Project 1 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Objectives: The two main objectives of this project is to test your ability to: a) use C++ I/O (console and file), and b) design, implement and test a solution to a given problem. In addition, a review of your knowledge of Cstrings and multi-dimensional arrays will be necessary. This project will also test your ability…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




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Objectives: The two main objectives of this project is to test your ability to: a) use C++ I/O (console and file), and b) design, implement and test a solution to a given problem. In addition, a review of your knowledge of Cstrings and multi-dimensional arrays will be necessary. This project will also test your ability to create, compile and run a program in a Linux environment and establish your ability to upload your program and supporting documentation to WebCampus.


For this project you will write a program to: a) read-in the 10 first names from a file (the file is a priori given to have exactly 10 entries, of a maximum length of 8 letters each) into a 2-dimensional character array, b) output the names to the terminal with each one preceded by a number indicating its original order in the list, c) sort the list of names, and then d) output the sorted names both to the terminal and to a file, again with each one preceded by its corresponding original order in the list. Although an example input file (Names.txt) is provided, for grading purposes your project will be tested against a file that we will supply but will not be provided to you beforehand. Our test file will be in the same format as the example input file.

The following minimum functionality and structure is required for your program:

Make a program that sequentially executes in order the following steps:

  • Asks the user for the input and output file names.

  • Reads in the list of names from the desired input file.

  • Stores the names list in a two-dimensional character array. (Use character arrays (i.e., Cstrings) to hold your names)

  • Prints out the unsorted list of names to the terminal, preceded by their original order in the input file.

  • Sorts the list of names by-length.

  • Prints the list of sorted-by-length names to the terminal, preceded by their original order in the input file.

Note: You are not allowed to modify in any way the structure of your original 2-dimensional char array to achieve that (i.e. do not try to prepend the order to the each name Cstring).

  • Writes the list of sorted-by-length names to an output file (e.g. SortedByLength.txt), preceded by their original order in the input file.

  • Re-sorts the list of names alphabetically this time.

  • Prints the list of alphabetically-sorted names to the terminal, preceded by their original order in the input file.

Note: You are not allowed to modify in any way the structure of your original 2-dimensional char array to achieve that (i.e. do not try to prepend the order to the each name Cstring).

  • Writes the list of alphabetically-sorted names to a different output file (e.g. SortedNames.txt), preceded by their original order in the input file.

  • Note: Make sure you implement multiple functions. Make sure you use them.

  • Write your own Cstring copy, compare, length functions. Their prototypes will have the form (use the prototypes as provided, with char [] –i.e. character array– parameters):

    • copies characters from source to destination until a NULL-character ‘\0’ is found in source, then it NULL-terminates destination too, and returns

void myStringCopy(char destination [], const char source []);

    • counts characters in array str until a NULL-character ‘\0’ is found, then it returns that number excluding the ‘\0’ one

int myStringLength(const char str []);

    • returns 0 when the strings match, i.e. their characters are equal one-by-one until a NULL-character ‘\0’ is found in both strings and at the same position as well

    • returns a value <= -1 if the first character that does not match has a lower value in str1 than in str2

    • returns a value >= 1 if the first character that does not match has a higher value in str1 than in str2

int myStringCompare(const char str1 [], const char str2 []);

The following are a list of restrictions:

  • No usage of external libraries for C-string manipulation is allowed (e.g. <cstring> <string.h>), or any std::string libraries and data types.

  • No libraries except <iostream> and <fstream> are allowed.

  • No global variables or constants except: a) the fixed number of names, and b) the maximum C-string size.

  • No usage of pointers or dynamic memory.

  • You are expected to employ code abstraction and reuse by implementing and using functions. Copy-pasting code segments (that each performs a specific functionality which can be wrapped within a function) throughout your program will be penalized.

Declare, Implement, and Use functions to achieve your objectives.

Example Input File (Names.txt) Contents:











Example Output (to Terminal and/or File):

Unsorted Data (Original Input Order and Name)


  1. Victor

  2. Eve

  3. Juliet

  4. Hector

  5. Danielle

  1. Romeo

  2. Oscar

  3. June

  4. Ares

  5. Dannae

Sorted-by-Length Data (Original Input Order and Name)


  1. Eve

  1. June

  2. Ares

  1. Romeo

  2. Oscar

  1. Victor

  1. Juliet

  2. Hector

  1. Dannae

  1. Danielle

Alphabetcially Sorted Data (Original Input Order and Name) =========================== 8 Ares

  1. Danielle

  1. Dannae

  1. Eve

  1. Hector

  1. Juliet

  1. June

  1. Oscar

  1. Romeo

The completed project should have the following properties:

  • Written, compiled and tested using Linux.

  • It must compile successfully using the g++ compiler on department machines. Instructions how to remotely connect to department machines are included in the Projects folder in WebCampus.

  • The code must be commented and indented properly.

Header comments are required on all files and recommended for the rest of the program. Descriptions of functions commented properly.

  • A one page (minimum) typed sheet documenting your code. This should include the overall purpose of the program, your design, problems (if any), and any changes you would make given more time.

Turn in: Compressed .cpp file and project documentation.

Submission Instructions:

  • You will submit your work via WebCampus

  • Name your code file proj1.cpp

  • If you have header file, name it proj1.h

  • Compress your:

    1. Source code

    1. Documentation

  • Name the compressed folder:

([PA] stands for [ProjectAssignment], [#] is the Project number) Example:

Verify: After you upload your .zip file, re-download it from WebCampus. Extract it, compile it and verify that it compiles and runs on the NoMachine virtual machines or directly on the ECC systems.

  • Code that does not compile will be heavily penalized –may even cost you your entire grade–. Executables that do not work 100% will receive partial grade points.

  • It is better to hand in code that compiles and performs partial functionality, rather than broken code. You may use your Documentation file to mention what you could not get to work exactly as you wanted in the given timeframe of the Project.

Late Submission:

A project submission is “late” if any of the submitted files are time-stamped after the due date and time. Projects will be accepted up to 24 hours late, with 20% penalty.

Project 1 Solution
$35.00 $29.00