Project 5 / Lab 13 Binary Search Trees solution

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Introduction The fth and nal project will focus on binary search trees. A binary search tree is a binary tree which maintains the restriction that each node has a key that is larger than all keys in the left subtree and smaller than all keys in the right subtree. This restriction is known as the…

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The fth and nal project will focus on binary search trees. A binary search tree is a binary tree which maintains the restriction that each node has a key that is larger than all keys in the left subtree and smaller than all keys in the right subtree. This restriction is known as the Binary Search Tree Principle.

Lab 13 will consist of work time for this project. Your lab grade will be based solely on attendance. All remaining steps must be completed before the due date above. As discussed in lecture, you may work with one partner to complete this assignment (max team size = 2). If you choose to work as a team, please only turn in one copy of your assignment. At the top of your class de nition that implements your main program, include in the comments both of your names and student IDs. In doing so, you are attesting to the fact that both of you have contributed substantially to completion of the project and that both of you understand all code that has been implemented.

For this project, you will be provided three les:,, and BinaryTreeTest .java. contains a baseline implementation of a binary tree node. contains a code skeleton that you will need to ll out. Both and are implemented using generics. contains JUnit tests for each of the methods you are required to implement. Please note that the JUnit tests are only provided for convenience. They may not test all edge cases and your performance on the test cases is not necessarily indicative of your nal grade on the project.

  • Adding

This section requires you to complete the following method within

public void add(K key, V value) {


The add method should add a new node to the existing tree with the key and value passed into the method. If the key already exists in the binary tree, you should update its value to re ect the value passed into the method. If the tree is an empty tree, a root should be created with the key and value passed into the method. You may implement your add method in such a way that any new nodes inserted are leaf nodes.



  • Finding

This section requires you to complete the following method within

public V find(K key) {

return null;


The find method should return the value associated with the key passed into the method. If the key does not exist within the binary tree, null should be returned.

  • Flattening

This section requires you to complete the following method within

public V[] flatten() {

return (V[]) new Object[0];


The flatten function should return an array of all of the values in a binary tree, ordered by key. The length of the array should be equal to the number of elements in the tree and duplicate values should be included.

  • Removing

This section requires you to complete the following method within

public void remove(K key) {


The remove method should remove the key from the binary tree and modify the tree accordingly to maintain the Binary Search Tree Principle. If the key does not exist in the binary tree, no nodes should be removed.



  • Determining Subtrees

This section requires you to complete the following method within

public boolean containsSubtree(BinaryTree<K, V> other) { return false;


The containsSubtree function should return whether the tree passed into the method is a subtree of the tree that it is called from. If the subtree passed into the function is null, containsSubtree should return true.


Project 5 / Lab 13 Binary Search Trees solution
$35.00 $29.00