Project 2: My Malloc Library Solved

$30.00 $24.00

Learning Objectives Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to: Manipulate C pointers to traverse a process’ address space Use pointer arithmetic to adjust pointer references Use casting to dereference memory storage as different types Manually adjust the process heap sbrk() enumerated types type casting pointer arithmetic Function specifications NAME my_malloc(), my_free(), coalesce_free_list(),…

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Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

  1. Manipulate C pointers to traverse a process’ address space

  1. Use pointer arithmetic to adjust pointer references

  1. Use casting to dereference memory storage as different types

  1. Manually adjust the process heap

  • sbrk()

  • enumerated types

  • type casting

  • pointer arithmetic

Function specifications


my_malloc(), my_free(), coalesce_free_list(), free_list_begin()


#include ‘‘my_malloc.h’’

void* my_malloc(uint32_t size);

void my_free(void *ptr);


FreeListNode free_list_begin(void);

typedef struct {

FreeListNode *flink;

uint32_t size;

} * FreeListNode;



allocates size bytes of memory


deallocates memory referenced by ptr, previously allocated by my_malloc()


merges logically adjacent chunks on the free list into single larger chunks


retrieves the first node of the free list


On success, my_malloc() returns an 8-byte aligned pointer to the allocated memory. On failure, my_malloc() sets my_errno to MYENOMEM and returns NULL.

On failure, my_free() sets my_errno to MYEBADFREEPTR when passed a NULL or non-malloc’d pointer.

free_list_begin() returns the first free list node or NULL if the list is empty.

Implementation Details

Memory Allocation

We refer to the entire block of memory used to satisfy an allocation request as the “chunk.” The chunk will be bigger than the extent of memory we expect the user to access. The minimum chunk size should be the larger of

  • 16 bytes, or

  • the sum of the FreeListNode plus any padding needed to make the chunk size a multiple of 8.


Allocated chunks returned by my_malloc() will be inflated by

  • chunk header: 8 bytes

  • internal fragmentation

any padding necessary to make the chunk size a multiple of 8

potential wastage from using an oversized chunk

Chunk header

Use the 8 bytes just before the address returned by my_malloc() for your bookkeeping chunk header. Use the first four bytes for the total chunk size (including header and padding) and the second 4 bytes to desig-nate that the chunk was allocated by my_malloc().

Allocating a chunk

my_malloc() first searches the free list for a usable chunk. If no usable chunk is found, callsbrk() to extend the heap segment, my_malloc() returns a pointer referencing 8 bytes into the chunk, i.e. after the chunk header.

Chunk splitting

Oversized chunks (i.e. larger than needed for the request) must be split into two unless the remainder would be smaller than the minimum chunk size. In the former case, the remainder should be added to the free list. In the latter case, my_malloc() will return an oversized chunk that suffers small internal fragmentation.

Memory Deallocation

my_free() places free’d or deallocated chunks of memory onto a free list.

Free List Management

Use FreeListNode in my_malloc.h to implement a singly-linked free list to manage free chunks. To add a chunk to the free list, embed a FreeListNode at the beginning of the very same memory chunk. If ptr is the address of the chunk:

FreeListNode node;

node = (FreeListNode)ptr;

Then properly set node->size and node->flink and insert node into the free list. flink should be NULL for the last node in the list.

Chunk coalescing

Chunk coalescing is only done when coalesce_free_list() is called explicitly; my_free() does not coalesce adjacent memory chunks during or after chunk insertion!

Requirements and Constraints

  1. Besides sbrk(), you may not use any other library or system calls.

  1. Always call sbrk(8192) except if my_malloc() needs more than 8,192 bytes, then call sbrk() with the minimum size needed for the new chunk.

  1. Assume that other library routines also may make calls to sbrk().

  1. You may not use more than 8 bookkeeping bytes per chunk.

  1. You may use one global variable for the first free list node, not including my_errno.

  1. Your free list should always be sorted in ascending order by chunk address.

  1. Use a first fitstrategy to search the free list, i.e. return the first usable chunk found.


You will submit your my_malloc.c file on the department server, using theturnin program, using turnin code hw2. If you would like to request an extension, please use the req-ext program. Details on how to use both can be found on Canvas.

Project 2: My Malloc Library Solved
$30.00 $24.00