Project #5 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

This is a programming project. Extra points will be given for early submission: 1 point for each day, up to 3 points. —————————————————————————————————— Write a C program that examines activation records in the runtime stack. The main function should look like this: int main() { f1(); //f2(); //f3(); return 0; } You have to define…

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5/5 – (2 votes)

This is a programming project. Extra points will be given for early submission:

1 point for each day, up to 3 points.


Write a C program that examines activation records in the runtime stack.

The main function should look like this:

int main() {




return 0;


You have to define 3 functions: f1(), f2(), and f3(). Run your program 3 times, calling only one of the functions on each execution.

Function f1() should meet the following requirements:

  • It must define a local array of char values. The size must be adjustable via define macro. The default size could be 1000.

  • It must also define a static int n that increments the number of activation records.

  • It must also define a static long int addr that stores the starting address of the array.

  • Then it must print the current activation record number, the memory address of the current array, followed by the estimated size of the current activation record as a distance (difference) between the current array address and the array address from the previous activation record.

  • Finally, it must recursively call itself, if the activation record count has not exceeded 10.

Here is a sample run of f1():


Call #1

at 000000000022FA30

AR Size


is -2292272

Call #2

at 000000000022F610

AR Size


is 1056

Call #3

at 000000000022F1F0

AR Size


is 1056

Call #4

at 000000000022EDD0

AR Size


is 1056

Call #5

at 000000000022E9B0

AR Size


is 1056

Call #6

at 000000000022E590

AR Size


is 1056

Call #7

at 000000000022E170

AR Size


is 1056

Call #8

at 000000000022DD50

AR Size


is 1056

Call #9

at 000000000022D930

AR Size


is 1056

Call #10

at 000000000022D510

AR Size


is 1056


Function f2() should meet the following requirements:

  • It must do everything f1() does, except this time the recursion never ends until segmentation fault.

  • In addition, in each call, it must print the estimated size of the runtime stack as a product of the size of current activation record and the total count of activation records so far.

Here is a sample run of f2() (towards the end):


Call #1959

at 0000000000036D70

AR Size


is 1056

Stack Size


is 2068704

Call #1960

at 0000000000036950

AR Size


is 1056

Stack Size


is 2069760

Call #1961

at 0000000000036530

AR Size


is 1056

Stack Size


is 2070816

Call #1962

at 0000000000036110

AR Size


is 1056

Stack Size


is 2071872


Call #1963

at 0000000000035CF0

AR Size


is 1056

Stack Size


is 2072928

Call #1964

at 00000000000358D0

AR Size


is 1056

Stack Size


is 2073984

Call #1965

at 00000000000354B0

AR Size


is 1056

Stack Size


is 2075040

Call #1966

at 0000000000035090

AR Size


is 1056

Stack Size


is 2076096

Call #1967

at 0000000000034C70

AR Size


is 1056

Stack Si


Function f3() should meet the following requirements:

  • It must do everything f1() does, except this time use malloc to dynamically allocate the array in the heap instead of stack.

  • Also, introduce another local variable, say, char c, to measure the size of the current activation record.

  • Make sure to free the array from the heap before recursive call to yourself.

  • As with f1(), make sure the recursion ends after 10 calls.

Here is a sample run of f3():

Call #1

at 000000000022FE17

AR Size


is -2293271

Call #2

at 000000000022FDD7

AR Size


is 64

Call #3

at 000000000022FD97

AR Size


is 64

Call #4

at 000000000022FD57

AR Size


is 64

Call #5

at 000000000022FD17

AR Size


is 64

Call #6

at 000000000022FCD7

AR Size


is 64

Call #7

at 000000000022FC97

AR Size


is 64

Call #8

at 000000000022FC57

AR Size


is 64

Call #9

at 000000000022FC17


AR Size




Call #10

at 000000000022FBD7

AR Size






Submit the following:

The code for entire program that includes code for all your functions; The complete output of your program when you execute fn1();

The part of the output of your program when you execute fn2() with 10 last calls before segmentation fault;

The complete output of your program when you execute fn3();

The code must be copied and pasted – no screenshots!

The output may be shown in screenshots.

You may combine everything in one Word or .pdf file or you may send your code and output separately.


Project #5 Solution
$35.00 $29.00