Project 4: Heaps Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Assignment Overview For this project you will be implementing a heap. Rather than implementing either a min-heap or a max-heap, yours will take a comparison function that determines which of two items has a higher priority. You will then use both a min-heap and a max-heap to nd the median element of a sequence. Assignment…

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  • Assignment Overview

For this project you will be implementing a heap. Rather than implementing either a min-heap or a max-heap, yours will take a comparison function that determines which of two items has a higher priority. You will then use both a min-heap and a max-heap to nd the median element of a sequence.

  • Assignment Deliverables

You must turn in completed versions of the following les:

Be sure to use the speci ed le name and to submit your les for grading via Mimir before the project deadline.

  • Assignment Speci cations

Your task will be to complete the methods listed below:

len peek insert

extract extend clear iter replace

find median

Your implementation of len, and peek should run in constant time. insert and extract should run in O(log n) time. extend adds all of the elements in the given sequence to your heap and should run in O(n + m) time, where m is the number of items in the sequence. clear removes all items from your heap and must run in O(n) time. iter will enumerate all of the items in your heap and must run in O(n) time. The iterator is not required to traverse the items in any particular order except that the rst item must be the next item that would be returned by a call to peek or extract.


replace simultaneously inserts a new item and removes the highest priority item (including potentially the new item). It must be more e cient than calling insert followed by extract.

find median determines the median (middle) item from a given sequence. If the length of the input sequence is even, you may return either of the median items arbitrarily. You should not compute the average of the two medians as is normal for arithmetic sequences. Your find median function must be faster than sorting the sequence and nding the middle item. You must use heaps as part of your solution.

The peek and extract methods should raise an IndexError if the heap is empty. replace should not raise an IndexError because it can always return the provided item if the list is initally empty. find median should also raise an IndexError if it is given an empty sequence. No other exceptions should be thrown.

Your heap will determine the next item by using a comparison function, comp supplied to the heap in its constructor. comp(a, b) returns True if the priority of a is greater than that of b and False otherwise. You should not use the natural ordering (that is the < operator) of the elements as this will prevent you from being able to use both min-heaps and max-heaps. You should use the natural ordering within the find median function. Duplicate items are allowed.

You should include comments where appropriate. In particular, you should describe the overall method used to implement your heap and your strategy for find median. You must also add documentation for each of the above methods (as well as for any helper functions created) in the same style as for the pre-de ned methods.

  • Assignment Notes

Points will be deducted if your solution has warnings of any type.

You have been supplied with stubs for the required methods. You must complete these methods to complete the project. You may add more functions than what was provided, but you may not modify the signatures of the provided methods.

You do not have to worry about error checking for valid input. You may assume that the supplied reader function correctly reads the input le.

You do have to worry about accessing elements from an empty heap.

You must be able to handle duplicate elements. Duplicate elements are allowed.

Implementations for bool, is empty, and repr have been provided. Note that these rely on the len and iter functions, so you may want to complete these functions early.

You have been provided with some unit tests that can be used to assess your solution. There are additional test cases that will be kept hidden.

It is your responsibility to check for potential edge cases. The supplied unit tests do not account for all possible valid inputs

The comp property is a function pointer that determines the ordering of objects. You can invoke it with comp(a, b) just like you would for a regular function. It returns True if a has a higher priority than b. You should not use the objects’ natural ordering within the Heap class (but you can for the find median function).

For the iter method, you may want to use the yield keyword.

The stub for the find median function creates both a min-heap and a max-heap by using lambda expressions (anonymous functions). The lambda keyword is used to de ne a function that is not bound to a particular identi er. These lambda expressions de ne which of two arguments has a higher priority. Lambda expressions have been used for some the unit tests for some of the earlier projects.


You may not modify the sequences passed to the extend or find median functions but you may iterate over them.

The median items of the phonetic alphabet are ‘mike’ and ‘november’.

You may not use any of the classes in the collections or heapq modules. You are allowed to use the list, set, and dict classes and all of their member functions.


Project 4: Heaps Solution
$35.00 $29.00