Objective To write a program that parses and processes bank data from a file.
Bank of IIT has gotten their hands on some interesting data which will allow for possible loans to various clients from various regions.
Accompanying the labs specs is a csv (comma separated value) file named
bank-Detail.csv which contains valuable raw data to allow the bank to process loans based on client details from the file.
You need to parse the data and print record data for future loan considerations.
Project Details
-Create an abstract class called to allow for three abstract methods the bank needs to process. Name your methods readData(), processData() and printData(). No arguments are needed for your methods.
-Create a file which will utilize the Client asbtract methods and generate ultimately the client records from the csv file.
The client file has the following header / field data information
id {string}
age {numeric}
income {numeric}
married {NO,YES}
children {0,1,2,3}
car {NO,YES}
save_act {NO,YES}
current_act {NO,YES}
pep {YES,NO}
Create instance fields with appropriate data types for each header item above in your
class. Include getter and setters for each instance field.
- Include code definitions for each method declared in your Client class as follows
Your readData() method should read in all the record data from the csv file in your
path into an ArrayList.
Your processData() method should take all the record data from your ArrayList and add the data into each of your instance fields via your setters. Use an array of objects to store record data for each instance field.
Your printData() method should print the first 25 records for various fields to the console via your getters. Print records for the following fields:
- Include headings in your print detail. Printing record detail should be in a neat columnar style format.
Make sure to include a try catch block when reading any file! Include also proper exception handling. Include your project’s entire source code/csv file into a zip file, and in a separate Word doc file, your console output snapshots/program description as well.