The purpose of this project is to reinforce the knowledge from Chapter Six of the textbook. The students are required to write the following two overloaded methods:
public static int countLetters(String s) which count the number of English letters in given String s.
public static int countLetters(String s, char c) which count the number of English letter c (not case sensitive) in given String s. If c is not an English letter, returns -‐1.
Write a test program with main function. When the program run, it shall run like: (The bold and italic ones are input)
Enter a string: hello 123$% world
Enter a char: 3
The result of calling function int countLetters(String s) is: 10
The result of calling function int countLetters(String s, char c) is: -‐1
Do your want to do another test? Y/N: y
Enter a string: %$#1234567 89 Hello hays
Enter a char: h
The result of calling function int countLetters(String s) is: 9
The result of calling function int countLetters(String s, char c) is: 2
Submit the file via Blackboard link. The due date will be announced on Blackboard.