CSCI 335 Project

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Q1: (2 EC points for course grade) – Longest Common Subsequence Attachments provided: For this question, there are 1 visible test and 1 invisible/hidden test. Subsequences are sequences within a string that appear in the same relative order but are not necessarily contiguous. For example, if given a string “123456”, then some potential subsequences…

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Q1: (2 EC points for course grade) – Longest Common Subsequence

Attachments provided:

For this question, there are 1 visible test and 1 invisible/hidden test.

Subsequences are sequences within a string that appear in the same relative order but are not necessarily contiguous. For example, if given a string “123456”, then some potential subsequences are, “123”, “12”, “456”, “14”, “236”, “46”, etc.

The longest common subsequence problem is as follows:

Given two sequences A= a1,a2,…am and B= b1,b2,…bN find the length, k, of the longest subsequence C= c1,c2,…cm such that C is a subsequence (not necessarily contiguous) of both

A and B.

Example 1: If A = dynamic and B = programming then the longest common subsequence is ami and has a length of 3.

Example 2: If A = apples and B = oranges then the longest common subsequence is aes and has a length of 3.

Write an algorithm to solve the longest common subsequence problem in O(MN) time.

Your program should take two arguments, word_a and word_b.

Given a call, ./subsequence <word_a> <word_b>, your program should output in the following format.



Example: Given, ./subsequence apples oranges your program should return:



Q1 Deliverables:

  • (modified)

    • subsequence_driver()

  • README file (one comprehensive README about Q1 and Q2)

Q2: (2 EC points for course grade) – Optimal Matrix Multiplication

Attachments provided:,, dimension_file.txt, dimension_file2.txt

For this question, there are 1 visible test and 1 invisible/hidden test.

Given the sizes of several matrices, calculate the optimal multiplication ordering using dynamic programming. The sizes will be presented in a file containing dimensions in a sequence:

For example, dimensions_file.txt can be






That means that c0 = 50, c1 = 10, c2 = 40, c3 = 30, and c4 = 5. Therefore. the matrices to be multiplied have sizes:

Matrix 1: 50 x 10

Matrix 2: 10 x 40

Matrix 3: 40 x 30

Matrix 4: 30 x 5

Obviously when the dimensions_file.txt contains N numbers, then the matrices to be multiplied are N – 1.

Write a program that runs as follows:

./optimal_multiplications <dimensions_file>

The program should produce the optimal number of multiplications.

./optimal_multiplications dimensions_file.txt, should output a single number.


Note: This output is not necessarily representative of any particular input.

Q2 deliverables:

  • (modified)

    • multiplication_driver()

  • README file. (one comprehensive README for Q1 and Q1)

CSCI 335 Project
$24.99 $18.99