Project 1 NameList Class Solution

$40.00 $34.00

The purpose of this assignment is to get experience with the strings, regular expressions, Lists, operators, and indexers. Specifications The Name Class A person’s name may be in any form typically used for names in this country. Examples include the following. Will E. Makit I. M. Smart chauncey c. chauncey, iii Betty Wont Kute, U.…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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The purpose of this assignment is to get experience with the strings, regular expressions, Lists, operators, and indexers.


The Name Class

A person’s name may be in any form typically used for names in this country. Examples include the following.

Will E. Makit I. M. Smart chauncey c. chauncey, iii

Betty Wont Kute, U. R. Morton Downey, Jr

Ima Raven Nutt, IV Colder, I. Ben, Jr. McPherson Mack Pherson, MD

Thayer B. Fuddled Badly, Claude Sue N. Lawyer, JD

U. Ara Nice Pursun Dr. Heza Dummox I. N. Stein, PhD

SAM SMITH-JONES mckensie j. quincy macdonald o’reilly, riley

Develop a Name class that keeps track of the name and its components. It should provide the functionality to decompose and recompose/format any name in any of the various forms. Only “American” types of names need be handled.

The Name class should have a default constructor, a copy constructor, and a parameterized constructor. The third of these constructors should accept a string representing a name in any of the permissible formats and decompose it appropriately into its components. The case of the letters in the name components should be adjusted so that, when displayed, the names appear correctly. The Tools.Tokenize method may be of use.

The Name class should have methods that return strings. One should contain the name in the form of first name first (such as I. Ben Colder, Jr.). Another should return the name in the form of last name followed by a comma, followed by the rest of the name (such as Makit, Will E., PhD).

The Name class must implement the IEquatable<Name> and IComparable<Name> interfaces according to the standards and techniques discussed in class. The comparisons of two Name objects should be based on a String comparison of a combination of the Last, Rest, and Suffix properties, in that order. The comparisons should ignore case differences.

NameList Class

  • Create a NameList class that represents an indexable List of Name objects.
  • The NameList class should maintain the collection internally through the use of a private List<Name> instance.
  • Because the private internal List is not accessible to a user of the NameList class, you must provide one or more properties for the NameList class that allow access to any important properties of the List<Name> object such as Count.
  • Define the + operator for the NameList class to allow one to add a Name to the internal List – if it is not already there.
  • Define the – operator for the NameList class to allow one to remove a Name from the internal List – if it is present. You will need to decide how this operator should behave if the Name is not found in the internal List. Be prepared to explain the rationale for your decision.
  • Define one or more Indexers on the NameList class that will allow the user to retrieve/replace a single Name in the internal List.
  • There should be two methods that can return sorted List<String>. One should return a sorted List<String> containing the all of the names, last name first. The other should return a sorted List<String> containing all of the names, first name first.
  • Use the methods of the List<T> class and the Name class where you can to avoid brute force approaches.

Driver Class

  • The driver should be menu-driven. You may use the Menu class I posted on the course site, or you may use your own.
  • The driver should allow the user to select a text file containing any number of names, one per line, in any of the formats allowed above. An OpenFileDialog should be used for this purpose.
  • The driver should be able to input the names from the file specified above and build a NameList from them.
  • The driver should allow the user to display a single name either last name first, first name first, or as originally read from the file.
  • The driver should allow the user to request a display of a sorted list of all of the Names in the NameList either by last name first or by first name first.
  • The program should allow the user to add a new name to the internal list.
  • The program should allow the user to delete a name from the internal list.
  • When the program starts, the driver should display a welcome message using an appropriate static method in your Tools class. It should then prompt the user to input his/her credentials including name, email address, and phone number. Create a Name object for the name. Use regular expressions to validate the correct format is used for the email address and phone number, rejecting any that are in an incorrect format.
  • When the program is ready to terminate, it should display a personalized Goodbye message using an appropriate static method from your Tools class. The message should include the user’s credentials entered at the beginning of the program. They should be formatted in such a way that they blend into the message comfortably.
  • Before the driver ends, it should allow the use to save the current NameList (the Original Names) with any changes that have been made into a text file. The user should be able to select the text file into which the file is written using a SaveFileDialog.

Tools Class

  • Continue to add static methods to your Tools class as you find needs for methods that may be useful in the future.
  • Following are two instructor-provided utility methods you may want to add to your Tools class.

/// <summary>
/// Display a Press Any Key to … message at the bottom of the screen
/// </summary>
/// <param name=”strVerb”>term in the Press Any Key to … message; default: “continue . . .”</param>
public static void PressAnyKey (string strVerb = “continue …”)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
if (Console.CursorTop < Console.WindowHeight  1)
Console.SetCursorPosition (0Console.WindowHeight  1);
Console.SetCursorPosition (0Console.CursorTop + 2);

Console.Write (“Press any key to “ + strVerb);
Console.ReadKey ( );
Console.Clear ( );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
// End PressAnyKey 

/// <summary>
/// Skip n lines in the console window
/// </summary>
/// <param name=”n”>the number of lines to skip – defaults to 1</param>
public static void Skip (int n = 1)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Console.WriteLine ( );



Follow the instructions found on the Fact Sheet for the course that was distributed at the first class meeting and that is posted on the course web site. Turn in the entire project zipped, less the bin and obj folders that you must delete. Please include your text file containing the names with which you tested your project.


Project 1 NameList Class Solution
$40.00 $34.00