Project 1 Using the Linux Terminal Solution

$35.00 $29.00

There should be no collaboration among students. A student shouldn’t share any project code with any other student. Collaborations among students in any form will be treated as a serious violation of the University’s academic integrity code. Objectives: Get to know the Linux operating system Learn basic Linux commands Prepare a Linux programming environment for…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

There should be no collaboration among students. A student shouldn’t share any project code with any other student. Collaborations among students in any form will be treated as a serious violation of the University’s academic integrity code.


  • Get to know the Linux operating system

  • Learn basic Linux commands

  • Prepare a Linux programming environment for the future projects

  • Learn how to remotely access Linux servers (see Option 1 below).

  • Learn how to install VirtualBox and unix-core operating system (see Option 2 below).

  • Compile and debug your first C++ program in Linux


  • Each student should independently accomplish this project assignment. You may discuss with other student to solve the coding problems.

  • To embark on this project, you may choose one of the following four options.

  1. Important! Option 1: For Mac and Linux users, use SSH to connect to a remote Linux server. Please read files in “tutorial” on Canvas for details.

      1. Important! Option 2: For Window10 users, Please read “enViro_tutorial”, “Putty Tutorial” and “Win subsys Linux” for details.

    • You are highly recommended to use a Linux operating system.

  1. Setup Linux Programming Environment (10 Points)

Important! When you access a remote Linux machine in the Linux lab, please don’t use the “sudo” command, because you have no administrative rights. You may use the “sudo” command on your virtual machine or local machine where you are a system admin.

You should choose one of the following four options to setup your Linux programming environment.

1.1 Option 1: Remotely Connect to Linux Machines

Please follow the instructions specified in a “Tutorial” folder on Canvas to learn how to access a remote Linux server. You must keep in mind that when you access a remote Linux machine in the Linux lab, please don’t use the “sudo” command.

1.2 Option 2: Install VirtualBox/Windows subsystem for Linux/Putty

Please follow the instructions in a “Tutorial” folder on Canvas to learn a way of installing VirtualBox and CentOS in your own laptop or desktop computers.

  1. The script Command

The script command line tool allows you to save a session of your terminal. In addition to saving each command per line in a text file, the script command makes a typescript of everything that happens on your Linux terminal. Screen casting tools to a desktop session(GUI) is what script is to a terminal. Let us demonstrate the usage of script through the following example:

$ script

$Script started, file is typescript $ cd

$ ls

file1 file2 file3

$ exit


Script done, file is typescript

Then, you may use the mv command to change the file name from typescript to any name you like. Alternatively, you may specify the name of your log file upfront as below:

$ script sample.script

$Script started, file is typescript

$ cd

$ ls

file1 file2 file3

$ exit


Script done, file is sample.script

3. Tasks (90 Points)

Script the following session using the script command. You may save each session (i.e., each task below) in one script file. Using the tar command to submit a tarred and compressed file named project1.tgz (see Section 4.2 for details).

3.1 (Task 1: 33 points.) Please use the script command to create a file named “commands.script” demonstrating that you understand how to use the following basic Linux commands.

  • pwd – displays the pathname for the current directory.

  • ls – lists the files in the current directory.

  • mkdir – makes a new directory.

  • cp – copies a file from one location to another.

  • mv – moves a file from one location to another.

  • rm – removes a file.

chmod [options] mode filename – changes a file’s permissions.

  • clear – clears a command line screen/window for a fresh start.

  • who [options] – displays who is logged on.

  • nproc – displays the number of cores.

  • g++ –h – displays the help information for the g++ compiler.

Reference: How to Start Using the Linux Terminal

3.2 (Task 2: 12 points.) When you log in a Linux system, you should get to know the system in more detail. You are asked to find out your computer system’s attributes, including CPU frequency, cache size, memory size, the list of PCI devices, hard drive, network MAC address and link speed, and the devices generating interrupts. The following system commands can help you. Many of these commands are for system administration, so you should run them as root if needed.

$more /proc/cpuinfo

$more /proc/meminfo

$more /sbin/lspci

$more /proc/interrupts

Tip: You may pipe the output of any Linux command to a file on Linux using Your command > test.txt

The above command writes all outputs from each commande to a file called “test.txt” instead of displaying the files on a monitor.

Please store the output from the above four commands into the following four files using the pipe (see the above tip).

  • cpuinfo.txt

  • meminfo.txt

  • lspci.txt

  • interrupts.txt

3.3 (Task 3: 35 points.)With the computer up and running, you should give it a try to see if you can use the utilities on the system. For a system programmer, these include at least the editor, the compiler, the libraries, and the debugger. You are asked to do the following

Project 1 – Using the Linux Terminal Page 3

3.3.1. Using your favorite editor, code a program (simple.cpp) that processes an array of dynamic numbers(less than 10), calculates: (1) a factorial value based on how many positive numbers users want to input, (2) the value of standard deviation, and prints it out. I recommend either vi/vim as an editor for our course. Both “factorial.cpp” and “standard deviation.cpp” are uploaded on Canvas.

3.3.2. The GNU compile is the default open source compiler on Linux. You should check a little on what gcc you have, and then compile your program as follows.

$g++ -v

$g++ simple.c [-o your_favorite_obj_file_name]

4. Deliverables

4.1 Multiple Script Files. (10 points. A tarred file 5 points, filename 5 poitns)

You need to submit one tarred file with a format: Firstname_Lastname.tar.gz

including 6 files: (1) commands.script (2)cpuinfo.txt

(3)meminfo.txt (4)lspci.txt (5)interrupts.txt


Since you have generated multiple script files, please save all the script files in one directory (i.e. project1). Then, you should achieve all the script files into a single tarred and compressed file with a tar command.

Syntax: tar -zcvf tar-archive-name.tar.gz source-folder-name

Assume that the script files and your report are located in

/home/cse _h1/xzl0031/comp2710/project1, then you can follow the instructions below to prepare a single compressed file.

tar -zcvf Xuechao_li.tar.gz /home/cse_h1/xzl0031/comp271/project1

  1. Grading Criteria

    1. Setting up your Linux programming environment: 10% (see Section 1)

    2. Using Linux commands: 33% (see Section 3.1)

    3. Getting to know your system: 12% (see Section 3.2)

    1. Using g++: 35% (see Section 3.3)

      • Compiling: 10%

      • Execution: 10%

      • Output: 15%

    1. Using tar: 10%

  1. Rebuttal period

    • You will be given a period of three business days to read and respond to the comments and grades of your homework or project assignment. The TA may use this opportunity to address any concern and question you have. The TA also may ask for additional information from you regarding your homework or project.

Project 1 – Using the Linux Terminal Page 5

Project 1 Using the Linux Terminal Solution
$35.00 $29.00