Programming Languages, Concepts and Implementation Homework 7 Solution

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Submission: Submit your code in Canvas as one “” file containing all your predicates. The file must be able to load (with “consult”) and be tested in the interpreter. Consequently, the file must be in a plain text format; do not submit Word, PDF, RTF, JPG or any such types of files. Also make sure…

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  • Submit your code in Canvas as one “” file containing all your predicates.

  • The file must be able to load (with “consult”) and be tested in the interpreter.

  1. Consequently, the file must be in a plain text format; do not submit Word, PDF, RTF, JPG or any such types of files.

  1. Also make sure that any auxiliary information (such as your name or question numbers) is commented out.

For all problems below, you only need to make sure that the predicates correctly find the first solution, as in the examples provided. You do NOT need to worry about what happens when asking for more solutions (with “;”).

  1. (14 pts) Write the rules for a predicate reverseList(L,L1), which succeeds if list L1 is the list L reversed. The following query shows an example of using this predicate:

?- reverseList([1,2,3], L1).

L1 = [3,2,1]

  1. (15 pts) Write the rules for a predicate take(L,N,L1), which succeeds if list L1 contains the first N elements of list L, in the same order. The following queries show examples of using this predicate:

?- take([5,1,2,7], 3, L1).

L1 = [5,1,2]

?- take([5,1,2,7], 10, L1).

L1 = [5,1,2,7]

  1. (56 pts) Consider the following definition of a binary tree in Prolog, where a tree is either the constant nil, or a structure node with 3 elements, the second and third elements also being trees:


tree(node(_,Left,Right)) :- tree(Left), tree(Right).

    1. (14 pts) Write the rules for a predicate nleaves(T,N), which succeeds if N is the number of leaves in the tree T. The following query shows an example of using this predicate:

?- nleaves(node(1, node(2, node(3,nil,nil), node(4,nil,nil)), node(5,nil,nil)), N).

N = 3

    1. (14 pts) Write the rules for a predicate treeMember(E,T), which succeeds if E appears as an element in the tree T. The following query shows an example of using this predicate:

?- treeMember(3, node(1, node(2, node(3,nil,nil), node(4,nil,nil)), node(5,nil,nil))).


    1. (14 pts) Write the rules for a predicate preOrder(T,L), which succeeds if L is a list containing all elements in the tree T corresponding to a pre-order traversal of the tree. The following query shows an example of using this predicate:

?- preOrder(node(1, node(2, node(3,nil,nil), node(4,nil,nil)), node(5,nil,nil)), L).


    1. (14 pts) The height of a tree is defined as the maximum number of nodes on a path from the root to a leaf. Write the rules for a predicate height(T,N), which succeeds if N is the height of the tree T. The following query shows an example of using this predicate:

?- height(node(1, node(2, node(3,nil,nil), node(4,nil,nil)), node(5,nil,nil)), N).

N = 3

You may want to use the predefined arithmetic function max(X,Y).

  1. (15 pts) Write the rules for a predicate insert(X,L,L1), which succeeds if list L1 is identical to the sorted list L with X inserted at the correct place. Assume that L is already sorted. The following query shows an example of using this predicate:

?- insert(5, [1,3,4,7], L1).

L1 = [1,3,4,5,7]

  1. (Extra Credit – 10 pts) Write the rules for a predicate flattenList(A,B), which succeeds if A is a list (possibly containing sublists), and B is a list containing all elements in A and its sublists, but all at the same level. The following query shows an example of using this predicate:

?- flattenList([1, [2, [3, 4]], 5], L). L=[1,2,3,4,5]

Programming Languages, Concepts and Implementation Homework 7 Solution
$30.00 $24.00