Project 5: HashMaps Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Assignment Overview For this project you will be implementing a hash map. Maps are associative data structures that pair key and value items together; by knowing the key it is possible to nd the value item associated with the key. Keys within the map are unique, but values are not; multiple keys can map to…

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  • Assignment Overview

For this project you will be implementing a hash map. Maps are associative data structures that pair key and value items together; by knowing the key it is possible to nd the value item associated with the key. Keys within the map are unique, but values are not; multiple keys can map to the same value. Being a hash-based map, the expected time for most operations is essentially constant. This class is very similar to the Python dict class.

Once completed, you will use your hash map to count the number of students who were born in a given year.

  • Assignment Deliverables

You must turn in completed versions of the following les:

Be sure to use the speci ed le name and to submit your les for grading via Mimir before the project deadline.

  • Assignment Speci cations

Your task will be to complete the methods listed below:

len load


contains getitem setitem delitem clear

iter keys


year count

Your hash map is an associative data structure with both keys and values. Most of the parameters are key objects, but setitem takes both a key and a value object. Each of the parameters makes it clear which parameters are keys and which are values.

setitem adds associations to your map while delitem removes associations. contains determines whether an association with the given key exists while getitem determines which value item is associ-ated with a given key. len counts the number of associations (that is the number of key-value pairs); do not count the key and the value separately. buckets counts the number of slots that your map has for storing items. clear removes all associations from the map. iter enumerates all of the key-value pairs, not just the keys (this is di erent from the behavior of Python’s dict class). Instead, the keys function returns a set of the keys contained in map. The order of the items for both functions is unde ned.

Hash tables have a limited number of spaces available to store items. Your load function computes the load factor: the average number of items per slot. You are required to keep the load factor below 1 at all times. You may choose to impose a stricter maximum load factor. For your convenience, the constructor has an optional parameter that sets the maximum load factor. You are allowed to change the default value of this parameter.

Most of your methods should have an expected amortized constant runtime. The clear, iter, and keys methods may have a O(n) runtime. You must use O(n) space.

The nal method, year count is not a member of your hash map. Instead, this function takes in a hash map, whose keys are the student names, and values are their birth years, and returns a hash map, where the key is year and value is the number of students born in that year.

You should include comments where appropriate. In particular, you should describe the method used for handling hash collisions. You must also add documentation for each of the above methods (as well as for any helper functions created) in the same style as for the pre-de ned methods.

  • Assignment Notes

Points will be deducted if your solution has warnings of any type.

You have been supplied with stubs for the required methods. You must complete these methods to complete the project. You may add more functions than what was provided, but you may not modify the signatures of the provided methods. You may, however, change the default maximum load factor provided to your constructor.

You do have to worry about accessing elements from an empty map.

You must be able to handle duplicate elements. Duplicate keys are not allowed (but duplicate values are). Newer associations for a given key replace the older ones.

Implementations for bool, is empty, and repr have been provided. Note that these rely on the len and iter functions, so you may want to complete these functions early.

You have been provided with some unit tests that can be used to assess your solution. There are additional test cases that will be kept hidden.

It is your responsibility to check for potential edge cases. The supplied unit tests do not account for all possible valid inputs

For the iter method, you may want to use the yield keyword. Remember that the iter function enumerates key-value pairs, not just the keys. This is di erent than the behavior of Python dictionaries.

You may not use the dict class (the built in dictionary type). You are allowed to use the list class and all of its member functions.


You may assume that the key objects are hashable. You can use the built-in hash function, which returns an integer from such an object (note that these integers are completely unrelated to the size of your map). The value types are not guaranteed to have any kind of special property.


Project 5: HashMaps Solution
$35.00 $29.00