Lab 1: Functional Programming with Numbers

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Q1. Compute the value of the following expression using Scheme: 5+4+(2 (3 (6 + 4 ))) 5 3(6 2)(2 7) Q2. De ne a function leastTwo that returns the sum of the smallest two of its three inputs. For instance: (leastTwo 3 1 2) = 3 (leastTwo 8 8 3) = 11 Q3. Given two…

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Q1. Compute the value of the following expression using Scheme:



(6 +







Q2. De ne a function leastTwo that returns the sum of the smallest two of its three inputs.

For instance:

(leastTwo 3 1 2) = 3

(leastTwo 8 8 3) = 11

Q3. Given two integers x and n and an integer exponent y, write a function (modexp x y n) that will output xy mod n.

Q4. Recall whom did we agree to have invented perhaps the largest number of things named after him. Apart from the square-root method (using good-enough, improve, and an initial guess), he had also invented a method to compute cube-roots. The method is based on the fact that if y is an approximation to the cube root of x, then a better approximation is given by:

x=y2 + 2y


Use this formula to implement a cube-root function analogous to the square-root procedure.

Q5. Write a function iterative-improve that takes two functions as arguments: a method for telling whether a guess is good enough and a method for improving a guess. The function iterative-improve should return as its value another function that takes a guess as argument and keeps improving the guess until it is good enough. Rewrite the cube-root function from Q3 in terms of iterative-improve.

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CS302: Paradigms of Programming Lab 1: Functional Programming with Numbers

Q6. Recall the claim the instructor made in the previous class that everything apart from lambdas is syntactic sugar. Let us get a avour of the same.

Say we de ne the rst number zero as:

(define zero (lambda () ’()))

where, for now, say ’() represents empty.

Say we additionally have the following two de nitions for computing the successor and the predecessor functions:

(define (succ x) (lambda () x))

(define (pred x) (x))

The purpose of the above two clever de nitions is to ensure the property that the predecessor of the successor of a number n is n. Make sure you see this in the de nitions (in terms of when is a procedure applied versus de ned, etc.).

What is the number one? Successor of zero! What is the number two? Successor of one (or successor of successor of zero)! And so on. Let’s de ne a few numbers this way:

(define one (succ zero))

(define two (succ one))

(define three (succ two))

(define four (succ three))

(define five (succ four))

Now say we have a way to compute if something is zero:

(define (is-zero? x) (null? (x)))

where null? is a prede ned procedure in Scheme.

Next let us de ne a procedure that checks if two of our newly de ned Church numerals are equal:

(define (is-equal? x y)

(cond ((is-zero? x) (is-zero? y))

((is-zero? y) (is-zero? x))

(else (is-equal? (pred x) (pred y)))))

Basically, as the only actual equality check we have is for zeros (in the form of is-zero?), what we are doing in (is-equal? x y) is getting down to using is-zero? by recursively reducing x and y using the pred function.

Write code to verify the following kinds of properties:

  1. zero is not equal to one, but is equal to zero

  1. four is equal to succ(succ(succ(succ(zero))))

  1. The predecessor of the successor of two is two

CS302: Paradigms of Programming Lab 1: Functional Programming with Numbers

Apart from checking for equality, what else are numbers useful for? Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and so on. Understand and programmatically verify (like the items above) that the following add-church procedure works:

(define (add-church x y)

(if (is-zero? y)


(add-church (succ x) (pred y))))

Now write your own versions of subtract-church and multiply-church.

Absorb the fact that we were able to implement numbers and (some of) the important associ-ated operations just with lambdas (recall the representation of our ‘zero’); that should give you an idea of the power of the lambda calculus – a topic we would discuss further in the next week!


Lab 1: Functional Programming with Numbers
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