Project 03 Fantasy Combat Game Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Goals *Develop classes from program requirements *Implement characters using polymorphism *Implement a menu to allow the user to test the characters In this project, we will develop a fantasy combat game. This is going to be part 1 of the game development in which we develop the characters and a menu to test the characters.…

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*Develop classes from program requirements

*Implement characters using polymorphism

*Implement a menu to allow the user to test the characters

In this project, we will develop a fantasy combat game. This is going to be part 1 of the game development in which we develop the characters and a menu to test the characters.



Our game universe contains Vampire, Barbarian, Blue Men, Medusa, and Harry Potter. Each character has attributes of attack, defense, armor, and strength points.

The table containing the attributes data is shown below.

Note: “1d12” means rolling one 12-sided die, and “2d6” means rolling 2 6-sided dice, etc.

| Type | Attack | Defense | Armor | Strength Points |


| Vampire | 1d12 | 1d6* Charm | 1 | 18 |

| Barbarian | 2d6 | 2d6 | 0 | 12 |

| Blue Men | 2d10 | 3d6 | 3 | 12* Mob |

| Medusa | 2d6* Glare | 1d6 | 3 | 8 |

| Harry Potter | 2d6 | 2d6 | 0 | 10/20* Hogwarts |

The characters also have their own characteristics as well as special abilities

| Type | Characterstics | Special Abilities |


| Vampire | Suave, debonair, but | Charm: Vampires can charm an |

| | vicious and surprisingly | opponent into not attacking. |

| | resilient. | For a given attack there is a |

| | | 50% chance that their opponent |

| | | does not actually attack them. |

| Barbarian | Think Conan or Hercules from | |

| | the movies. Big sword, big | |

| | muscles, bare torso. | |

| Blue Men | They are small, 6 inch tall, | Mob: Blue Men are actually a swarm of |

| | but fast and tough. They are | small individuals. For every 4 points |

| | hard to hit so they can take | of damage, they lose one defense die. |

| | some damage. They ccan also do| For example, if they have a strength |

| | a LOT of damage when they | of 8, they would have 2d6 for defense.|

| | crawl inside enemies’ armor | |

| | or clothing | |

| Medusa | Scrawny lady with snakes for | Glare: If a Medusa rolla a 12 when |

| | hair which helps her during | attacking then the target instantly |

| | combat. Just don’t look at | gets turned into stone and Medusa |

| | her. | wins! If Medusa uses Glare on Harry |

| | | Potter on his first life, then Harry |

| | | Potter comes back to life. |

| Harry Potter | Harry Potter is a wizard. | Hogwarts: If Harry Potter’s strength |

| | | reaches 0 or below, he immediately |

| | | recovers and his total strength |

| | | becomes 20. If he were to die again, |

| | | then he’s dead. |


If Medusa uses “glare” on Harry Potter on his first life, then Harry Potter comes back to life after using “hogwarts”.

If the Vampire’s “charm” ability activates when Medusa uses “glare”, the Vampire’s charm trumps Medusa’s glare.

The sample characters are unbalanced intentionally. This will help you in debugging your program! Some will win a lot, while others won’t.


Each combat between 2 characters ends when one of the characters die.

Each round consists of two attacks, one for each character. For each attack, attacker and defender both generate dice rolls. The type and number of dice is listed above in the table.

The actual damage inflicted from the attacker onto the defender is calculated as follows:

Damage = attacker’s roll – defender’s roll – defender’s armor

Then the value of that damage is subtracted from the defender’s strength points.

Example: character A attacks with dice roll of: 8 10, which means it has an attack of 18, and character B defends with dice roll of 5 6, which means it has defense of 11, character B also has an armor of 3. So the actual damage inflicted from A to B is 18 – 11 – 3 = 4.

If character B has strength point of 8 during that round, the new strength point would be 8 – 4 = 4, which means next round B will have strength point of 4.

If character B has strength point of 3 during that round, the new strength point would be 3 – 4 = -1, which means character B dies.

Note: Deciding who starts attacking is your own design decision.


The program should contain a Character base class. The base class should be an abstract class. All the characters should have their own subclass that inherits from the Character class.

Each class should only have its own information or data. For example, when A attacks B, the program should call A’s attack function, which should return the damage attacked. Then O2’s defense function will take the damage attacked, and calculate the actual damage inflicted, and apply that damage to the defender’s strength points.

You can add whatever you want to the parent class but it must include an attack function and defense function. Also, the subclass should not have dependencies on which type of character the attacker is. For example, It is not an acceptable solution to have an external function check if the attacker is Medusa if a 12 is rolled; the special traits must happen within the character classes themselves.


To be able to test and play the game, write a menu. The menu should display five characters by their names, and prompt the user to select two characters to fight one another. You must account for two characters of the same type, so Vampire can fight Vampire, etc. For each round, display the results of each round on the screen so you and your grading TA can verify that calculations are correct and the game is functioning properly.

The following information must be displayed for each attack:

1. Attacker type.

2. Defender type, armor, strength point.

3. The attacker’s attack dice roll.

4. The defender’s defend dice roll.

5. The total inflicted damage calculation.

6. The defender’s updated strength point amount after subtracting damage.

After the combat is over, ask users to:

1. Play again

2. Exit the game

Note: This is the first part of the larger project, please do not add any characters of your own.

Project 03 Fantasy Combat Game Solution
$30.00 $24.00