Project Three: Two-Tier Client-Server Application Development With MySQL and JDBC Solution

$35.00 $29.00

User has connected to a database and issued a select command. Results are displayed in the SQL Execution window. Note the metadata. Your application must print this for the A more complicated query: user. Page 6 When the user makes a mistake entering a SQL command: Page 7 The following two screen shots illustrate that…

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User has connected to a database and issued a select command. Results are displayed in the SQL Execution window.

Note the




must print

this for the

A more complicated query:


Page 6

When the user makes a mistake entering a SQL command:

Page 7

The following two screen shots illustrate that your application should be able to handle non-query commands from the users.

Before screen shot of a subset of the riders relation:

Page 8

Insert command issued:

After screen shot of subset of riders relation after insert command was issued:

Page 9

Screen shot illustrating the client user issuing a command for which they do not have permission:

Page 10

Project Three: Two-Tier Client-Server Application Development With MySQL and JDBC Solution
$35.00 $29.00