interval Tree

The following algorithm may be used to query an existing interval tree.

Following the algorithm is an illustration of its execution.

algorithm query_tree

Input: Interval tree T, query interval Iq


i = i + 1 endwhile

Query Lsub and add the results to ResultList

Add the ith interval to ResultList

i = i – 1

Add the i-th interval to ResultList

4/12/2017 CS112 Spring 2017: Programming Assignment 3 – Interval Tree

Output: ResultList, a list of intervals from T that intersect Iq

Let ResultList be empty.

Let R be the root node of T

Let SplitVal be the split value stored in R

Let Llist be the list of intervals stored in R that is sorted by left endpoint Let Rlist be the list of intervals stored in R that is sorted by right endpoint Let Lsub be the left subtree of R

Let Rsub be the right subtree of R

1. If Ris a leaf, return empty list.

2. If SplitVal falls within Iq then

Add all intervals in Llist to ResultList

Query Rsub and add the results to ResultList

Query Lsub and add the results to ResultList

else if SplitVal falls to the left of Iq then

Let i be the size of Rlist

while (i >= 0 and the i-th interval in Rlist intersects Iq)


Query Rsub and add the results to Resultlist

else if SplitVal falls to the right of Iq then

Let i be 0

while (i < the size of Llist and the i-th interval in Llist intersects Iq)


  1. Return ResultList

end algorithm query_tree

Illustration of Querying on an Interval Tree

Using the sample tree built earlier, we will trace a query interval [4, 6) (/q)

  1. R = root node, SplitVal = 5.5, ResultList = {} Iq contains SplitVaL -> ResultList ={ [1, 8], [3, 7] }

Recurse on left subtree ->

  1. R = left child of root, SplitVaL = 2.5, ResultList = {} Iq lies to right of SplitVaL -> ResultList = { [2, 5] }

Recurse on right subtree only ->

3. R = right child of left child of root, SplitVal 4.0, ResultList {}

Iq contains SplitVal -> ResultList = {}

Recurse on left subtree ->

4. R = leaf



Add results -> ResultList

Recurse on right subtree ->

5. R = leaf



Add results -> ResultList


Add results -> ResultList = { [2, 5] }

return{ [2, 5] }

[2, 5] }

Add results -> ResultList = { [1, 8], [3, 7],

Recurse on right subtree ->

  1. R = right child of root, SplitVal = 7.5, ResultList = {} Iq lies to left of SplitVal -> ResultList = { [6, 8] }

Recurse on left subtree only ->

7. R = left child of right child of root, SplitVal = 6.5, ResultList {}



CS112 Spring 2017: Programming Assignment 3 – Interval Tree

Iq lies to left of SplitVaL -> ResultList = {}

Recurse on left subtree only ->

  1. R = leaf return{}

Add results -> Resultlist



Add results

-> Resultlist = {

[6, 8]}

return {


8] }

Add results

-> Resultlist = { [1, 8],


7], [2, 5], [6, 8]}

return {




7], [2,5], [6, 8]}

Test your understanding

Given the following intervals:

[1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [1,4], [2,5], [3,8], [4,7]

  1. Build an Interval Tree based on the interval tree building algorithm described above. Show the status of the queue after every iteration of the loop (we have shown the status of the queue after only one iteration of the loop). Draw the final Interval Tree

  1. Once the Interval Tree is built, trace the query on the interval [2,6]. Again, show the steps as described above, or pictorially.


Download the attached interval_project. zip file to your computer. DO NOT unzip it. Instead, follow the instructions on the Eclipse page under the section “Importing a Zipped Project into Eclipse” to get the entire project into your Eclipse workspace.

You will see a project called Interval Tree with the following classes in package structures:

  • Interval

  • Interval Tree

  • IntervalTreeNode

  • Queue

  • Sorter

There is another package, apps which has a single class, IntervalTreeDriver.

The project also comes with a sample input file, intervals. txt, placed directly underneath the project folder.

Be sure to carefully read the documentation for the fields and methods in Interval TreeNode. j ava and Interval. java, and the documentation for the methods of Interval Tree. java.

Fill in the following methods where indicated in Interval Tree. java.

Method Points

sortintervals 10

getSortedEndPoints 15

buildTreeNodes 20

mapintervalsToTree 15

findintersectingintervals 15

The ONLY changes you are allowed to make in Interval Tree. java are the following:

  • Fill in the implementations of the required methods.

  • Add private helper methods as needed.


  • In the build_tree algorithm, step 5, where it says create a tree T with a single node containing p, the tree refers to an Interval TreeNode object. All entries in the queue are IntervalTreeNode objects. In the Interval Tree class given to you, note that the buildTreeNodes method returns an Interval TreeNode object, which is the root of the interval tree you build. (The constructor then assigns this returned value to the root field of the Interval Tree object.)

  • For leaf nodes in the tree, the max and min split values are the same as the split value.

  • The order of intervals returned by findintersectingintervals does not matter, as long as your code follows the algorithm to make sure nodes that are guaranteed to not have any matches are NOT examined.

Running the Program


4/12/2017 CS112 Spring 2017: Programming Assignment 3 – Interval Tree

Run driver apps.lntervalTreeDriver. It takes an input data file containing a list of intervals. Each line of the input file describes one interval, and has three parts:

  1. Left endpoint.

  2. Right endpoint.

  3. Data (in the form of a string) to be associated with the interval. This can be used to distinguish between two or more intervals with identical endpoints.

Here’s the sample input file, intervals. txt, that’s bundled with the project:

1 2 intrvl-1-2

  • 5 intrvl-2-5

6 8 intrvl-6-8

  • 3 intrvl-2-3

1 8 intrvl-1-8

3 7 intrvl-3-7

1 3 intrvl-1-3

Each line is an interval. The first two values are the left and right interval end points (integers only!), and the last value is a string description of the interval. Here’s a sample run using this input file:

Enter intervals file name=> intervals.txt

Read the following intervals:

[1,2]: intrvl-1-2

[2,5]: intrvl-2-5

[6,8]: intrvl-6-8

[2,3]: intrvl-2-3

[1,8]: intrvl-1-8

[3,7]: intrvl-3-7

[1,3]: intrvl-1-3

Enter an interval (e.g. 3 5) to intersect, quit to stop=> 3 5

[1,8]: intrvl-1-8

[3,7]: intrvl-3-7

[2,5]: intrvl-2-5

[2,3]: intrvl-2-3

[1,3]: intrvl-1-3

Enter an interval (e.g. 3 5) to intersect, quit to stop=> 6 8

[1,8]: intrvl-1-8

[3,7]: intrvl-3-7

[6,8]: intrvl-6-8

Enter an interval (e.g. 3 5) to intersect, quit to stop=> 5 6

[1,8]: intrvl-1-8

[3,7]: intrvl-3-7

[2,5]: intrvl-2-5

[6,8]: intrvl-6-8

Enter an interval (e.g. 3 5) to intersect, quit to stop=> 9 10

Enter an interval (e.g. 3 5) to intersect, quit to stop=> quit

You should create an input file for each set of intervals used in your test cases, with the same format as intervals.txt


Submit your file ONLY.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can we use Collections/Comparator to sort?

  1. NO. You may NOT use any external classes. You need to implement sorting from scratch, using whatever algorithm you have learned in 111 you may NOT use pre-defined sorting methods in the Java libraries. Credit is being given for this method for *your* implementation of sorting, not for using an existing one. Efficiency does not matter, grading will be on correctness of result only.

  1. Can the leftlntervals and rightlntervals array lists in lntervalTreeNode be empty instead of null, if there are no intervals mapped to that node?

A: NO, leftlntervals and rightlntervals are initialized to null for every node, and should remain null if there are no intervals mapped.


4/12/2017 CS112 Spring 2017: Programming Assignment 3 – Interval Tree

  1. Will we get bad intervals in the input, like [5,3] or [2,2]?

  1. NO. All input intervals, both in the input file, as well as for the intersection query, will be legit, i,e, the first end point will be strictly less than the second end point.

  1. Will there be empty input files?

  1. No. Every input file will have at least one interval in it.

  1. Could there be duplicate intervals?

A: YES. Two (or more) intervals may have the same end points, but their descriptions will differ.


Programming Assignment 3 Interval Tree Solution
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