Homework 4 Solved

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Your ZIP archive should contain the following: hw4.pdf, the le containing the answers to Questions 1 and 2 and the report of Question 3. q3, the directory containing all the source les and the Makefile for Question 3. Do not forget to put your name, student id, and section number in all of these les.…

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  1. Your ZIP archive should contain the following:

hw4.pdf, the le containing the answers to Questions 1 and 2 and the report of Question 3.

q3, the directory containing all the source les and the Makefile for Question 3.

  1. Do not forget to put your name, student id, and section number in all of these les. Properly comment your implementation. Add a header as given below to the beginning of each le:


    • Title: CS202

    • Author: Name Surname

    • ID: 22000000

    • Section: 9

    • Assignment: 4

    • Description: description of your code


  1. Do not put any unnecessary les such as the auxiliary les generated from your favorite IDE.

  1. Be careful to avoid using any OS-dependent utilities.

  1. You should upload handwritten answers for Questions 1 and 2 (in other words, do not submit answers prepared using a word processor).

  1. Use the exact algorithms shown in lectures.

  1. Although you may use any platform or any operating system to implement your algorithms and obtain your experimental results, your code should work on the dijkstra server (dijkstra.ug.bcc.bilkent.edu.tr). We will compile and test your programs on that server. Thus, you will lose signi cant points if your C++ code does not compile or execute on the dijkstra server.

  1. This homework will be graded by your TA, Batuhan Kaynak. Thus, please contact him directly (batuhan.kaynak -at- bilkent.edu.tr) for any homework-related questions.

Attention: For this assignment, you are allowed to use the codes given in our textbook and/or our lecture slides. However, you ARE NOT ALLOWED to use any codes from other sources (including the codes given in other textbooks, found on the Internet, belonging to your classmates, etc.), or data structures and algorithms from the C++ standard template library (STL).

Do not forget that plagiarism and cheating will be heavily punished. Please do the homework yourself.

Question 1 (10 points)

  1. (5 points) Starting with an empty 2-3 tree, perform the following operations on the tree in the given order:

Insert 2 Insert 20 Insert 6 Insert 16 Insert 10 Delete 2 Insert 12 Insert 14 Insert 8 Delete 16 Insert 18 Insert 3 Delete 6 Delete 14

Show the underlying tree after each insertion and deletion.

(b) (5 points) Repeat part (a) for a 2-3-4 tree.

Question 2 (15 points)

(a) (5 points) Assume that we have a hash table with size 13 (index range is 0 : : : 12), and we use

h(x) = x mod 13

as the hash function to map a given numeric key into this hash table. Assuming open addressing with linear probing, draw the hash table after the insertion of the keys

45 64 54 17 69 58 32 60 26

in the given order.

Find the average number of probes for a successful search and an unsuccessful search for the nal hash table.

  1. (5 points) Repeat part (a) for open addressing with quadratic probing.

  1. (5 points) Repeat part (a) for separate chaining.

Question 3 (75 points)

  1. You are asked to develop a driver program that allows an airline company to perform some operations on a ight map.

The ight map is represented as a weighted undirected graph where the vertices correspond to the airports and the edges correspond to the ights between these airports.

The weight of each edge represents the duration of the ight.

The operations to the program execution are provided by an input le.

The rst line of the input le contains an integer n, which is the number of airports.

Each airport is denoted by an integer from 0 to n 1, inclusive.

The second line of the input le contains an integer m, which is the number of operations.

The following m lines are operations in the following format: <opCode> <arguments>

{ opCode is a single character operation code, matching one of the operations below.

{ arguments is a single line of arguments for the related operation.

Possible operations: { Insertion: opCode: I

arguments: u v w

Details: Inserts a two-way ight between two airports u and v. w is the duration of the ight, represented as an integer. If there is a previous ight between u and v, keep both.

Expected output:

Inserted a new flight between <u> and <v>. The number of flights from <u> is <x>.

{ List: opCode: L arguments: u

Details: Lists the ights from airport u. Expected output:

List of flights from <u>:

<u> to <v1> with a duration of <w1>. <u> to <v2> with a duration of <w2>.

The number of flights is <xx>.

{ Shortest Path: opCode: S arguments: s t

Details: Reports the shortest possible path from airport s to airport t. Expected output:

The shortest path from <s> to <t>: <s> to <v1> with a duration <w1> <v1> to <v2> with a duration <w2>

<vn-2> to <vn-1> with a duration <wn-1> <vn-1> to <t> with a duration <wn> Total flight duration of path: <xx>

or, if there is no path from s to t: No paths from <s> to <t>.

{ Minimize Costs: opCode: M arguments: no arguments

Details: The company requests a cost minimization. Assume that the cost of a two-way ight is equal to the duration. To minimize, they want to cancel some of the ights, while also keeping the connectivity. If two airports are reachable before the operation, they should also be reachable after the operation. This operation should lead to the minimum possible cost under the constraints. This operation should modify the underlying graph.

Expected output:

Total cost of operations before minimization: <xx>

Total cost of operations after minimization: <yy>

The program should execute the operations one by one.

The underlying graph should be an adjacency list implementation. You should provide an e cient implementation for each operation. The name of the executable of your program should be hw4.

Your program should accept the path to the input le as a parameter to your program, e.g. if the input le is in.txt in the same directory as the executable, then the following command should execute your program:

hw4 in.txt

Example Input File







S 2 3


S 2 3


L 2

S 2 3


L 2

Example Output

Inserted a new flight between 0 and 1.

The number of flights from 0 is 1.

Inserted a new flight between 0 and 2.

The number of flights from 0 is 2.

Inserted a new flight between 0 and 4.

The number of flights from 0 is 3.

Inserted a new flight between 1 and 2.

The number of flights from 1 is 2.

No paths from 2 to 3.

Inserted a new flight between 3 and 4.

The number of flights from 3 is 1.

Inserted a new flight between 1 and 3.

The number of

flights from 1 is 3.

List of flights

from 2:


to 1 with a

duration of 6.


to 0

with a

duration of 3.

The number of

flights is 2.

The shortest path from 2

to 3:


to 0

with a




to 1

with a




to 3

with a



Total flight duration of path: 11

Total cost of operations before minimization: 26

Total cost of operations after minimization: 14

List of flights from 2:

2 to 0 with a duration of 3.

The number of flights is 1.

  1. Prepare a report and discuss the worst-case asymptotic complexities of your implementation of operations.

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Homework 4 Solved
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