Regular Expressions” Programming Lab 1 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Programming Language Fundamentals (CS 381) Perl For this lab you will use Perl. Perl should already be installed on OSX and on most Linux systems. To check your version, type perl -v at the terminal. Window users will need to install Perl and have their choice between Active Perl or Strawberry Perl. Dataset This lab…

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Programming Language Fundamentals (CS 381)


For this lab you will use Perl. Perl should already be installed on OSX and on most Linux systems. To check your version, type perl -v at the terminal. Window users will need to install Perl and have their choice between Active Perl or Strawberry Perl.


This lab will make use of a dataset containing a million song titles. This dataset is used in various machine learning experiments and is provided by the Laboratory for the Recognition and Organization of Speech and Audio at Columbia University. You will need the following le (it is in the starter pack):

This le contains one millions lines and weighs in at 82 MB. You should probably avoid viewing it in a web browser.

In addition, the starter pack contains a subset of this dataset containing only song titles that begin with the letter \A” and another set for the letter \B”. You will use these smaller datasets for debugging and testing purposes.

Protip: You will build on your code for Lab2.

Getting Started

Unpack the starter pack archive available on Canvas. First make a copy of the lab template (e.g., cp lab1 You will modify for this lab.

Open the le in your favorite text editor. At the top, add your name and email as instructed by the comments. Set the variable $name to your name.


Begin by running the program.

$ perl

The template provides you with a working user menu (although not all features are enabled until you write them). It takes commands followed by an argument (optional). The command list is listed at the end of this document. Try it out and type commands, one per line. Afterwards, type the end-of-input character CTRL+D.

load tracks.txt



This will read in the le tracks.txt and print out each line to standard out. You will want to kill the program or you will be waiting a long time.

Protip: Remember you can use Ctrl+C to cancel execution of the program.

Next, run the program again and count the number of lines in the input le.

load tracks.txt

count tracks


You can verify that there are indeed one million song titles. Now run your rst test.

$ perl < ./tests/




Test t01 loaded a smaller dataset a tracks which contains the 54,586 tracks that begin with the letter ‘A’. It counted the number of tracks, words, and characters in the le.

load a_tracks.txt

count tracks

count words

count characters

Protip: You can save standard out into an output le, e.g.,

$ perl < ./tests/ > t01.myout



As you can see, these songs titles are incredibly messy. We need to clean them up. Regular expressions are the perfect tool for that task. And Perl is the perfect language for regular expression wizardry.

Task 1: Extract song title

Each line contains a track id, song id, artist name, and the song title, such as:

TRWRJSX12903CD8446<SEP>SOBSFBU12AB018DBE1<SEP>Frank Sinatra<SEP>Everything Happens To Me

You are only concerned with the last eld, the song title. As your rst task, you will write a regular expression that extracts the song title and discards all other information.

Protip: You may nd this site useful in debugging your regular expression. It allows you to test your regular expressions on a block of text that you provide.

In the code, nd the function extract title. In the if statement, edit the regular expres-sion to capture only the song title. The print command is useful to print out the tracks as you develop your regular expressions.

Protip: The print command takes an optional integer argument which restricts printing to only the rst n tracks. For example, print 10, prints only the rst ten tracks.

Now you can run Test t02, which runs the filter title command.

$ perl < ./tests/

If you pass Test t02, try Test t12 and Test t22 which are the same but on a di erent set of tracks. There pattern is true for the other tests (e.g., Tests t03, t13, t23).

Task 2: Eliminate super uous text

The song title, however, is quite noisy, often containing additional information beyond the song title. Consider this example:

Strangers In The Night (Remastered Album Version) [The Frank Sinatra Collection]

You need to preform some pre-processing in order to clean up the song titles. You will write a series of regular expressions that match a block of text and replace it with nothing.


Begin by writing a regular expression that matches a left parenthesis and any text that follows it. You need not match the right parenthesis explicitly. Replace the parenthesis and all text that follow it with nothing.

In the above Sinatra example, the modi ed title becomes Strangers In The Night.

Repeat this for patterns beginning with the left bracket, the left curly brace, and all the other characters listed below:

  • [ f n /- : “+ = feat.

Note that the above lists the left quote (on the tilde key above tab) and not the apostrophe (located left of the enter key). This is a very important distinction. We do not want to omit the apostrophe as it allows contractions.

Many of these characters have special meanings in Perl. Make sure you properly escape symbols when necessary.

Protip: Failing to escape characters properly is a common mistake made in this lab


The last one listed above is an abbreviation feat. { short for featuring and followed by artist information you need not retain. Don’t forget to match a literal period . after the t. For example, Sunbeam feat. Vishal Vaid becomes Sunbeam.

In most cases, these symbols indicate additional information that need not concern us for this exercise. The above steps will very occasionally corrupt a valid song title that actually contains, for example, parentheses in the song title. Do not worry about these infrequent cases and uniformly carry out the procedure listed above. These steps will catch and x the vast majority of irregularities in the song titles.

In the code, nd the incomplete function comments. Add a series of regex substitutions to remove the super uous information. You can now use the command filter comments and try Test t03.

Task 3: Eliminate punctuation

Next, nd and delete the following typical punctuation marks:

  • !.;:&$*@%#|

Unlike before, delete only the symbol itself and leave all of the text the follows. Be sure to do a ‘global’ match in order to replace all instances of the punctuation mark. Be careful to


match the period itself as the symbol \ . ” has a special meaning in regular expressions.

This is true for many of the symbols above. Again, refer to list of escape characters.

For the symbols > and <, use the unicode representation, which are nxf00A1g and nxf00BFg. In the code, nd the incomplete function punctuation. Add a series of regex substitutions to remove the punctuation. You can now use the command filter punctuation and try Tests t04 and t05. Note that colon is intentionally repeated from Task 2 (needed for t05).

Step 4: Trim whitespace

All our replacements have left some blank titles or mangled titles.

First, identify any titles that begin or end with an apostrophe. Replace those apostrophes with nothing. Be careful not to disturb the apostrophes in the interior of the sentence. Next, trim leading and trailing whitespace from each title. Be careful not to replace all whitespace we need whitespace between word boundaries. To match the tests, do not combine the above two operations into one, but handle apostrophes rst and then handle whitespace as

a second line of code.

In the code, nd the incomplete function clean and complete the instructions to achieve the above goal.

Step 5: Filter out non-English characters

We want to ignore all song titles that contain a non-English character (e.g., a, , o, etc). Although this may eliminate some titles in languages like Spanish or Danish, we need to drop out the unicode garbage characters found in many of the titles.

If the titles contain only valid English alphanumeric characters (‘a’ to ‘z’ and 0 to 9) or the apostrophe, we keep it. Otherwise, we discard the song title entirely. Edit the function clean to achieve the above goals.

In the code, continuing editing the function clean to achieve the above goal.

Step 6: Skip blank titles

After all the replacements, some titles are left with nothing. Continue to edit the function clean to throw out any empty titles. Use a regular expression to check if a title is empty (or contains only whitespace). If empty, do not retain it in the @tracks array. Likewise, if the title contains only an apostrophe, discard it. You may want to use the count command to check how many lines are left after you skip the blank ones. To match the tests, do not combine the above two operations into one, but handle apostrophes rst and then handle whitespace as a second line of code.

In the code, continuing editing the function clean to achieve the above goal.


Step 7: Set to lowercase

Convert all words in the sentence to lowercase. Perl has a function to do this for you. Go back and edit the clean function one more time to convert all titles to lower case.

In the code, continuing editing the function clean. Following tasks 4-7, try Test t06.

Step 8: Filtering out common words

In the domain of Natural Language Processing (NLP), ‘stop words’ are common words that are often ltered out in preprocessing.

Go edit the function stopwords to lter out common the following common stop words from the song title:

a, an, and, by, for, from, in, of, on, or, out, the, to, with

Be careful to only replace entire words, not just any occurrence of these letters. Otherwise you will turn words like outstanding to stg.

Protip: The regex control character nb will be quite useful here.

We may not want to always lter these words, but we want to have the option. You can now use the command filter stopwords and try Test t07. You can toggle this mode using commands stopwords on and stopwords off.

Putting it all together

You can now use the command preprocess which runs all the individual filter tasks . Try Tests t08, t09, t10 to test your system so far on a tracks dataset.

Protip: Once you have debugged all the steps of preprocess, test on Tests t11 t19 which tests on the b tracks dataset. Tests t21 t29 are similar but test on the full tracks dataset of 1M songs.


The template and the test les are located on Canvas. Keep the test les in a subdirectory ./tests/ in order to use the run all test instructions below.


Run Individual Tests

You can run any single test as follows:1

  • perl < ./tests/ > t01.myout diff ./tests/t01.out t01.myout

Run all Tests

You can also run all the tests at once. For this there is a Python3 script named This is a Python script that executes perl for each test and performs a diff be-tween the expected output and your output.

$ python3

This script assumes:

  • your perl le is named and in the same directory

  • the subdirectory ./tests is in the same directory

  • it has permissions to make a subdirectory ./myouts

  • that your OS has the diff tool2


Submit your program on Canvas. This project is worth 100 points. Grading will correspond to the number of tests passed, which roughly track your progress through the above tasks.

Protip: Submit only your perl .pl script. Do not submit your executable program.

Do not archive (e.g., zip) your le.

Each student will complete and submit this assignment individually. Submit your work before the deadline as late work is not accepted (except using your late days).

Protip: If you do not nish in time, turn in whatever work you have. If you turn nothing, you get a zero. If you turn in something, you receive partial credit.

  • If you know vim, consider using vimdiff instead.

2Windows users: utils.htm








3 369 967

18 511 941

left paren


2 905 463

15 440 220

left bracket


2 881 949

15 287 812

left brace


2 881 857

15 287 292



2 881 830

15 287 118



2 855 066

15 121 816


2 793 746

14 765 552


2 751 305

14 49 6381



2 728 469

14 359 868

double quote

2 725 946

14 344 805

left quote

2 725 946

14 344 805



2 724 710

143 38 523



2 724 548

14 337 640



2 720 691

14 315 552

Test t23


2 720 691

14 315 552

Table 1: Counts for Task 2





Test t23


2 72 0691

14 315 552



2 720 324

14 308 679

inverted question


2 720 324

14 308 475



2 720 100

14 303 582

inverted exclamation


2 720 100

14 300 884



2 719 850

14 273 763



2 719 847

14 273 544



2 714 526

14 267 735

dollar sign


2 714 500

14 267 572



2 714 450

14 266 069

at sign


2 714 395

14 265 913



2 714 390

14 265 760

pound sign


2 714 292

14 264 470



2 714 242

14 264 393

Test t24

all above

2 714 242

14 264 393

Table 2: Counts for Task 3






build the bi-gram model



turn on debug mode


turn o debug mode



counts tracks in @tracks


counts words in @tracks


counts character in @tracks



extract title from noisy input original


removes extra phrases


removes punctuation


removes non-unicode and whitespace



loads the given FILE



update $SEQUENCE




print most common word to follow WORD


print sequence based on your name


run all lter tasks and build


prints all tracks


prints only INT tracks


print sequence based on random word



lter stopwords on


lter stopwords o



nd sequence to follow WORD

Table 3: Menu system for Labs 1 and 2


Regular Expressions" Programming Lab 1 Solution
$35.00 $29.00