Assignment 3 — Directed Graphs Solved

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In a directed graph, the existence of a path from a vertex u to a vertex v does not imply the existence of a path from v back to u. As a result, finding a path from u to v does not necessarily mean that they are in the same component. Finding the components of…

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In a directed graph, the existence of a path from a vertex u to a vertex v does not imply the existence of a path from v back to u. As a result, finding a path from u to v does not necessarily mean that they are in the same component. Finding the components of a directed graph requires a more sophisticated approach that a pure depth first search.

  • Strongly Connected Components

Recall that a strongly connected component of a directed graph is a maximal set of vertices within which there exists a path between every pair of vertices. For example, consider the following directed graph:


v1 v2


v5 v6

This graph contains three strongly connected components: {v1, v5}, {v2, v3, v4}, and {v6}. Notice that v1 alone does not form a component, because it’s not maximal; v5 can still be added without breaking its strong connectivity.

In your programming language of choice, implement an algorithm to find the strongly connected components of a graph. To help you get started, not the following observations:

  • No strongly connected component can span multiple trees in a forest generated by a depth-first search.

  • Assigning pre- and post-visit numbers to vertices during a depth-first search allows identification of back edges.

  • Finding a back edge during a depth-first search indicates the existence of a cycle.

  • All vertices along a cycle must be in the same strongly connected component.

  • If two cycles share any vertices, then they are both in the same strongly connected component.

Each input graph will be provided as an edge list: each edge in the graph will be represented by a space-separated pair of vertex identifiers, indicating an edge from the first vertex to the second.

You may assume that vertex identifiers are contiguous positive integers starting from 1 (i.e. they begin at 1 and contain no “gaps”). You may also assume that the graph will be simple and will not contain any isolated vertices.

For example, the above graph could be represented as:

  • 3

  • 4

3 4

  • 5

2 6

5 4

4 2

2 3

5 1

Your program must accept as a command line argument the name of a file containing an edge list as described above, the print to stdout the strongly connected components as follows.

CSC 349 Assignment 3 — Directed Graphs Page 2 of 2

  • Print the number of strongly connected components.

  • Print each strongly connected component as a comma separated list on its own line. For example:

$ ./

$ ./ test_files/in1.txt

3 Strongly Connected Component(s):

1, 5



The correct answer is unique up to ordering. Your answer may list the components in a different order and may also list the vertices within a component in a different order; that’s fine. Taking the time to sort the output would worsen the efficiency of the algorithm.

  • Submission

The following items must be demonstrated/presented to me in lab on the day of the deadline.

  • Pseudocode for an efficient algorithm to find the strongly connected components of a directed graph.

  • Drawings of three graphs that you consider interesting test cases for your algorithm.

The following files are required and must be pushed to your GitHub Classroom repository by the deadline:

  • — A bash script to compile your submission (even if it does nothing).

  • — A bash script to run your submission.

  • *.py or *.java — Your source code in Python or Java of a working program to find strongly connected components.

Assignment 3 — Directed Graphs Solved
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