Project 2: Inheritance Solution

$40.00 $34.00

Project2 will build on Project1 to work with inheritance and separate compilation: after completion of this project you should be comfortable compiling multiple classes into one program with g++, understand #includes and work with basic inheritance. If you are not absolutely comfortable with all of this, please seek help immediately (contact me or visit the…

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Project2 will build on Project1 to work with inheritance and separate compilation: after completion of this project you should be comfortable compiling multiple classes into one program with g++, understand #includes and work with basic inheritance. If you are not absolutely comfortable with all of this, please seek help immediately (contact me or visit the labs to work with our UTAs).

You will write 3 very simple classes that derive from Animal but also have other attributes specific to their type.

You will write the following 3 classes:

  • Mammal

  • Bird

  • Fish


You must write the 3 classes (both .hpp and .cpp files for each class) based on the following specification (FUNCTION PROTOTYPES AND MEMBER VARIABLE NAMES MUST MATCH EXACTLY). As you implement these classes think about what is inherited and what is not (e.g. constructors are not inherited!!!). Also think about the order in which constructors are called, and how/where must you explicitly call the base class constructor. Constructors must initialize data members to 0 or false unless an argument is passed for that data member. You must also modify Animal to support inheritance and provide direct access from the derived classes to its private members.

Remember, you must thoroughly document your code!!!

class Mammal public members:


Mammal(std::string name, bool domestic = false, bool predator = false);

bool hasHair() const;

bool isAirborne() const;

bool isAquatic() const;

bool isToothed() const;

bool hasFins() const;

bool hasTail() const;

int legs() const;

void setHair();

void setAirborne();

void setAquatic();

void setToothed();

void setFins();

void setTail();

void setLegs(int legs);

class Mammal private members:

bool hair_;

bool airborne_;

bool aquatic_;

bool toothed_;

bool fins_;

bool tail_;

int legs_;

class Bird public members:


Bird(std::string name, bool domestic = false, bool predator = false);

bool isAirborne() const;

bool isAquatic() const;

void setAirborne();

void setAquatic();

class Bird private members:

bool airborne_;

bool aquatic_;


class Fish public members:


Fish(std::string name, bool domestic = false, bool predator = false);

bool isVenomous() const;

void setVenomous();

class Fish private members:

bool venomous_;


You must always test your implementation INCREMENTALLY!!!

What does this mean?

  • Implement and test one class at a time!!!

  • For each class:

    • Implement one function/method and test it thoroughly (multiple test cases + edge cases if applicable)

    • Implement the next function/method and test it …

How do you do this?

Write your own main() function to test your classes. In this course you will never submit your test program but you must always write one to test your classes. First implement and test the Mammal class. Start from the constructor(s), then move on to the other functions. Instantiate an object of type Mammal and as you implement each method, call it in main and test that it is working correctly. Choose the order in which you implement your methods so that you can test incrementally (i.e. implement mutator functions before accessor functions). Sometimes functions depend on one another. If you need to use a function you have not yet implemented, you can use

stubs: a dummy implementation that always returns a single value for testing (don’t forget to go back and implement the stub!!! If you put the word STUB in a comment, some editors will make it more visible so you will remember to implement it later) For example:

//******** STUB ************//

bool Animal::isPredator() const


return false;


Note: this will make much more sense as your programs become more complex, but it is very important to understand the fundamental concepts and develop good implement/test/debug habits from the very beginning.

Once you are done with the Mammal class, you can move on to implementing Bird, then Fish.

In your main function you also want to test for inheritance. Think about:

  • Can you access members of the base class from the derived class? Test it!!!

  • Test calling a member function of the base class via an object to type derived. Make sure it works!

Grading Rubric:

  • Correctness 80% (distributed across unit testing of your submission)

  • Documentation 10%

  • Style and Design 10% (proper naming, modularity and organization)

  • A submission that implements all required classes and/or functions but does not compile will receive 40 points total (including documentation and design).


You will submit all files for the 3 classes (6 files):

  • The Mammal class (Mammal.hpp and Mammal.cpp)

  • The Bird class (Bird.hpp and Bird.cpp)

  • The Fish class (Fish.hpp and Fish.cpp)

Your project must be submitted on Gradescope.

Although Gradescope allows multiple submissions, it is not a platform for testing and/ or debugging and it should not be used for that. You MUST test and debug your program locally.

Before submitting to Gradescope you MUST ensure that your program compiles (with g++) and runs correctly on the Linux machines in the labs at Hunter (see detailed instructions on how to upload, compile and run your files in the “Programming Rules” document). That is your baseline, if it runs correctly there it will run correctly on Gradescope, and if it does not, you will have the necessary feedback (compiler error messages, debugger or program output) to guide you in debugging, which you don’t have through Gradescope.

But it ran on my machine!” is not a valid argument for a submission that does not compile.

Once you have done all the above you submit it to Gradescope.

The due date is Thursday September 13 by 5pm. No late submissions will be accepted.

Have Fun!!!!!

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Project 2: Inheritance Solution
$40.00 $34.00