Assignment 5

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Rarely do people communicate; they just take turns talking. — /usr/games/fortune That’s cool! It looks hard… — TLD, my 12 y.o., when I showed him mytalk Due by 11:59:59pm, Friday, December 1st. This assignment is to be done individually (but see if you can interoperate with your classmates). Program: mytalk talk(1) is a program that…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)

Rarely do people communicate; they just take turns talking.


That’s cool! It looks hard…

TLD, my 12 y.o., when I showed him mytalk

Due by 11:59:59pm, Friday, December 1st.

This assignment is to be done individually (but see if you can interoperate with your classmates).

Program: mytalk

talk(1) is a program that allows a user on one machine to send and receive messages from another user on another machine. To do this, it splits the screen into two parts, displaying the remote user’s text in the top half and the local user’s in the lower half. talk(1)’s connections are managed by a talk daemon, a process that exists in the background, waits for network connections, then asks the targeted user if they want to talk.

Your task is to implement mytalk, a simplified version of talk(1) that has a server and a client but no daemon and a simpler protocol.

In the process you will gain:

  • experience with networking,

  • experience with concurrency,

  • experience with asynchronous IO (more concurrency),

  • experience linking against a given library (and visibility into libraries at all), and

  • tangential experience dealing with ncurses and terminals.

Good news: I’ve abstracted away most of the difficult IO processing into a library leaving you mostly just the networking.

Running mytalk

Mytalk is one program, with two modes, client and server. In server mode, mytalk opens a network socket and listens for connections from a client elsewhere in the world. In client mode, the program opens a socket and attempts to connect to a server on a remote host.


mytalk [ -v ] [ -a ] [ -N ] [ hostname ] port

Options supported:

-v increases verbosity. May be repeated.

-a (server) accept a connection without asking (useful while debugging)

-N do not start ncurses windowing (useful while debugging)


If the hostname option is present, mytalk acts as a client. hostname is the name of the remote host to which to connect at the given port.

If hostname is not present, mytalk acts as a server, opening a listening socket on the local machine at the given port.

The -v option increases verbosity. What exactly it does is up to you, but it can be very helpful while debugging to be able to turn on and off code that narrates what your program is doing.

The -a option tells the server to accept all connections without asking. This is not really useful in the final version of the program, but it really speeds up testing since you don’t have to keep switching windows just to type “y”.

The -N option tells mytalk not to start the ncurses windowing. This is also not terribly useful in the final version of the program, but it can make debugging easier since it will interact better with, say, gdb.

General rules

  • Client and server will use TCP (SOCK STREAM) for communications.

  • When the server starts it opens a socket on the given port and listens for connection attempts from a client. (See TCP/IP Programming, below.)

  • When a client starts, it attempts to open a connection to the server on the given host at the given port. If the connection is established, the client sends a packet containing the user’s username and waits for a response.

In the meantime it displays a message of the form:

Waiting for response from hostname.

  • When the connection is established, the server displays a message of the form:

Mytalk request from user@hostname. Accept (y/n)?

If the user answers with “yes” or “y” (case insensitive), the server responds with “ok”. If not, it responds with anything else.

  • If the client receives any answer other than “ok”, it terminates its connection and exits. (This will cause the server’s connection to close so both will exit.) It’s final message will be:

hostname declined connection.

  • Once this introduction is completed, both server and client switch to a graphical mode where text from the remote machine is displayed in the top half of the screen and local text is displayed in the lower half.

This is done using a library known as ncurses. Good news: I have abstracted away the complexity of ncurses and dealing with ncurses IO into a library. (See below.)

  • Both server and client wait for IO from either the local or remote user and display it when it becomes available. If you have two file descriptors and you don’t know which one will become ready first, poll(2) is your friend for determining this in a nonblocking fashion.

  • A message is passed when either a complete line of input is available or if EOF is detected on an incomplete line. (The library more or less takes care of this.)

Note: The talk(1) protocol requires that erase and kill characters be supported as well as a few other things. The library takes care of this.


  • Message passing stops when either user types either the EOF character (ˆD) or generates a SIGINT (ˆC) causing that end to terminate. Note: ncurses installs its own SIGINT handler, so if you must install your own handler, be sure to install it after starting windowing.

  • When the other end detects that its peer has terminated, it displays a message of the form:

Connection closed. ^C to terminate.

and will perform no further IO.


Figure 1 shows what the system looks like on both server and client machines while trying to establish a connection, and Figure 2 shows the system during a chat. Figure 3 shows the system after the client has exited. (The server exiting is symmetric.)

TCP/IP Programming

This is a quick description of the steps in establishing and using a TCP connection to refresh what we talked about in class.

Server side

  1. Create the socket with socket(2)

  1. Attach an address to it with bind(2)

  1. Wait for a connection with listen(2)

  1. Accept a connection with accept(2)

  1. send and receive with send(2) and recv(2) until done

  1. close(2) any remaining sockets

Client side

  1. Look up peer address with getaddrinfo(3) (or gethostbyname(3) which is old-fashioned, but simpler)

  1. Create the socket with socket(2)

  1. Connect to the server using connect(2)

  1. Send and receive with send(2) and recv(2) until done

  1. close(2) any remaining sockets

Both sides

  1. Note that many of these functions specify that arguments or results are in network byte order.

  1. Host-to-network (and vice-versa) conversions can be done sith htonl(3), htons(3), ntohl(3), and ntohs(3) as appropriate.



unix6% mytalk 1234

Mytalk request from Accept (y/n)?


unix1% ./mytalk 1234

Waiting for response from

Figure 1: Before a connection is established

Server Client

The Talk library

Because dealing with ncurses in particular—and IO processing in general—is a pain, I have provided a library for you with some useful functions to handle the windowing and most of the IO difficulties. The functions in the library are given in Table 1.

The library itself is available on the CSL machines in ~pn-cs357/Given/Talk/. The 32-bit ver-sion is in the lib subdirectory, and the 64-bit version is in lib64. The header file is include/talk.h.

To use such a library file, libname.a, you can do one of two things. First, you can simply include it on the link line like any other object file:

% gcc -o prog prog.o thing.o libname.a

Second, you can use the compiler’s library finding mechanism. The -L option gives a directory in which to look for libraries and the -lname flag tells it to include the archive file libname.a:

% gcc -o prog prog.o thing.o -L. -lname

Because the library uses ncurses for windowing, you need to include the ncurses library, too, so to build, you’ll do something like:

Compile: gcc -c -g -Wall -I ˜pn-cs357/Given/Talk/include foo.c

Link: gcc -g -Wall -L ˜pn-cs357/Given/Talk/lib64 -o prog foo.o -ltalk -lncurses

For the 64-bit version, you’d use lib64, or you can put both on the link line and let the linker choose.

Note: When linking a program, the linker resolves symbols (finds missing names) in the order in which it encounters them. This means that the order in which libraries appear on the link line matters. If -lncurses appears before anything that needs ncurses, none of those symbols will be included.

Why are computers so $#%$ complicated? (a note on asynchronous IO)

If read from input() and write to output() read and write lines, respectively, and poll(2) tells when a file descriptor is ready to be read from, what do we need with those other functions?

As with many things computer-related, the reality is more complicated than it first appears (and even the below isn’t totally true).

Because of the way it processes IO, ncurses has to shift the terminal into what is known as noncanonical mode. In normal, canonical, mode, the terminal line discipline gathers input up into lines, processing special characters like erase and kill in the process. In noncanonical mode, characters become available to the application as soon as they’re typed.

Who cares?, you might say. Turns out, you do: Being in non-canonical mode (technically cbreak mode, for old timers) means that the local input file descriptor will become ready for reading the moment the user types the first character of a line. If the program calls read from input() then, it will block (wait) until the entire line has been typed before returning. While it is blocked it will not be listening to the network socket so it will neither see nor relay any messages from the other user. If the local user types a key and never hits <enter> it will remain forever deaf.

This is where the other functions come in. update input buffer() and has whole line() allow the program to read as much input is available into an internal buffer and to check if it has read an entire line without blocking. This means that the program knows whether it can call read from input() without blocking or if it should go back to waiting on poll(2) for further input from anywhere.

Where does has hit eof() come in then?

A whole line means a sequence of characters ending in newline, or any sequence of characters having been read before encountering EOF. read from input() returns the line if there exists one, or 0 if all that’s left is EOF. If the program received the string “this is a stringˆD”, this means


void start windowing(void);

Turns on the ncurses windows if stdin and stdout are ttys. Does nothing if they are not.

void stop windowing(void);

Turns off the ncurses windows if they are on. Nothing otherwise.

int read from input(char *buf, size t len);

If windowing is enabled, read up to len-1 bytes from the input window, oth-erwise read from stdin using fgets(3). The buffer will be nul-terminated and will include the final newline if it exists and fits. Returns the number of bytes read on success, 0 on EOF, and ERR on error. (ncurses doesn’t actually define any error conditions.)

If the internal buffer does not include a full line, blocks until there is one or EOF.

int write to output(const char *buf, size t len);

If windowing is enabled, write len bytes to the output, otherwise write to stdout (using fputs(3)). Returns OK on success and ERR on failure.

int fprint to output(const char *fmt, …);

uses write to output() to write formatted data to the appropriate output in the manner of printf(3).

void update input buffer(void);

If windowing is enabled, update the library’s internal buffer as far as the next newline or EOF in a nonblocking fashion (see below). Does nothing if windowing is disabled.

int has whole line(void);

If windowing is enabled, return TRUE if the library’s buffer holds a whole line ready to read, FALSE otherwise. Returns TRUE if windowing is dis-abled.

int has hit eof(void);

If windowing is enabled, return TRUE if the library has encountered EOF while reading, FALSE otherwise. Calls feof(stdin) if windowing is dis-abled.

int set verbosity(int level);

set the verbosity level within the library. It doesn’t say much, but it can be made more chatty.

Table 1: The contents of libtalk.a


that read from input() would first return 16 for the string, then 0 for the EOF on the next call. But why would that next call ever be made? So far as poll(2) is concerned that file descriptor will never be ready to read since it’s already seen EOF. This is what has hit eof() is for. Calling read from input() again risks blocking, but has hit eof() can check for this condition without that concern.

While it’s at it, the library does various input processing required by the talk(1) specification. It processes erase and kill characters, encodes any non-printable characters in a way that will be harmless to the remote terminal (octal strings), and passes through bel characters in such a way as to make the remote terminal beep. If the internal buffer—which is the same length as a row of the screen—fills up, it discards further characters with a cheerful beep until either newline or EOF is encountered.

In conclusion, read from input() and write to output() do almost what you want, in a slightly inaesthetic way, but to really do it right is a little more complicated.


Different machines order the bytes of multi-byte integers differently With a single byte, the meaning of an address is clear, but with multi-byte data, such as integers, the question arises, “Which end of the data does the address really point to?” The two obvious possibilities are the most significant byte or the least significant byte. Each is quite valid, but unfortunately, they are incompatable.

Consider the number 0XAABBCCDD. If represented as a little-endian number at address A, the least significant byte, DD, comes at location A, then the more significant bytes follow at locations A + 1, A + 2 and A + 3. For big-endian, the most significant byte, AA comes at address A, and the less significant bytes follow:

Library functions, etc.

Some (potentially) useful functions, man pages, and programs are listed in Table 2.


write a limited amount of formatted data to a string


check a set of file descriptors for readiness


Your best friend for option parsing; well worth the scary-looking

learning curve


Don’t think; know what’s wrong.



creates a socket


attaches an address to a socket


tells a socket to listen for connections


accept a connection request on a listening socket


attempt to connect to a remote socket


send a message, via a socket, to a remote socket


receive a message on a local socket


close a file descriptor (socket or otherwise)


look up a host address from its name




Render a printable version of an IP address


look up a host’s name from its address



return the calling process’s user id


look up the password entry for the given uid (to get username)


string comparison routines



way more than you ever wanted to know about ncurses


reset the terminal to a reasonable state after a crash of a program

that changes it. Similarly, “stty sane”.


block until a signal is delivered, possibly forever

htonl(3) htons(3)

Convert from host to network byte order and vice-versa

ntohl(3) ntohs(3)

Table 2: Some potentially useful system calls, library functions, and man pages

Coding Standards and Make

See the pages on coding standards and make on the cpe 357 class web page.

What to turn in

Submit via handin in the CSL to the asgn5 directory of the pn-cs357 account:

  • Your well-documented source files.

  • A makefile (called Makefile) that will build your program when given the target mytalk or no target at all.


  • A README file that contains:

Your name.

Any special instructions for running your program.

Any other thing you want me to know while I am grading it.

The README file should be plain text, i.e, not a Word document, and should be named “README”, all capitals with no extension.

Sample runs

This is really an interactive program. I will place an executable version of mytalk on the CSL machines in ~pn-cs357/demos so you can run it yourself.


Assignment 5
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