Programming Assignment 7 Optional – Hashing Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Problem: Write a C++ program that does the following : 1. Create an integer array of size 30. Assign * to each location in the array indicating that the array is empty.. 2. Populate half of the array with random integer values between 125 and 425 inclusive. Use the following formula in order to hash…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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Write a C++ program that does the following :

1. Create an integer array of size 30. Assign * to each location in the array

indicating that the array is empty..

2. Populate half of the array with random integer values between 125 and 425

inclusive. Use the following formula in order to hash and store each number in its

proper position/location.

Generated Number % Table Size;

3. Should a collision occurs , use linear probing to find next available position /

location. Use the following probing hashing function.

( Generated Number + 1 ) % Table Size;

4. Display and introduction message followed by the generated array. The generated

array should be displayed in 2 lines. Each line contain 15 numbers separated by 2


The program then displays a menu on the screen allowing the user to do the following :

1. Display the generated array.

2. Search for a number ( between 125 – 425 ) in the array.

3. Insert new number ( between 125 – 425 ) in the array.

4. Delete a number ( between 125 – 425 ) from the array.

5. End the program

Spring 2018 – Husain Gholoom – Lecturer in Computer Science

Page 1CS3358 – -Data Structures

Programming Assignment 7

Upon program termination ; The program shall display the following statistical


The number of linear probes when each number is hashed and collision

occurred when adding an element in the array.

Include a signature line with your name – see sample run.


Must use and modify the program that is provided in the my

Hashing lecture notes.

Just one .cpp file.

A Message is displayed when searching for a number and

number is not found.

A Message is displayed when deleting a number and number is

not found.

Modify the search and delete functions such that the functions

uses hashing and rehashing functions when searching and

deleting numbers form the table. You are not allowed to use

sequential search for locating and deleting number from the


Validation on menu selection items.

Programming Assignment 7 Optional – Hashing Solution
$35.00 $29.00