Program 3 Solution

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Programs must be written in C++ and are to be submitted using handin on the CSIF by the due date (see Canvas) using the command: handin cs36c p3 file1 file2 … handin yafrid p2 file1 file 2 Your programs must compile and run on the CSIF. Use handin to submit all files that are required…

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Programs must be written in C++ and are to be submitted using handin on the CSIF by the due date (see Canvas) using the command:

handin cs36c p3 file1 file2 … handin yafrid p2 file1 file 2

Your programs must compile and run on the CSIF. Use handin to submit all files that are required to compile (even if they come from the prompt). Pro-grams that do not compile with make on the CSIF will lose points and possibly get a 0. Programs that have warnings during compilation will lose 10 out of 100 points.

An autograder along with examples and solutions will be available shortly.

  • Overview & Learning Objectives

In this program you will implement a priority queue with an underlying binary heap implementation. There are multiple objectives of this assignment:

  1. strengthen your knowledge of JSON,

  1. strengthen your understanding of automated testing,

  1. understand and implement a binary heap,

  1. introduce greedy algorithms using a toy application (Volleyball team se-lection).

This program consists of three parts:

  1. creating a priority queue with an underlying binary heap implementation (you will complete the files priorityqueue.cpp and priorityqueue.h),

  1. build a binary heap given a sequence of instructions (you will complete the file buildheap.cxx),

  1. use your priority queue to construct a greedy algorithm to pick “fair” 2-person teams from a list of Volleyball players.

  • PriorityQueue

Finish the (Minimum) PriorityQueue class in the files priorityqueue.h and priorityqueue.cpp. It must implemented as an array-based binary heap with the root node at index 1 of the array1. The keys are doubles and the values are std::pairs of ints that represent player ids.

Some terminology: the ith node of the heap stores the KeyValuePair at index i in the array. That is, the 1st node has the minimum Key in the heap since we are writing a minimum priority queue.

Implement the following member functions, which are marked in priorityqueue.cpp with TODO’s. I recommend implementing them in this order, as you should be using some of these functions when you implement the others.

PriorityQueue::isEmpty() : Returns true if and only if the heap is empty.

PriorityQueue::size() : Returns the number of KeyValuePairs in the heap.

PriorityQueue::getKey(size_t i) : Returns the key of the ith node in the heap.

PriorityQueue::heapifyUp(size_t i) : a.k.a. swimup, percolates the ith node up the heap to ensure the heap property is preserved.

PriorityQueue::heapifyDown(size_t i) : a.k.a. sink, percolates the ith node down the heap to ensure the heap property is preserved.

PriorityQueue::removeNode(size_t i) : Removes the ith node from the heap.

PriorityQueue::min() : Returns the KeyValuePair that has the minimum Key in the heap.

PriorityQueue::removeMin() : Returns and removes the KeyValuePair that has the minimum Key in the heap.

PriorityQueue::insert(KeyValuePair kv) : Inserts a key-value pair into the priority queue. The types Key, Value, and KeyValuePair are defined in priorityqueue.h using typedefs.

  • BuildHeap

Write a program that does the following:

  1. reads a JSON file of heap operations (insert and removeMin),

  1. executes the heap operations from the JSON file,

  1. prints the priority queue as a JSON object to stdout (do not print output to a file).

  • This is just to simplify the math. The 0th element in your array is present but unused.

The contents of BuildExample.json, an example of a JSON file of operations, is as follows:


“Op01”: {

“key”: 3019,

“operation”: “insert”


“Op02”: {

“key”: 1500,

“operation”: “insert”


“Op03”: {

“key”: 1334,

“operation”: “insert”


“Op04”: {

“key”: 4119,

“operation”: “insert”


“Op05”: {

“operation”: “removeMin”


“Op06”: {

“key”: 2199,

“operation”: “insert”


“Op07”: {

“operation”: “removeMin”


“Op08”: {

“operation”: “removeMin”


“Op09”: {

“key”: 4180,

“operation”: “insert”


“Op10”: {

“key”: 4586,

“operation”: “insert”


“metadata”: {

“maxHeapSize”: 4,

“numOperations”: 10



After running build heap, my output using std::cout << jsonObj.dump(2)

on the result is:


“1”: {

“key”: 3019.0,

“leftChild”: “2”,

“rightChild”: “3”,

“value”: [





“2”: {

“key”: 4119.0,

“leftChild”: “4”,

“parent”: “1”,

“value”: [





“3”: {

“key”: 4180.0,

“parent”: “1”,

“value”: [





“4”: {

“key”: 4586.0,

“parent”: “2”,

“value”: [





“metadata”: {

“maxHeapSize”: 4,

“numOperations”: 10,

“size”: 4



Note that the values are ignored for buildheap so they default to a std::pair of 0’s. This is the behavior coded in the PriorityQueue::insert(Key k) func-

tion, which has already been completed.

In the output, the top-level keys are either node data or metadata. The root node, a.k.a. node 1, has key 2634, its left child has key 105 (node with index 2), and its right child has key 2109 (node with index 3). Each node must contain the following key value pairs:

key: the key the node contains.

parent: the index of its parent node, if it exists (i.e. if it is not the root).

leftChild: the index of its left child, if it exists. Otherwise, this field must be omitted.

rightChild: the index of its right child, if it exists. Otherwise, this field must be omitted.

The metadata must contain the following key value pairs:

maxHeapSize: defined from the input file, this is the maximum heap size possible.

numOperations: defined from the input file, this is the maximum heap size possible.

size: the number of elements in the priority queue.

To test your code, compile createheapoperationdata.cxx to create a JSON file with a few operations and then run buildheap.exe on this file and examine its output. createheapoperationdata.cxx will ensure that the heap opera-tions it produces will not produce errors in a properly working implementation. For final testing, consider testing with a few million operations and verifying that no errors are produced. If you see errors, start again with small examples (10 operations) to see if you can reproduce the error. If the error is not repro-duced with small examples, increase your operations by one order of magnitude (ex: 100 operations) and try to reproduce the error. Continue in this way and attempt to find the smallest number of operations required before trying to de-bug your errors. Once you have fixed your bug, return to testing with a few million operations.

  • CreateTeams

For the final part of this project, imagine that you are working for a summer camp and there are 2n kids. Your boss tells you to split the 2n children up into n teams of 2 so that everyone can play volleyball. Your boss then emphasizes that teams must be fair.

Your boss has been quite vague, and can’t seem to clarify what “fair” means. You have data on all the past 2-person teams win percentages, that is, the

percent of games a 2-person team has won in the past2. You decide that “fair” can be interpreted as picking teams with win percentages as close to 50% as possible, and take it upon yourself to use the following reasonable strategy, which is known as a greedy algorithm:

  1. Pick a 2-person team with a win percentage as close to 50% as possible.

  1. For each of the two players in the 2-person team picked in part 1, remove all data of other 2-person teams that contain at least one of these players. That is, every player must be assigned to exactly one team.

  1. Go to step 1 if fewer than n 2-person teams have been created.

Use your priority queue to implement the above greedy algorithm. An algorithm is called greedy if it makes a locally optimal choice. That is, the algorithm may not necessary give the best result3, but it is going to give a good result. The greedy choice is made on line 1, where we arbitrarily pick a 2-person team that seems to be the best choice without considering the consequences of this action further down the line. Think of this as something like playing chess without thinking about any moves beyond the move you are making.

Your input files will be look like this, which is the contents of CreateTeamsExample.json:


“metadata”: {

“numPlayers”: 4


“teamStats”: [


“playerOne”: 0,

“playerTwo”: 1,

“winPercentage”: 55.11



“playerOne”: 0,

“playerTwo”: 2,

“winPercentage”: 29.748



“playerOne”: 0,

“playerTwo”: 3,

“winPercentage”: 14.872

  • All children have played with all other children, and they have done this enough to have reasonable win percentage estimates. You’re right, that’s a lot of volleyball.

3We haven’t even defined what “best” means for this problem! Does “best” minimize the sum of |win percentage minus 50%| for all teams? Does “best” minimize the maximum of |win percentage minus 50%| over all 2-person teams selected? These are two different optimization criteria, which lead to different algorithms and different “optimal” solutions.



“playerOne”: 1,

“playerTwo”: 2,

“winPercentage”: 53.724



“playerOne”: 1,

“playerTwo”: 3,

“winPercentage”: 95.86



“playerOne”: 2,

“playerTwo”: 3,

“winPercentage”: 65.498




Here, the closest team to 50% has players 1 and 2 with a win percentage of 53.724. Once this team has been picked, the only players not currently assigned are players 0 and 3, who have a win percentage of 14.872. The final teams are stored in a JSON object and printed to stdout (do not print to a file):


“teams”: [











The teams key is an array that has two 2-person teams, (1,2) and (0,3). When you insert an std::pair<int, int> into an array in a nlohmann::json object, the result will be an array of size 2, so the teams are represented by the arrays [1, 2] and [0, 3].

Notice that, by almost any metric, the team assignments (0,1) and (2,3) seem more fair than the above assignments (at least on paper). This is okay, and this is how your algorithm should function. Greedy algorithms are generally fast, and while some greedy algorithms return optimal solutions (you will learn

about this in ECS122a), even those that don’t can be useful if we are looking for a quick, “good enough” answer.

  • Compilation

A Makefile has been provided for you. If you add new files to your program, you will need to edit this Makefile. If you only edit the files given to you, you should not edit this Makefile in any way.

You may add more files to your program if you wish, but be sure that they are incorporated into your Makefile. I found it useful to extract the logic of reading the team statistics into an object called TeamData, so I have placed skeleton teamdata.h and teamdata.cpp files for this purpose. Using these files for this purpose is strongly suggested but is not required.


Program 3 Solution
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