Programming Assignment I Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Objective of this assignment: To become you familiar with developing and implementing TCP or UDP sockets. What you need to do: Implement a simple TCP Client-Server application Implement a simple UDP Client-Server application Collect and analyze round trip time measurements for each of the above applications. Objective: The objective is to implement a simple client-server…

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Objective of this assignment:

  • To become you familiar with developing and implementing TCP or UDP sockets.

What you need to do:

  1. Implement a simple TCP Client-Server application

  2. Implement a simple UDP Client-Server application

  1. Collect and analyze round trip time measurements for each of the above applications.


The objective is to implement a simple client-server application using a safe method: start from a simple working code for the client and the server. You must slowly and carefully bend (modify) little by little the client and server alternatively until you achieve your ultimate goal. You must bend and expand each piece alternatively like the way a black-smith forges iron. From time to time save your working client and server such that you can roll-back to the latest working code in case of problems.

For this programming assignment, you are advised to start from the simple echo client and server to implement a very simple application.

Part I: TCP “Devowelize” Client-Server

Implement the following Client-Server application that will use two programs: a client program and

  1. Client:

This program must take three command arguments: a hostname H, a port number P, and a string S where the hostname H is a name or a decimal dotted-quad IP address of the server Sv, the port number P is any valid port number where the server Sv is bound to, and the string S is any sentence of at most 255 characters.

This program must:

  1. Create a TCP client socket connected with the server Sv running on the machine with hostname (or IP address) h bound to Port number P.

  1. Perform the following actions:

    1. Send the sentence S to the server Sv

    2. Receive the response from the server

    3. Measure the duration between the time when the sentence S was sent and the time a response was received.

    4. Display the following information: the message received and the time expressed in milliseconds.

    1. Collect the round trip time.

To implement the client, you should consider start with the program (provided on Canvas with this programming assignment). Do not forget to change the name of the class inside the program

  1. Server:

This program must take one argument: a port number P. The port number P is any valid port number.

This program must:

  1. Create a TCP server socket

  2. Wait for a client to connect, receive a message, display it with the IP address and port # of the client, “devowelize” the message, display the devowelized message, and echo back the devowelized message. Devowelize a sentence S means to remove any vowel (a, e, i, o, u) in the sentence S. Dewolizing the sentence “Hello World!” yields ” Hll Wrld!”.

To implement the server, you should consider start with the program (provided on Canvas with this programming assignment). Do not forget to change the name of the class inside the program

Part II: UDP “Devowelize” Client-Server

Repeat Part I using UDP sockets. Call the client and server programs and, respectively.

To implement the server (respectively, client) (respectively,, you should consider start with the program (respectively, (provided on Canvas with this programming assignment). Do not forget to change the name of the class inside the program.

Data collection and analysis

For each application (UPD and TCP), report separately the min, average, and max round trip time.


  • Write a report that will report your results. The report should not exceed half a page.

  • In addition, your report must contain the following information:

  1. whether the programs work or not (this must be just ONE sentence)

  1. the directions to compile and execute your program

  • Electronic copy of your source programs (separately standalone: i.e., not in a zipped folder or archive)

  • Electronic copy of the report (including your answers) (standalone). Submit the file as a Microsoft Word or PDF file.


  1. TCP client is worth 20% if it works well: communicates with YOUR server (designed by your team).

  1. TCP client is worth 5% more if it works well with a working server from any other team.

All other server and clients (TCP server, UDP client, and UDP server) will be graded the same as the TCP client (20% + 5%).

Programming Assignment I Solution
$35.00 $29.00