Programming Assignment #3 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

PA3 Instructions Basic task before starting assignment { Download from piazza and Unzip it. { Move PA3 folder to your CSCE-UIN local GitHub repository. { Go to terminal, see the new changes in your git repository by running git status command. { Add new changes i.e. a new PA3 folder, using command git add…

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PA3 Instructions

  • Basic task before starting assignment

{ Download from piazza and Unzip it.

{ Move PA3 folder to your CSCE-UIN local GitHub repository.

{ Go to terminal, see the new changes in your git repository by running git status command.

{ Add new changes i.e. a new PA3 folder, using command git add lename

{ Make new commit of this change using git commit -m \commit message” { Push the change using git push command.

  • Once above tasks are done, you have basically pushed the PA3 code base without solution on your GitHub.

  • Now start working on the assignment, complete it and push the completed assignment on GitHub along with make le and PDF le which contains answers to few non-coding based questions and your explanations as part of this assignment.

  • The PDF can be hand-written then scanned, or LaTeX, MS Word, what-ever you prefer. But only include the one and only one nal PDF, not *docx, *tex, etc.

Important Notes

  • Following actions will led to 0 points for this assignment:

{ Manually uploading your assignment using upload option on GitHub. This can be detected.

{ No make le submission.

{ Using g++ *.cpp in your make le.

{ Code plagiarism and cheating. It will be checked using MOSS.


Question 1

(4.50 from the book, 20 points)

Write a program that reads a C++ source code le and outputs a list of all identi ers (that is, variable names, but not keywords, that are not found in comments or string constants) in alphabetical order. Each identi er should be output with a list of line numbers on which it occurs. (There is no need for the list of lines and number of occurrences)

In the le q1.cpp a part of the program is written for you. You need to write inside the

loop so the set idents include identi ers.

For example when the input is sample.cpp:

#include <iostream>

int main()


int x; int y;

std::cout << “Howdy Ags!”<<std::endl;

return 0;


The output will be:

$ ./a.out

enter the file name: sample.cpp




Question 2

(10 points)

In the le q2.cpp the program reads an input le coronamap and make a map of countries and number of con rmed cases.

Write a loop that searches the values of the map and print out the country with maximum number of con rmed cases.

For example if we have the le coronamap as:

China 81394

France 37575

Iran 35408

Spain 72248

USA 119682

Germany 57695

Italy 92472


The output of the program would be something like this

$ ./a.out

enter the file name: coronamap

Most confirmed cases are in USA

Question 3

(5.3 from the book, 20 points)

Write a program to compute the number of collisions required in a long random sequence of insertions using linear probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing

The skeleton of the code is provided for you. You have to write the functions insertLinear, insertQuad and insertQuad.

The output would be something like

$ ./a.out

enter the size of the table 10000

Num linear collides 244721

Num quadratic collides 46783

Num double hash collides 2573

Question 4

(4.1 = 20 points, 4.2 = 30 points)

OrderedMap.h contained the implementation of ordered map using hashing and chaining in c++ and q4.cpp is calling the function to test it. KeyNode is the key of the map which contains the hashed value of key, whereas ValueNode is the value node which contains both key and value in it’s real form.

struct ValueNode


Key key;

Value value;

ValueNode* right;


struct KeyNode


int hash_key;

ValueNode* right;

KeyNode* down;


Following is a representation of this map:


Green colored boxes are the KeyNode structures and Yellow Colored boxes are ValueNode structures. By default, rst key node is treated as root node with hash key value equals to -1 and no value nodes. All the key nodes are sorted downwards with respect to the hash key value (because it is an ordered map wrt key). Every key node is linked to a linked list of value nodes which stores key/value pair and pointer to next node.

  • Lab Exercise: Implement int hashFunction( const Key & key ) function in Or-deredMap.h le that will take the key object as input and return the hash value of the key in integer format. There is no restriction on the implementation of hash function. You can come up with any hash function of your own and we appreciate you exploring some ideas to implement it. Note: The value returned by your hash function should be between 0 and MAP MAX SIZE – 1 and for this, you can use modulus operator.

  • Complete the function

void insert(int hash_key, const Key &key, const Value &value, KeyNode* t) that will insert a new key value pair in the map given the map root node, key hashed value, key and value pair. Note: Since it is an ordered map, if a new hash key is given, insert it in the sorted format. If there is an already existing key (chaining), insert the new value node to the end.

Below is the sample output once your code is complete. Note: Hash value may di er based on your hash function implementation.


Programming Assignment #3 Solution
$35.00 $29.00